Do You Smoke and/or Drink?

Originally Posted by throwedyonasb

Originally Posted by heartofthacity

smoke: vanilla blacks when I can, trees in moderation
drink: limited to only parties..

I have this junkie-like mentality..I feel like a million bucks when I'm lifted (high or drunk)
I went to school with gatorade and rum the other day and I was straight wylin

what grade are you in??
senior in high school
Hey yay,yay....smoke weed everyday
- next episode
damn i didn't know everyone on NT only smoked dro.

i smoke like a chimney but i only drink on occasion but when i do drink you better believe i'm partying.
back when i was 18 tru 20 i was heavely drinking borderline alcoholic a bottle everyday...been smoking off and on since im 22 been smoking weedregurlary but i wanna quit so badly i wanna get back to the gym but the ganjas been sidelining me
Originally Posted by Fantastic4our

I drink. Often. Ask my facebook friends

I'm drinking right now matter fact....

Co-sign to you sir.

Blacks & Liq...."...I leave that green alone man"
Drink: Definitely

Smoke: Blacks when I drink. Herb on rare occasions. Hookah whenever I have a free night to chill.
i smoke everyday but i only drink when its in a social setting,if i dont get drunk while im in the club ill be sittin there mean msuggin all night,and thats nofun
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