Do you have any regrets in life NT?

Everything I've done in the past has made me the person I am, typing this post in this moment. Sure I could've done things better, but I don't regret anything. Life's a lesson. The sooner you realize that, the sooner you can start learning from it. Take the past and use it as a reference for your future actions, words, thoughts, etc. Every night I pray that my hindsight will give me foresight in the days to come. I've seen tremendous highs and terrifying lows. All of them made me who I am right now and I'm cool with that.

So long as you can see yourself in the mirror and be happy with the person looking back, you shouldn't worry about looking back.
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So many smh, but sometimes you dealt a hand that's just not winnable no matter how you play it. Shrug
my cousin and best friend since i could remember OD'd. 

I wish i could have figured out a way to help him with his drug addicition. 

that one day has defined my whole life. 

my life has 2 parts. before my cousin passed and after. 
Lost my best friend to an OD in 2012. There's no helping an addict unless they want it. As cliche as that sounds, it's true.
- Should have took high school more serious which made college difficult which also made my career difficult.
- Should have dated more. Stats shows that being with one girl at a young age will usually never lead to marriage and I wasted a lot of youthful years not playing the field.
- Should have not bought things that held no long term value. Buying a fixing a car is the dumbest thing ever. Oddly sneakers wasn't that bad of an investment. Most of what I had or have I made my money back.
- I should have traveled early. Experienced the world and experienced people. My social skills would have been that much better if I got out of my comfort zone.
- Should have moved out of the house and been a man early as well. I lived at home till I was 27. I don't think I finally grew up till I learned to pay bills.
Jay-Z had a song about this

I believe it was called "On To The Next One"

It was called "Regrets"

"In order to survive got to learn to live with regrets"
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Nothing major I don't think

- I had a thing for this cute Asian chick in HS. Summer before college i asked her out and she said, "sure, we can take my cousin to see kung fu panda". I said nah I'm good. I regret not just going to see it. It couldn't have hurt even if she wanted to be only friends or Maybe it was a test idk

- not taking a more serious look at medical school. I always wanted to be a Doctor, but my younger self didn't want to put in the extra schooling. Little did I know that time flies by super fast and I'd almost be done
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I wish I had started going after what I want sooner.

I wish I started taking my life/future more seriously sooner.

I wish I started living according to my values sooner.
taken school seriously , h.s. namely. would've molded me better for college.
also take certain women more seriously. probably wouldve been married already
"No regrets till my days up/ cant be Pat Ewing looking back on that layup"

two dealing with a friendship and goes on. god Bless
A lot of things I regret, especially relationship wise.

But my choices are what made me today. It brought me to where I am today.

It's easy to look back and think what if, but I believe the decisions you make at that point in time was meant to be.

Money? I can always work overtime.

Education? I can always enroll back to school.

But surrounding yourself with people that love you and genuinely care for you, cherishing and keeping those moments and people around you.

I pushed away a lot of people in my life, lost a lot of friends and family due to my character, my personality, my pride.
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I regret not being a better son to my parents over the years. It actually makes me emotional to even think about because I was blessed with hardworking, selfless and caring folks. I had some issues growing up that affected me and I always subconsciously blamed them for not being able to help me with some of them and I regret the hell out of that.

I was actually driving with my pops recently and told him I was sorry for not being a better son and that I felt guilty. He got choked up and so did I. He told me to not ever feel guilty about something like that, but I still have regrets.
Not going to the US Military after high school, but deciding to go to college instead. I mean. i'm happy to have a degree, but it doesn't carry any weight. Vets get all the cool US federal govt. jobs just for Vets preference. I figured this all out by how many US Fed govt. LE jobs I was turned down due to Vets.. PLus, it's cool to actually serve for the country.
While there are things i regret, the mistakes I've made have molded me into the individual I am today. The result has definitely been for the better because it motivated me as a result where nothing can deter me right now.

But if I have to regret something, it's definitely about just being a shy kid back in HS and undergrad. I'm social when it comes to work socials, networking socials, or anything of that nature. But man was I a ***** when it came to girls when I was younger. I had girls I dated and such but I missed on too many opportunities on girls who I thought were out of my league. Had to start to learn to stock giving a **** :smh:
Mine hasn't passed per say, but i should be more daring. Worried too much about the risks that it paralyzes me to do anything in the first place. Like just move and work torwards something i would love to do for a good chunk of my life.
"No regrets till my days up/ cant be Pat Ewing looking back on that layup"
Mood Muzik 2 ​
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Plenty of regrets, but it's hard to make the most of the present and plot for the future when you're spending time thinking backwards.

I have regrets but I choose to accept and move past them to the best of my ability.
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-Wish I wasn't shy in high school, missed out on dating some really great girls because of it

-Not playing basketball sooner

-Should have embraced new people more during my first few years of college

-Took school more seriously; did well, but could have easily done better

-Investing time into the wrong people

Most of my regrets are related to not making the most of things or being as proactive as I should have been. Definitely trying to work on that moving forwards.
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