Do anyone here feel like their life is at a standstill?

Sep 16, 2010
That's how I currently feel right now. I graduated from college nearly 2 years ago with a B.S. Degree on Criminal Justice. Ever since then, things seem to be rocky. A few months after I graduated, I applied to this armed security job contracted under the U.S. Department of State. I could of been making $65k a year with a Top Secret Clearance right out of college, but that fell through because I didn't pass the qualifications for the fire arm. I didn't have no experience shooting a gun and the teaching during training was horrible. We literally went to the range 1 time before qualifications, so that was something that I've never experienced. After that, I was unemployed for 2 in the half months, which was a VERY humbling experience!

After those 2 in the half months of no income and constant job searching, in 2013 I finally got a job with the same security company, but it was unarmed, which is a lot less money. At the time, my goal was and still is to look for a career within my field of study. So, in August of 2014, I took the test for United States Secret Service Uniform Division and passed, so that got me to start off in the process. At this point, I assumed things was going in the right direction as the process was going by smoothly. I passed both the interviews and passed the polygraph(very intense, but an experience). I did that and got through to the Medical, which was just random check up on me and to see if i'm physically ready for the job (Although, the job is more protection based and not run and gun law enforcement). After that, on 10/16/14 I had home interview with a special agent (My investigator) to go over the job and so forth, which started my background investigation for a Top Secret Clearance. At this point, I knew everything was going in my favor to start my career in what I went to school for because I don't have nothing on my background. So, after going through the whole process and waiting for me to get the call for the academy, I get a email on 3/11/15 saying that my application is no longer going to be considered. I called them several times to find out as to why I got it and no one wants to tell me anything. The turnover rate is extremely high for the U.S. Secret Service UD and they need to hire 200 officers this year alone, so i thought i would make it. I was beyond mad because I don't have anything in my background to hinder anything. The whole process was about 8 months in total and it was a straight waste of time. At that point, I was somewhat down by it.

As far as my life being in a standstill, I just want to start my career and have financial stability as I get older in life. Right now, I just turned 28 and i'm still at home in a job with no growth, or advancement. Yeah, I'm extremely blessed to have a job, but the atmosphere is not for me. I want to pursue a career in Law enforcement and it's like, the ones I want keep putting me through the whole process and just don't select me, for whatever reason. I don't mean to use other people as an example, but it seems like a lot of people I went to school with is in their careers (outside looking in) and seem to be very happy. I want to get out on my own and become a full pledge adult paying ALL my bills (I am helping out at home, but it's not the same when it's your own). It's like, everything is moving super slow for me. I have so much ambition that I think people tend to overlook it. I want the best and i'm willing to work super hard for the best! I just want a Law Enforcement agency to give me a chance. Sometimes it just hurts me that I have this much drive, but nothing seems to go my favor. I guess i'm not pushing hard enough. Once again, i'm not trying to compare and contrast, but it's like people who have parents that have money and so forth have it so much easier to get jobs, but the average Joe like myself who wasn't brought up with a silver spoon in my mouth tends to have to work so much harder to get into a job in their field.

Do anyone ever feel this way when they knew they have the drive and the ambition to do so?
Keep your head up. I'm trying for a LEO position as well. They have tons of announcements coming out. Try CBP they are having an announcement in a month or so. BPA's annoucement is closing today.
Criminal Justice degrees are really hard to make good money right away ...

And when you get on, government raises are not the quickest, and sometimes there are hiring fees

I'd look at police academy or border patrol...

My brother did border patrol for awhile and made some good money.

You could also look at some type if masters degree, and while there, get an internship...

That's a good way to get into the job flow
It was for 3 years 2011-2013.
Luckily I was able to overcome this hurdle in 2014. I also got to travel in 2014. Let's just say 2014 was a good year.
Just keep pushing brotha [emoji]128077[/emoji]
Literally all you can do is keep pushing. That's it. You're making an effort, and you must continue. Your time will come.

