ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

By the way, great job maintaining this thread TBONE.

It's appreciated.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

By the way, great job maintaining this thread TBONE.

It's appreciated.


The information on the 1st page will become WAY MORE in-depth as to polls & how the electoralcollege map is looking for the general election of McCain vs Obama after Clinton officially drops out & Obama is nominated.

So everyone can look for how things REALLY are stacking up on the 1st page in the weeks & months to come

Clinton scores big win in Puerto Rico


DEM DEAL HALVES DELS (in Florida & Michigan)



PAPER:Hillary to be offered dignified exit...




Obama Launches Final Push to Claim Crown - Sarah Baxter, Sunday Times
Clinton/Obama Divisions Sharper Than Ever - Jay Newton-Small, Time
Superdelegates' Job: Pick a Winner - Michael Smerconish, Philly Inquirer
Obama's Double-Talk on Leaving Church - Jennifer Rubin, Contentions
NoRoad Map for Dems as Primaries End - Nagourney, Hulse & Zeleny, NYT
Clinton's Backers: We Won't 'Roll Over' - Sean Lengell, Washington Times
Fears Grow That Obama Can't Win - Paul Harris, The Observer
Get Me from the Church on Time - Scott Johnson, Power Line
Obama Quits Trinity United Church - Lynn Sweet, Chicago Sun-Times
An Honest Conversation About Race - Linda Chavez, Commentary
The Obama-McCain Age Gap That Matters - Ezra Klein, Los Angeles Times

OMG About that Karl Rove opinion article:
Here we go again! The republican party is using the 'flip-flop' technique they used on Kerry less than 4 years ago. It's as if Rove doesn'tunderstand that it's OK to adapt to a situation. Just because you say or do something at one moment does not mean you can't change as the circumstancesaround you develop over time. This sort of hate mongering diminishes the importance and influence of other important agendas.
Originally Posted by roman736

OMG About that Karl Rove opinion article:
Here we go again! The republican party is using the 'flip-flop' technique they used on Kerry less than 4 years ago. It's as if Rove doesn't understand that it's OK to adapt to a situation. Just because you say or do something at one moment does not mean you can't change as the circumstances around you develop over time. This sort of hate mongering diminishes the importance and influence of other important agendas.

Oh well I know you're not surprised that the GOP will be coming HARD after Obama...
The general election willbe very interesting... and McCain v. Obama should start up sometime in the near future for the next 5-6 months
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by roman736

OMG About that Karl Rove opinion article:
Here we go again! The republican party is using the 'flip-flop' technique they used on Kerry less than 4 years ago. It's as if Rove doesn't understand that it's OK to adapt to a situation. Just because you say or do something at one moment does not mean you can't change as the circumstances around you develop over time. This sort of hate mongering diminishes the importance and influence of other important agendas.

Oh well I know you're not surprised that the GOP will be coming HARD after Obama...
The general election will be very interesting... and McCain v. Obama should start up sometime in the near future for the next 5-6 months
I agree. This could be a dirty election. Who knows what the GOP will throw at him... It's gonna be vicious out there.
Originally Posted by roman736

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by roman736

OMG About that Karl Rove opinion article:
Here we go again! The republican party is using the 'flip-flop' technique they used on Kerry less than 4 years ago. It's as if Rove doesn't understand that it's OK to adapt to a situation. Just because you say or do something at one moment does not mean you can't change as the circumstances around you develop over time. This sort of hate mongering diminishes the importance and influence of other important agendas.

Oh well I know you're not surprised that the GOP will be coming HARD after Obama...
The general election will be very interesting... and McCain v. Obama should start up sometime in the near future for the next 5-6 months
I agree. This could be a dirty election. Who knows what the GOP will throw at him... It's gonna be vicious out there.

Oh it is/will go both ways.... Obama has already attacked McCain numerous times & it's not even the head-to-head election yet....
But yes, it will be a battle.

