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Jul 19, 2012
sup yall, i kicked it with one of my boys from high school yesterday who has had problems all his life(messed up father, etc.) and who after graduating high school went to college for a less than a year before dropping out. After he dropped out, he started fallin off the deep end mentally(taking antidepressants, going to therapist) and was diagnosed with schizophrenia. I talked to him a couple times throughout this whole ordeal and he just told me he heard voices in his head and most of the voices where people he knew in reality, his friends. But even though all this **** was going on, i could still see deep down he was my friend from high school. I personally thought the antidepressants were part of the reason why he was feeling so ****** up because i took a couple one night just to see what the effects were and I felt extremely disconnected from reality, like nothing mattered at all.... I hadnt seen him in a while before yesterday so i didnt know what to expect, but we kicked it and what not and everything was chill, up til the point where we decided to burn some trees. went to a cutty spot to roll up when we decided to smoke some salvia seeing that he already had it. Ive smoked it before and the best way i can describe it is it makes you literally ******ed for a few minutes, but it fades away fairly quickly. So we lit up and hit the salvia, but thats when things got weird.... he started having a sort of breakdown and was talkin real fast and tellin me all these random things that didnt make sense or he would randomly stop talking for a while and take real long to respond to anything i said. Now the thing is, back in freshman year of college, he and a couple of my other boys from hs(we were all real tight) took some acid and my other boys told me that thats when he started acting sorta funny.... And yesterday he was the normalest ive seen him act in a minute, UNTIL he hit the salvia(seemed like the weed after didnt even affect him at all)....so what im wondering is, have yall ever had any experience with this sort of thing? where drugs really ****** up you or your friend? and i dont mean in the physical sense or the addiction sense, i mean like do you know anyone whos gone "insane" because of drugs?

sorry for the long read... just didnt know how to feel after yesterday
In my experience with drugs I've come to understand tht most if not all simply enhance watever feeling you already have . I.E. if your generally a happy person and take drugs your ecstatic , angry then your furious , sad then depressed , etc. I've never seen no one go "insane" but I have seen the amplification of people's already intact emotions . I'd tell your friend tht he should stay away from all drugs excluding the ones he's prescribed but be very cautious with those too because they can have nasty side effects . If he's had a rough past then he should talk to a psychiatrist or find something tht generally makes him happy without having to take anything .
Smoking salvia with a schizophrenic...really now.
:lol: Right? Hey OP I hear salvia does wonders for schizophrenia, great thinking man..

Anyone with half an ounce of sense knows that if you have mental issues you should stay away from drugs.. tell your friend to stop smoking pot and obviously stay away from salvia. Actually don't even tell him, if he's hearing voices and is ******ed enough to keep smoking salvia let him ruin his own life.

And you mentioned the antidepressants as well.. again, I thought it was common knowledge that those drugs could mess some people up more than they help them. Kid Cudi even said that ****. If that's a problem for dude then he needs to talk to his DR about weening himself off.
Co-signing on just about every response so far, but are you sure you took an anti-depressant?  SSRIs generally take a week or two of taking them every day before the positive effects are felt.

YO I LEGIT had a roomate in college who became ******ed and everyone legit started thinking he literally smoked weed till his brain tapped out. he was a heavy smoker. he had to drop out of college and went back home. there was 4 of us.

like I don't even remember how to explain it but he would just talk but whatever he was saying wouldn't make sense anymore. he would be in the apartment talking to himself. etc. i specifically remember one day him and this other kid did acid and it was kinda shortly after that he just .... wasn't the same person.

i'm not an anti drug person but i legit kinda jumped up when i read that part from your post and remembered dude.

this is kinda weird but did your friend go to school in PA?
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I went to school with a kid who did a bunch of microdots and then went looney.

I remember he flipped on the gym teacher one day and said "I WILL PREACH THE FINAL SERMON!"

Acid is one of those drugs that you have to have a certain mindset for... It is also one of those drugs that can have a "bad batch."

