Feds/NTSB (Might) Lower BAC Limit from .08% to .05% when Driving

they should lower the drinking age to 17 or 18.

Just so you know in the 1970's a few states lowered their drinking age to 18 and it resulted in a 20% increase in driving fatalities. So they reverted it back to 21.

Thats okay with me.

If those stats are true, how would that be ok with you? :lol: Are there studies showing that in other countries where this is the norm that over a long time (adjustment period or whatever) they have a lower rate of young drivers dying or getting seriously injured, dui's and all that?

I'm just wondering what the reasoning for lowering the drinking age here would be...other than "I can go to war, smoke, vote, but not drink at 18". I'm just curious, b/c I've always wondered why its so high here compared to basically any other modernized country :nerd:

I dunno about this recommendation to lower the BAC limit though, I saw this on the news and they claim it could save 500 lives a yr which is great but I think both sides have valid points...but they'd have to show the raw data for the number of accidents and injuries/deaths caused by people in that BAC range though
Cops in MD can lock you up regardless. DUI and DWI are two different charges

What DUI/DWI is varies by states. Generally speaking, DUI relates to minors, DWI for 21+. However, the proof that the gentlemen above us is asking for relates to the way most states have their statutes set up. In most states, it goes something like this -- .08 OR impaired use of your mental/physical faculties. That latter clause is why you can be below .08 yet still get convicted of a DWI.
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@JumpmanKb thats a really good point on that....it would definitely be safer for high school kids, even young college kids to stay and remain in the place or house until sober or even walk back home to prevent cases like that.

A lot of people would say that HS kids aren't responsible enough to handle alcohol in moderation, but I know there are millions of grown adults who can't either.
Or just make the public transportation systems better. If you live outside a major city, you basically have to hope that you don't get pulled over cause it would be an automatic DUI.

well yeah, but that's much more expensive than getting some drunk busses 

the transportation system doesn't get fixed because oil and car companies probably lobby to keep it that way
All this does is make the government more money.

Most people dont even know how many drinks it takes to reach the .08, you think people really care? They are just going to drink until they feel enough is enough and they still will drive home.
@JumpmanKb thats a really good point on that....it would definitely be safer for high school kids, even young college kids to stay and remain in the place or house until sober or even walk back home to prevent cases like that.

A lot of people would say that HS kids aren't responsible enough to handle alcohol in moderation, but I know there are millions of grown adults who can't either.
once again maturity and responsibility is an individual thing. age doesn't matter.

point im trying to make is i would want the drinking age to be 17 or 18... the same people that cant handle drinking(and driving) at age 18 + probably can't handle it at 21 anyways.

Good points, actually agree with that stance....but that'll probably never happen here :lol:
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I'm not sure if this is the right thing to do but I do know that something needs to be done about drunk driving. 

It's like cancer. Everyone knows someone affected. 
70% of the damn country at some point in their life are going to have a DUI on their record if they do this. You practically couldn't drive a block down the street and have one little drink without blowing a .05. This is stupid.
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The thing is this wont affect anything IMO. How often does someone get pulled over because of driving in an intoxicated manner when they've only had two drinks and are around a .08? The people drinking and then driving around this limit aren't the ones causing problems. It's the people at double or triple the limit. Even people around .12 who maybe thought they could drive because they maybe felt they were around a .08 aren't generally the problem.

All this is gonna do is make old ladies take a cab home after having a glass of wine at dinner.

All this being said, I'm all for the revision of drinking laws in this country. Just need to find laws that promote a culture of responsibility, not restrictiveness.
Cops in MD can lock you up regardless. DUI and DWI are two different charges
I know DUI and DWI aren't the same.  But if you go through a checkpoint and blow .01 and you're not under the influence of any other drugs, then the police shouldn't have grounds to arrest you.

If you're swerving and are pulled over and you blow numbers then the officer should have reasonable suspicion that you're under the influence and may arrest you, even if you're under .08...
Bro. As someone that can admit to drinking and driving 30+ times from 17-21 all I can say is even if they had lowered it to .05 if the police that had ever pulled me over were smart enough it would have been a wrap for me.

I would be stumbling driving home , but always drove straight home and made it fine.

Honestly I don't know why I was so stupid when I was younger. I guess I felt like well since its zero tolerance under 21 I might as well blow a 1.5.

Now that I'm 22 ialways make sure I have a ride or just spend the night where I'm drinking.

