FBI Opens Files Proving Hitler Went To Argentina

i mean its not outside the realm of possibility.

but ......his name is completely tarnished for eternity, he's officially the most hated man in history, he single-handedly killed that under-nose mustache style along with the names 'adolf' and 'hitler', .

lmao damb never thought about that
Ironically, Argentina has one of the largest Jewish populations in the world.

Due to, you guessed it, the Holocaust.
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Hmmmm so the US gets into a dispute with Russia where most people In the world thinks Russia is right and the US are fools.... Suddenly we have files to link Russia to helping one of the most hated inviduals of all time escape.... Nice try US....
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Hmmmm so the US gets into a dispute with Russia where most people In the world thinks Russia is right and the US are fools.... Suddenly we have files to link Russia to helping one of the most hated inviduals of all time escape.... Nice try US....

[COLOR=#red]If I had reps to give, I'd rep you.. love when people can see **** for what it really is. [/COLOR]:nthat:
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