diddy getting sued by beautiful cassie vol. freakoff

He kinda has one of those moments in the new Off the Grid album too. Definitely sounds unhinged when it comes to being in control.
Looks inspired by Kevin from Sin City

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It was funny as hell but when he made those making the band people walk and get cheesecake I thought it was so weird how much he got off on that, even as a youth
What was Kim's official cause of death anyway? The circumstances always seemed strange

They initially tried to say “natural causes”. Then changed it to some other bs that doesn’t make sense for a woman her age and everyone just let is slide knowing full well she was an offering
It was funny as hell but when he made those making the band people walk and get cheesecake I thought it was so weird how much he got off on that, even as a youth
I always thought it was fake because, you know, MTV "Reality" shows are mostly staged.
I always thought it was fake because, you know, MTV "Reality" shows are mostly staged.
Of course it's "fake" and of course it's hindsight in my case, but it still stood out, not that he made them do it (obviously for TV)

But how power hungry he got off for making them do it (Not just for TV) I am saying it here and now because it struck me as weird even then
How’d you get that from what I said lol.

I’m saying people who knew how Diddy was moving shouldn’t wear this as some sort of badge of honor after watching his victims suffer for decades.

No expiration date for the victims but for those who stood by and watched this all unfold for so long and stayed mum are just as bad as he is.
I hear ya. hush money is lame. Same folks that'll snitch plus they'll get fame
Man, at this point what ultra successful black HASN'T been accused of some sort of sexual misconduct?
1) It's been to much smoke for years, some of these allegations are true
2) there are women out here who will do anything for money, wouldn't surprise me at all if some women are just piggybacking off actual victims to get a quick check
3) I know buff got long money street ties but some of the **** he being accused of now is reaching wild levels, In the past few weeks i've heard puffy has had multiple people killed, tapped people's crib, killed his BM & some of her friends.... **** getting Tubi movie levels of ridiculous now
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