And having already seen early state polls, the electoral college looks like it's going to be damn close just like the last 2elections.... as of now that is, lots could change. (state-by-state coverage will be coming soon on the 1st page)
McCain has to somehow come across to the Evangelicals, if not he wont win. I hope to god a Dem doesn't get in.
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

McCain has to somehow come across to the Evangelicals, if not he wont win. I hope to god a Dem doesn't get in.

That very well might be where the Vice President comes into play.... a more religious/conservative VP is likely (& hopefully) what McCainwill pick.
I'll post the current Electoral College charts on this page so that we can look back in the months down the road and see where the electoralcollege stood on the last day before the General Election started.

From this point on though the in-depth General Election coverage will be on page 1


And the President of The United States: Barack Obama.

Rethugs, get prepared for a slaying by Obama.

McCain has failed to acknowledge that he knows anything long of foreign policy, which he has showed he is more than inadequate to lead this country.

Obama/Webb, Richardson, Sebellius, or any other person besides Billary is a winning combo!! WHOOP!
Originally Posted by Toy Collector123

And the President of The United States: Barack Obama.

Rethugs, get prepared for a slaying by Obama.

McCain has failed to acknowledge that he knows anything long of foreign policy, which he has showed he is more than inadequate to lead this country.

Obama/Webb, Richardson, Sebellius, or any other person besides Billary is a winning combo!! WHOOP!

Actually you'd be wrong***

These next 5 months should be fun.... by NO MEANS does Obama already have this wrapped up.

***McCain Trusted More Than Obama on Economy, Iraq, National Security

When it comes to the economy, 47% of voters trust John McCain more than Barack Obama. Obama is trusted more by 41%. The latest RasmussenReports telephone survey also found that, when it comes to the War in Iraq, McCain is trusted more by 49% of voters. Obama is preferred by 37%. McCain has aneven larger edge-53% to 31%--on the broader topic of National Security. These results are little changed from a month ago.
Great job with this thread TBone, I've been checking up on it for awhile now... I'll definitely be here in the coming months.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Great job with this thread TBone, I've been checking up on it for awhile now... I'll definitely be here in the coming months.

Thank you. Nice to know people appreciate it.
These upcoming months should be fun. I think people will definitely enjoy the 1st page coming up here.... it'll have the breakdown of pretty mucheverything that you need to know for the General Election. This can be your 1 stop shop for politics while you're on NT

Of course the political articles will continue to come too as they have been on the new pages. Nice to read for some editorials and differentperspectives.
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

roman736 wrote:

OMG About that Karl Rove opinion article:

Here we go again! The republican party is using the 'flip-flop' technique they used on Kerry less than 4 years ago. It's as if Rove doesn't
understand that it's OK to adapt to a situation. Just because you say or do something at one moment does not mean you can't change as the
circumstances around you develop over time. This sort of hate mongering diminishes the importance and influence of other important agendas.

Oh well I know you're not surprised that the GOP will be coming HARD after Obama...
The general election will
be very interesting... and McCain v. Obama should start up sometime in the near future for the next 5-6 months HOURS

You can bet your last dollar that both will be out at these major states continuing to campaign. I can guarantee you we will hear both go back and forth ateach very soon.
Originally Posted by GORDON GARTRELLE

The Democratic Party is a mess.

I'm just interested to see the fall out ofClinton losing.... how many Clinton supporters (what %) won't vote for Obama. That's goign to be the key thing.
Originally Posted by TBONE95860


The Democratic Party is a mess.

I'm just interested to see the fall out of
Clinton losing.... how many Clinton supporters (what %) won't vote for Obama. That's goign to be the key thing.

Well, the way I'm thinking is that by the time November rolls around, a solid 5 + months from now, those currently angry will have settled down and come totheir senses and
will still vote democrat.

But until then, I think what has to happen is that Obama AND Clinton need to be out campaigning for the Democractic party. He needs to go out and speak tothose who are pissed
and talking about voting for Mccain, mainly women. Together they need to help unify the party.
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