Elementary School Shooting: Newtown, Connecticut. 28 confirmed dead, 18 were children

No offense, my du'ah (prayers) are with the families in the Conn. shooting.

It's amazing how Americans are wanting to stand-up for a new gun control law being that this happened at this school...However, when the gun violence on the elders and babies in the African-American communites of Chicago rose this year it was a total moot issue about gun control.

I am not trying to take away from the Conn. shooting that happened, but it's futile to ignore how Americans view certain demographic areas and where violence is being recongized at.
Indeed, it is. So many people are willing to sacrifice thousands of lives every year, lives that have been snuffed out by gun violence, in order to protect the false sense of security that comes with owning a firearm. Scary, indeed...

:rolleyes @ false sense.

You sure? What if another Katrina comes around and there are no police to protect you? Your neighbor decides to come to your home with a Glock, and wanted to rape your wife/girlfriend. What are you going to do? Take out the butter knife?

My family learned from the Rodney King riots out here in LA that when the Police can't come to help you, your *** better have a gun! PERIOD!
No offense, my du'ah (prayers) are with the families in the Conn. shooting.
It's amazing how Americans are wanting to stand-up for a new gun control law being that this happened at this school...However, when the gun violence on the elders and babies in the African-American communites of Chicago rose this year it was a total moot issue about gun control.
I am not trying to take away from the Conn. shooting that happened, but it's futile to ignore how Americans view certain demographic areas and where violence is being recongized at.

I'll bite.

First off all, we obviously know America doesn't care nearly as much about poor minorities.

2nd: The violence in Chicago stems from decades of gangs, drugs, etc. While it's a damn shame, gun control isn't the only issue that's affecting things. Majority of the people in Chicago who get shot aren't "innocent bystandards". Often they know who shot them and they know WHY they got shot, just with any major urban city. The difference between Chicago and the situation in Conn. is that there was no underlying issue. These kids were killed for NO reason whatsoever. They weren't hit by accident, they were literally killed in cold blood. As unfortunate as what's going on in Chicago might be, the victims don't represent that same demographic. (and I'm not talking about race)
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:rolleyes @ false sense.
You sure? What if another Katrina comes around and there are no police to protect you? Your neighbor decides to come to your home with a Glock, and wanted to rape your wife/girlfriend. What are you going to do? Take out the butter knife?
My family learned from the Rodney King riots out here in LA that when the Police can't come to help you, your *** better have a gun! PERIOD!

All for protecting yourself and being an American you all have the right to bare arms, but do you NEED an AR to 'protect' yourself? Really?

I'm in Australia, and I really don't get why there is such opposition to at the very least limit the options one has in regards to gun purchases.

Wonder how many more massacres its going to take. Good luck.
People will really sacrifice arms for security .
It's scary how much some people are willing to sacrifice for a false sense of security.
Indeed, it is. So many people are willing to sacrifice thousands of lives every year, lives that have been snuffed out by gun violence, in order to protect the false sense of security that comes with owning a firearm. Scary, indeed...
says da dude wit da ameriKKKA's most wanted as their avi
All for protecting yourself and being an American you all have the right to bare arms, but do you NEED an AR to 'protect' yourself? Really?
I'm in Australia, and I really don't get why there is such opposition to at the very least limit the options one has in regards to gun purchases.
Wonder how many more massacres its going to take. Good luck.

No I don't need a rifle of that magnitude for home defense however I have several friends, some educators, whom are avid hunters and they own those type of rifles for hunting. Is it all right for hunters to own those rifles?

There is a large opposition because the guns are already spread out everywhere in this country. We have had over 200 years of Americans bearing arms so can you imagine how many guns are out here? How many guns are in the hands of criminals? How many guns are owned by rapists, murderers and mentally challenged individuals? So yeah personally I am paranoid living here in this country not knowing whose going to do what to whom so all I can do to protect what's mine is to train in martial arts and cling on to these guns. If the Govt wants to expand ATF and make it illegally for all Americans to own guns, I am all for it and have no problem giving up my guns but we all know that will never happened.
You sure? What if another Katrina comes around and there are no police to protect you? Your neighbor decides to come to your home with a Glock, and wanted to rape your wife/girlfriend. What are you going to do? Take out the butter knife?

Because of course the first thing anybody is going to do when a hurricane hits and knocks out the power, water, etc is "Let me go rape some chick who ain't showered in 2 days" :lol: Y'all are ridiculous.

By the way, no one is saying ban all firearms, their saying ban ridiculous *** assault weapons. There's no place for 'em, I don't care if you go hunting. A real hunter doesn't need a AR-15 to shoot a no damn deer anyways :lol:
People will really sacrifice arms for security .:smh:
It's scary how much some people are willing to sacrifice for a false sense of security.

Indeed, it is. So many people are willing to sacrifice thousands of lives every year, lives that have been snuffed out by gun violence, in order to protect the false sense of security that comes with owning a firearm. Scary, indeed...

says da dude wit da ameriKKKA's most wanted as their avi :lol:

Because of course the first thing anybody is going to do when a hurricane hits and knocks out the power, water, etc is "Let me go rape some chick who ain't showered in 2 days" :lol: Y'all are ridiculous.
By the way, no one is saying ban all firearms, their saying ban ridiculous *** assault weapons. There's no place for 'em, I don't care if you go hunting. A real hunter doesn't need a AR-15 to shoot a no damn deer anyways :lol:




Neville, daughter of Charles Neville of the famous Neville Brothers rock and soul band, describes how she and others from New Orleans' Ninth Ward sought shelter on the roof of a school after the waters started rising.

