Early links in. Bots out.

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Is that legit? Doesn't seem very profitable considering it's at the top of the cheating pecking order.
im not sure if its legit yet as i havent used anything i bought yet.   i guess its profitable in the sense that you don't have to have any servers or anything running, you just give your clients the link.  i guess the catch is though, unlike rsvp services and add to the cart services, you dont get any type of refund.  so i guess your kinda taking a crapshoot.  and how do you stop someone from reselling the link?  even if its released 15 seconds before nike tweets it, youd still have time to get it out to other people.  
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early links were around years ago (i wanna say around the time nike started having a twitter presence)

TOP LVL NIKE EXECS have access to em

Im talking full https:// links the links wont be activated until a predetermined time

which they also have access to as well

idk about this 3rd party link market but i just know

Get ya Nike connect game up if you want links to red october like releases
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