I don't mean to use other people as an example, but it seems like a lot of people I went to school with is in their careers (outside looking in) and seem to be very happy.
I hope you're not basing this off of what you see on social media.
I see all this government contracting... Where are the PD applications? You should be saving every dime you can scrounge up since I'm assuming you have low expenses living at home. Find major PD's that are hiring and apply. If you gotta relocate. time to break out that bankroll you been saving. 
I have another year and a half of college... I have been in school for way too long in my opnion, but i need this degree because i dont really have any doors to get me into that nice job post-graduation. On one hand I enjoy it, on the other I'm like "Damn, is this really as good as it gets?" Campus is always a different society from the city. Keep looking, don't settle for anything less all I can say
Thanks, it really sucks to wait, but I'm going to look into DC police, I actually got to take the written test on 3/28, so I'll how see where this will take me. I would still want to do Federal Law enforcement down the line, though
I see all this government contracting... Where are the PD applications? You should be saving every dime you can scrounge up since I'm assuming you have low expenses living at home. Find major PD's that are hiring and apply. If you gotta relocate. time to break out that bankroll you been saving. 

best way to get out of a funk is something/someone/somewhere new  
Op you should look into us park police as well as us capital police, they're both federal as well and both are pretty high paying just like secret service ud. As far as your original question I do, I want to start a business but I've been foolish enough to loan money to people I thought were my friends but as I've found out aren't really. I worked at kids footlocker and trying to save up money when your getting paid below minimum wage is very hard. Currently I trying to find a job to save up the money I need to start the business that I want to, I just wish that I could find a way to make and get faster
Op you should look into us park police as well as us capital police, they're both federal as well and both are pretty high paying just like secret service ud. As far as your original question I do, I want to start a business but I've been foolish enough to loan money to people I thought were my friends but as I've found out aren't really. I worked at kids footlocker and trying to save up money when your getting paid below minimum wage is very hard. Currently I trying to find a job to save up the money I need to start the business that I want to, I just wish that I could find a way to make and get faster
US Capitol, I actually applied to them last year and I wasn't selected after completing everything, I just have bad luck with these Federal agencies. US park police, I went in for the their test last summer and I forgot my driving record, so they turned me away and told me to reapply, so that was my fault. I'm going to join in something that's for sure! UD can make $80k-$100k for their first year with all the forced OT..
That sucks, sounds like a bad break and on top of that, you put in your work. keep on keeping on OP.
I have a BS in Criminal Justice as well, ended up becoming an RN because I couldn't find a job. Tried for 2 years and didn't ever get a callback or an interview. Tried many entry level positions too. Have an interview on Tuesday, 3 weeks after getting my license. Hope you get that break, but it seems most government agencies want prior military experience too.
Don't base your success off of the next man OP.

Just curious, with the field that you want to go into OP, why didn't you enlist or try to do an officer's program in the military? I've worked for the DOD before and my prior military experience helped a lot. The job wasn't something I liked, but most of the dudes that were employed there had prior military on their resume.

Just a thought, you know?

The maximum age for Army enlisted recruits is 35, while the Navy and Marines cap recruit ages at 34 and 28, respectively. Under federal law, the oldest recruit any military branch can enlist is 42, although each service sets its own policy within that limit.
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Don't base your success off of the next man OP.

Just curious, with the field that you want to go into OP, why didn't you enlist or try to do an officer's program in the military? I've worked for the DOD before and my prior military experience helped a lot. The job wasn't something I liked, but most of the dudes that were employed there had prior military on their resume.

Just a thought, you know?
Hmmm, good point
Keep pushing. I have an associates in CJ and it's tough to even be considered for an entry level. I was jobless for the first two years after graduating and just now lucky to have some sort of related job. but there's no growth so I asked to get my days cut so I can grind and move forward.

But those two years of the same ish, different day was the worst period of my life. Definitely felt like I was going nowhere fast.
Keep pushing. I have an associates in CJ and it's tough to even be considered for an entry level. I was jobless for the first two years after graduating and just now lucky to have some sort of related job. but there's no growth so I asked to get my days cut so I can grind and move forward.

But those two years of the same ish, different day was the worst period of my life. Definitely felt like I was going nowhere fast.
Good advice. Definitely keep pushing. Even people that you would consider "successful" have ruts in their career. Most of my peers think I'm doing well but i definitely struggled for a few years. When I was 27, my net worth was in the negative. 8 years later, my net worth is around $200K. Things can change if you keep striving.
sometimes. i've felt it more last year when i was really really struggling as a trader. i'm still not where i wanna be this year as a trader, but i definitely am a lot closer to my goal than i once was. you gotta just push through everything and keep working hard. eventually it pays off. just gotta respect the process and smile during the journey. it'll be worth it one day. just takes time.
It's like, why did I go to college for if Vets are going to get the higher preference anyways, but I got to keep on pushing!
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