Do you guys think Lil Wayne knows he lost it?

hasnt lost it..........hes just super rich= unmotivated, feeling like hes arrived and has nothing else to prove.
Originally Posted by CripwalkinK

Anybody who tells me Lil Wayne has strong delivery is completely delusional. His presence, sure, he's enthusiastic. Why would I listen to him just for that? No thanks.
Pretty much. Sure, his delivery is distinctive. But it's also awful.
Originally Posted by CripwalkinK

Anybody who tells me Lil Wayne has strong delivery is completely delusional. His presence, sure, he's enthusiastic. Why would I listen to him just for that? No thanks.

You can only speak for yourself, and to each his own. Lots of people like hearing his rapping voice on the mic, and it's a key selling point.
it's a slim chance i'll fall, Olive Oil (or Oyl)

After watcing him tonight and hearing C4,I don't have a doubt Wayne is artistically lost.

Funny thing, if he actually wrote, he wouldn't be as trash as he is now
i heard weezy is bi polar, an this was comin from someoone who is diagnosed bi polar.
If He Doesn't He Should He's No Where Being As "Lyrical Talented" As Before. This How To Love Crap Sent Him Down The Drain For Me
I'm telling y'all... and I've already said this before..
Lil Wayne is Shaq after he left the Heat.

1.  Once a great talent, he is just riding the wave now hoping to stay relevant and popular.

2.  Loyal fan base and will support him through all.

3.  Once was on top of the game, and arguably one of the best (not by me, but others)

4. It's just time to hang it up man because it's getting sad to watch just like it was watching Shaq these past few years. 
not really he has a huge fanbase and they will still buy his music but i miss the old wayne cuz in that time he was the best rapper but now trash
Originally Posted by LuketheJediKnight

Delivery is a key part of hip-hop though. Alot of people listen to Wayne simply because his rapping style and idiosyncrasies on the mic SOUNDS cool to their ears, regardless of lyrics. Which is why when people say they could easily craft a Wayne-type verse, I tell them "cool, now let's see you actually spit it".

He made his style his own, and people like that.

Pretty much sums it up...
Originally Posted by Iamjusayn

Originally Posted by LuketheJediKnight

Delivery is a key part of hip-hop though. Alot of people listen to Wayne simply because his rapping style and idiosyncrasies on the mic SOUNDS cool to their ears, regardless of lyrics. Which is why when people say they could easily craft a Wayne-type verse, I tell them "cool, now let's see you actually spit it".

He made his style his own, and people like that.
Pretty much sums it up...

Excuse his charisma...
Originally Posted by Iamjusayn

Originally Posted by LuketheJediKnight

Delivery is a key part of hip-hop though. Alot of people listen to Wayne simply because his rapping style and idiosyncrasies on the mic SOUNDS cool to their ears, regardless of lyrics. Which is why when people say they could easily craft a Wayne-type verse, I tell them "cool, now let's see you actually spit it".

He made his style his own, and people like that.
Pretty much sums it up...

Dudes flow & delivery is sick
Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

Originally Posted by jm2000

Originally Posted by shoeking2101

Wayne has not lost it. He's been rapping the same exact way in essence since the Carter 2.

Only thing is, people are just tired of hearing the same metaphors and phrases and "Clever" verses that he's been spitting since then. It was hot at first because it was Kind of sort of new, the punchlines and all.

Now that time has caught up with him, and its 2011, he can't pull the scheme that he's been pulling over rap since C2.


...he rhymes the same, y'all are just tired of his style now.


always thought dude rapped nonsense. people are just noticing now. 
Originally Posted by QuestLife

Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

...he rhymes the same, y'all are just tired of his style now.


always thought dude rapped nonsense. people are just noticing now. 

What took'em so long to notice though?
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by QuestLife

Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

...he rhymes the same, y'all are just tired of his style now.


always thought dude rapped nonsense. people are just noticing now. 

What took'em so long to notice though?
honestly i think his fans just got older and more mature. their tastes grew as well. my little brother was the HUGEST Wayne fan back in the C2 days , now he cant stand him.   

[h1]The Emperor's New Clothes[/h1]
"The Emperor's New Clothes" (Danish: Kejserens nye Klæder) is a short tale by Hans Christian Andersen about two weavers who promise an Emperor a new suit of clothes that are invisible to those unfit for their positions, stupid, or incompetent. When the Emperor parades before his subjects in his new clothes, a child cries out, "But he isn't wearing anything at all!" The tale has been translated into over a hundred languages.[sup][1][/sup]

"The Emperor’s New Clothes" was first published with "The Little Mermaid" in Copenhagen by C. A. Reitzel on 7 April 1837 as the third and final installment of Andersen's Fairy Tales Told for Children. The tale has been adapted to various media including the musical stage and animated film.
An Emperor who cares for nothing but his appearance and attire hires two tailors who promise him the finest suit of clothes from a fabric invisible to anyone who is unfit for his position or "just hopelessly stupid". The Emperor cannot see the cloth himself, but pretends that he can for fear of appearing unfit for his position; his ministers do the same. When the swindlers report that the suit is finished, they mime dressing him and the Emperor then marches in procession before his subjects, who play along with the pretense. Suddenly, a child in the crowd, too young to understand the desirability of keeping up the pretense, blurts out that the Emperor is wearing nothing at all and the cry is taken up by others. The Emperor cringes, suspecting the assertion is true, but holds himself up proudly and continues the procession.
Originally Posted by QuestLife

Originally Posted by Peep Game

QuestLife wrote:  

What took'em so long to notice though?
honestly i think his fans just got older and more mature. their tastes grew as well. my little brother was the HUGEST Wayne fan back in the C2 days , now he cant stand him.   
Oh yea i could see that. I was just asking cause I really thought it would have happened sooner. Since 05, no other artist has oversaturated the rap game more than Lil' Wayne, so
I figured people would be like "again???". But with the sales, the end is not even in sight.
Spoiler [+]

Just entered the Guinness book of world records for most hit songs on billboard...i'd say he fell up!
He's this generation's Tupac.

Now before you all go crucifying me, hear me out. I am in no way comparing his lyrical abilities, discography, overall talent, none of that.

What I'm comparing is the way the mainstream (pop radio, pop tv, popular anything) see him.

Some of the younger heads on this board might not know this, but Pac wasn't the gangster he died as, just like Wayne isn't the Magnolia soldier he claims to be. However, both are very charismatic, and they look the part to people who don't see the "hood" everyday (aka WHITE AMERICA). In the 90s, Pac looked like what a gangster rapper description. The bald head, the du-rag, being with Suge and Snoop. He looked the part to these people, he rapped the life to these people, and with a little entertainment magic, that's who he is. Lil Wayne is what every suburban white family is afraid their daughter will bring home in rebellion. The dreadlocks, the tattoos, the teeth. Yet, at the same time, they're infatuated and hypnotized by it.

Forget that Pac used to be a DANCER for digital underground. Didn't matter. Lil Wayne has been on a tour bus since before he was a teen. He's never been shot, except for that time he shot himself on accident and almost killed himself. Ever notice he likes to reference "when I got shot" not "when I shot myself". Being shot is synonymous with living "that life" to people outside the actual life.

If mainstream America even sat down for ONE minute and really broke down who Lil Wayne is now, a gangster rapping, blunt blowing, polo draws showing, skateboarding, fake guitar playing crooner, who "went to jail", most of their common sense would kick in and be like, none of this is real.

But they don't want to. And they're not going to. So if Lil Wayne has lost anything, I don't know what it is. Because it sure isn't fans.

Simply put. He isn't rapping for us anymore. He's rapping for the kids on the "other site"
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