"I found some police officers. I told them that a lot of us women had been raped down there by guys who had come (into) . . . the neighborhood where we were, that were helping us to save people. But other men, and they came and they started raping women and . . . and they started killing them," Neville recounts. "And I don't know who these people were. I'm not going to tell you I know who they were because I don't. But what I want people to understand is that if we had not been left down there like the animals that they were treating us like, all of those things wouldn't have happened."

And remember these were just the incidents that got reported. Imagine the victims that never came forward.
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No I don't need a rifle of that magnitude for home defense however I have several friends, some educators, whom are avid hunters and they own those type of rifles for hunting. Is it all right for hunters to own those rifles?.

Yes it's alright. But don't you think they'd be open to using something a little more practical for the sake of taking these military style weapons out of the hands of criminals? Yeah lets keep these on the streets so hunters have a better selection of arms :smh:

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Yes it's alright. But don't you think they'd be open to using something a little more practical for the sake of taking these military style weapons out of the hands of criminals? Yeah lets keep these on the streets so hunters have a better selection of arms :smh:

If you need firepower like that to hunt, you suck at hunting. :lol: Hunting is supposed to be a sport anyways, not playing COD on easy mode.
Indeed, it is. So many people are willing to sacrifice thousands of lives every year, lives that have been snuffed out by gun violence, in order to protect the false sense of security that comes with owning a firearm. Scary, indeed...


Nobody in here is even proposing a ban on all firearms, just military style assault weapons that NOBODY needs.

I've been in a number of different situations, from the hood to the 'burbs and there's NEVER been a second in my life I've said "damn, I wish I had a AR-15 right now".
Just cause you haven't doesn't mean others havent.
SMH, people calling up schools sending threats saying that there will be a shooting :smh:


Also during mass in connecticut, near the shootings, someone thought it was funny to send a threat, evacuating the church.
I understand that these instances are rare, but try telling those numbers to these families in Columbine or Sandy Hook or any of the other places it has happened.

Those odds are also MUCH higher than any other 1st world country around the globe I'd bet.

Lightining strikes you can't do anything about, most drownings in bathtubs are ACCIDENTS, most people getting shot by police are criminals (obviously there are innocent people as well but more often they are criminals), people getting executed by the government are on death row likely for murder or other horrendous crimes. All states don't even have the death penalty so that is a useless statistic.

ALL schools across the country are susceptible to something like this. I would hope the odds of an innocent child trying to learn and being shot up would be significantly lower than a person who committed murder and is serving life in prison or waiting to be executed or other accidental incidents like drowning in bathtubs....ain't nothing accidental about school shootings, and we'd have even more problems in American society than we do today if the likelihood of that were closer to some of the other things they described.

Actual useful numbers to me would have been how much more likely is a child or student to be killed by a gunman in school in America vs the rest of the world.....then we'd see some stats that show we have a problem here.

EDIT: And I looked at the twitter account linking to the facebook post made by "Libertymaniacs"....they really posted that the DAY OF the shooting...thats really not the time for something like that imo.
so like i stated this isnt about violence... nor is it about gun violence, its simply about trying to curb/prevent gun violence that occurs in certain areas, in certain environments, in areas with a certain group/race of ppl. I stated earlier the % of gun violence, illegal vs. legal, and cases instances like this. And all ppl keep saying is oh well since we dont think, dont care, or think its impossible to come with resolutions for gun violence in general, lets try to solve the issue of gun violence that hardly occur, in certain areas, in certain environments, to certain groups/race of people.

Cause all the answers ppl have given have specifically address only this facet of gun violence. So based on roughly thosands of comments in this thread... it comes across as we need to come up with preventive measures to ensure small, homely, appear to be innocent and quaint, small town sectors, predominate white, dont experience an already low very low % of murders do to firearms...

Bro, I've posted what I think needs to happen to curb ALL gun violence several types including the illegal weapon issue. Even you have to admit its a much more simplistic way to curb the types of spree and mass killings that happen all too often than senseless violence in inner cities and low income areas.

Innocent little kids 6-7 died in CT man, stop with the "only care about certain people in certain neighborhoods". I'm from the inner city, not from the suburbs...I care about ALL gun violence, and to be honest, some of the gun violence you speak of with say perhaps Chicago or even Philly my city, is between people who have records and are affiliated with gangs...aka they are actively involved in the types of illicit behavior where there is a muuuch higher chance for you to be arrested, shot, stabbed, robbed, etc. than there is with people going to a friggin movie or shopping with their friends at a mall and ESPECIALLY little kids who are trying to go to school.

We can't even deal with regulations about semi-automatic weapons, this instance could happen tomorrow if someone already had plans to unfortunately...so how would we even begin to address constant violence due to guns that is systematic with people who have an engrained mentality due to lack of resources, failing schools, corruption, broken homes, drug dealing, and no real positive role models telling them otherwise?

Reality is, 36 people die every day due to gun violence. Doesn't matter if its in a mass shooting or senseless gang related crimes, thats 36 caskets every day. If we can lower that by even 2 or 3 with simple regulation and more checks and balances then that is a great start. All these lives matter, but you need to get people out of the gang mentality and provide better schools, social outreach, and a ton of other things to deal with the type of violence happening in low income areas. Its going to be an ever evolving process....how the hell can we even begin to tackle the gun crimes committed every day if we can't even enact change to help limit senseless violence in areas where even you claim "with certain types/races of people". I don't care if you're white, black, asian, hispanic....all this gun violence needs to stop! Gotta start somewhere, and more guns sure as hell isn't the answer.
Indeed, it is. So many people are willing to sacrifice thousands of lives every year, lives that have been snuffed out by gun violence, in order to protect the false sense of security that comes with owning a firearm. Scary, indeed...
I really hope that you or anyone you care for is never in a situation where a gun would be needed to save your life, but if it ever does happen best believe you'd be singing a different tune.
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