Every United States Phone Conversation Is Recorded: Confirmed by Former FBI Agent

I was watching the First 48 and the most thats been shown is the Feds pulling up phone records regarding what times calls where made to and from the suspect. Not exactly the content
Reminds me of... 

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When I was younger I assumed deleting your internet history meant that the information was gone forever... 

E-mails, texts, phone calls, instant messages,internet history, google searches. Its all tracked by either your ISP or phone provider. 
Its come to a point where people don't even care anymore about their privacy and their rights.
Some people have no clue this stuff is happening, others have the sad attitude of well I have nothing to hide, and then you have the good chunk of people that simply care more about celebrities, sex, substances, and possessions. The average American really needs to reprioritize his/her lives before everything becomes taken for granted and we're stuck with the what now look.
If it can help prevent one big terrorist attack in the next 100 years and save people lives, I don't see why people would be against it.

Oh no man, it's my privacy. **** national security.
So the right of the people to be secure in their persons, homes, papers and effects has been abridged, I see.

That's not a problem at all.
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If it can help prevent one big terrorist attack in the next 100 years and save people lives, I don't see why people would be against it.

Oh no man, it's my privacy. **** national security.

Seriously doe, who is planning major terrorist attack over the phone?

Especially since its pretty common knowledge out calls are monitored.
If it can help prevent one big terrorist attack in the next 100 years and save people lives, I don't see why people would be against it.

Oh no man, it's my privacy. **** national security.

Seriously doe, who is planning major terrorist attack over the phone?

Especially since its pretty common knowledge out calls are monitored.

they still got a convo about the boston marathon bombing.

thing is, people are acting like they'll use the convo you had with your mother against you and all.
You have to understand how the police, FBI, etc. work. They don't go looking for you. It's like a speed trap. They just sit there, waiting for you to do something. Then they swoop in.

It's pretty simple: don't give them a reason to come after you. That's why I don't care.

And what if something happened to your family, wife's family, friends, colleagues? The Feds have the power to blackmail you to do anything they want... and you don't care? That's the whole point why people should be upset over this invasion of privacy. People are so ignorant in this country it's just sickening.

Someone mentioned that's why people talk in code? You do realize the Feds have in their arsenal a ton of cryptographers and a bunch of algorithm computers to break any type of code you may have!?!
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