Encyclopedia of Air Jordan sneakers - KICKSTARTER

Ugh I REALLY wanted this book but posts like yours make me think it's not worth it... If you don't mind me asking, what were your issues with it?

Grammar errors every page
Spelling errors every page
Pages cut off
Pages printed crooked
Shoes with the incorrect label or title

Over all very Poorly done. I find it hard to even show anyone cause it's embarrassing.
Grammar errors every page
Spelling errors every page
Pages cut off
Pages printed crooked
Shoes with the incorrect label or title

Over all very Poorly done. I find it hard to even show anyone cause it's embarrassing.

That bad?

And they want almost one hundred dollars for it :lol:
Grammar errors every page
Spelling errors every page
Pages cut off
Pages printed crooked
Shoes with the incorrect label or title

Over all very Poorly done. I find it hard to even show anyone cause it's embarrassing.

Wow. The creator must've made a killing off of this at $60-$90/copy. Thanks for the input though, hopefully someone will come along and actually make a decent Air Jordans book (sidenote: Nike could EASILY pay and support someone to make this).
Grammar errors every page
Spelling errors every page
Pages cut off
Pages printed crooked
Shoes with the incorrect label or title

Over all very Poorly done. I find it hard to even show anyone cause it's embarrassing.

yes sir.
Wow. The creator must've made a killing off of this at $60-$90/copy. Thanks for the input though, hopefully someone will come along and actually make a decent Air Jordans book (sidenote: Nike could EASILY pay and support someone to make this).
his comments are on locked on his page, dude to people constantly calling him out.

you have to be a backer and you have to login, no comments are public.

I believe he has sold 1400 or 1500 copies @$60-$100 per copy.

There was another thread about this book.

I stand by what I stated in the previous thread:

This is a cash grab.

The book is of a very poor quality.
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