If your mindset isn't ready for the trip, you're gunna have a bad one...
And if the acid is bad in general then it can have effects on you after the trip...
man.. drugs mess you up.. mentally you wont be able to take things for what you once knew, your world is altered, sober people just reinforce how messed up you are.

i smoked weed once nd after i felt like i was talking to myself, i felt real sick before hand..i went upstairs nd my girl was asking wats wrong, i couldnt hear myself think, i would just repeat wat she was sayin nd my heart was beating real fast.. felt like a mental breakdown or something.. i still smoke to this day, but that had me trippin.. i sometimes mumble nd say incoherrent things..im not the same, but i dont need someone classifying me as crazy nd then i start to believe all that crap
I have pretty awful short term memory...

I smoked weed for a long time and then pretty much tried every drug from 21-23 except acid and LSD..

Things like that can cause psychosis, I heard alot of bad things about savia and it just didn't seem worth it.

I've seen alot of bad stuff happen to people that had no clue that they had a medical problem then end up having a seizure..

Alot if folks with issues self medicate and in the end it just makes their condition way worse.
Drugs creates users becoming shells of their former self...it ruins people's lives there an extremely thin line for having a good time experimenting to become a full fledged addict I hate drugs personally
man.. drugs mess you up.. mentally you wont be able to take things for what you once knew, your world is altered, sober people just reinforce how messed up you are.

i smoked weed once nd after i felt like i was talking to myself, i felt real sick before hand..i went upstairs nd my girl was asking wats wrong, i couldnt hear myself think, i would just repeat wat she was sayin nd my heart was beating real fast.. felt like a mental breakdown or something.. i still smoke to this day, but that had me trippin.. i sometimes mumble nd say incoherrent things..im not the same, but i dont need someone classifying me as crazy nd then i start to believe all that crap
The strongest post to user name ratio in the history of NT
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man.. drugs mess you up.. mentally you wont be able to take things for what you once knew, your world is altered, sober people just reinforce how messed up you are.

i smoked weed once nd after i felt like i was talking to myself, i felt real sick before hand..i went upstairs nd my girl was asking wats wrong, i couldnt hear myself think, i would just repeat wat she was sayin nd my heart was beating real fast.. felt like a mental breakdown or something.. i still smoke to this day, but that had me trippin.. i sometimes mumble nd say incoherrent things..im not the same, but i dont need someone classifying me as crazy nd then i start to believe all that crap
The strongest post to user name ratio in the history of NT
How do you verify that?
It's the drugs trust me I know..I once flipped out I grabbed my bible n turned into TD jakes on my roommates...I called my boys back home and asked them where they saved, I ended up at in a corner praying
Schizophrenics are very fragile, mentally. Their cognitive functioning decreases drastically and they never recover back to their original self. For those interested there is a great movie called "A Beautiful Mind". It is about a man who becomes schizophrenic. It's a genetic disorder, so don't let the OP scare you.
In my experience with drugs I've come to understand tht most if not all simply enhance watever feeling you already have . I.E. if your generally a happy person and take drugs your ecstatic , angry then your furious , sad then depressed , etc. I've never seen no one go "insane" but I have seen the amplification of people's already intact emotions .
100% agree. i watched my friend from college go insane back my senior year. it hit so quick, like over the of a week or so. he was a heavy bud smoker. he literally was not the same person i knew for 2 years before. it was so eerie. 

i suspect he was schizophrenic (seemed to display the symptoms) and smoking all the bud he did def did not help. senior year, he rented this really nice apartment and i chilled there then i rolled in one day and the walls were completely covered in paint. he was drawing symbols and maps and stuff saying like he saw these images in his head. he said he cooked up some hash (didnt look like it) but i think he probably cooked something up with a bunch of under the sink type ****. few days later, we went to get some food and he started jumping in front of cars in traffic and yelling they wouldn't hurt him. thankfully he stopped but it was wild. never seen anyone go through that. dude was a really good friend. he withdrew from school and left school two days later so i never got the official story. i tried to keep in touch after he left but one day i texted and got no response. havent heard from him since and this was about 3 years ago. hopefully hes doing well tho.
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