The new California law is crazy. $10,000 dude. I'm good.
so 1 mixed drink is about .05? 

I've never seen anybody tore up off 1 mixed drink 
 maybe a first time drinker

cops can just post outside of bars and restaurants late night and bust 90% of the people in there w/ a limit that low 
The tragedies are typically caused by people a couplefew times over the current legal limit anyway, but the increased tax revenue will benefit some.
if this happens gonna mean you cant go to a restaurant and have a beer or 2?
I am all for dunk driving regulations but .05 seems ridiculous
If i have more than 1 drink I dont drive. I know I am fully capable but just the thought of what a DUI would do for my future scares the **** out of me
More fines for the courts. That's all this is.

Had a buddy get one, and he passed all the field sobriety tests, but he took the breathalyzer and was considerably over the limit. Cop said if he hadn't taken the breathalyzer he woulda let him go :lol: :smh:

BAC isn't a good test of impairment. The same amount of alcohol affects people differently. .08 is like two 12 oz beers, two 5 oz glasses of wine, or two shots in an hour.
so 1 mixed drink is about .05? 

I've never seen anybody tore up off 1 mixed drink 
 maybe a first time drinker

cops can just post outside of bars and restaurants late night and bust 90% of the people in there w/ a limit that low 
they could easily stay outside every night club. they don't because it would mess with the job creators
More fines for the courts. That's all this is.

Had a buddy get one, and he passed all the field sobriety tests, but he took the breathalyzer and was considerably over the limit. Cop said if he hadn't taken the breathalyzer he woulda let him go :lol: :smh:

BAC isn't a good test of impairment. The same amount of alcohol affects people differently. .08 is like two 12 oz beers, two 5 oz glasses of wine, or two shots in an hour.

.08 off 2 beers? Sure if you weigh 100 lbs....
Some new information for those that were wondering how many deaths happened between a .05-.08% BAC level:

The Beverage Institute, however, says such a new limit would "criminalize" everyday people who go out for dinner and drinks, noting that the average BAC (blood-alcohol content) of a DUI driver involved in a fatal crash is .16, or twice today's legal limit.

The Institute says only 1 percent of the 32,000 fatal crashes in the United States in 2011 involved people with a BAC level between .05 and .08.

and even more info about .05%
There's a movement afoot to lower the threshold to .05, which some of the lighter weights among us could hit in under an hour with just a few drinks under their belts. In fact:

The American Beverage Institute says the average woman could reach the .05 limit after just one drink in one hour.

I don't mind the limit being lowered to .05%, but it will suck for those who are pretty skinny.

you can read more from this article: http://blogs.laweekly.com/informer/2013/05/5_dui_alcohol_limit_ntsb.php
If they're gonna reduce the BAC limit to .05%, these insurance companies better adjust their risk calculations...just saying.
people of all ages die, though. if they raised the drinking age to 25 fatalities under 25 would still happen. it doesn't prevent anything. it's unfair to "punish" those who are responsible and will continue to be responsible word to gun laws and what not.
irresponsibility =/= age. there are plenty of irresponsible people at the age of 18 that will be just as irresponsible at the age of 21. they won't change unless they get a wake up call. In which the earlier the better.

lol @that story though lol. so i got expelled but i can't admit to being drunk after the fact?

once again maturity and responsibility is an individual thing. age doesn't matter.

point im trying to make is i would want the drinking age to be 17 or 18... the same people that cant handle drinking(and driving) at age 18 + probably can't handle it at 21 anyways.
Most of the time age = irresponsibility. Of course there are ALWAYS exceptions to every rule. For example the 18 year old girl or boy that has a baby at a young age, and has to grow up fast, or the big brother or sister in a single parent home that has to take care of their siblings, etc, etc. But for the most part 18 year olds are not going to be as mature as a person 25-30.

At 17 or 18 most of these kids are still living with their parents, and dont have any concept of what the real world is about. Alot of the times their minds still operate like high schoolers. Its like when you can always tell a college freshman by the way they act. But by their sophmore they have elevated their thinking to at least a college level of thining.

I used to feel the same way when I was 18. I thought I had it all figured out. Thought I knew what life was about. Until I got older and realized. I didnt know ****. I thought I did, but I didnt.

I do agree that there are some irresponsible adults out there, the same way there are responsible kids out there. But the two sides are overwhelmingly lopsided.

I know I many wont agree with this but until you have grown people problems and responsibilities you will NEVER understand my statements above.
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