Fellas: Helping Females With Their Bills

Oct 13, 2001
Is this something you do? Was on another forum, nah better yet, I heard a conversation on the Metro between two girls and this subject came up.

Basically one girl said if a dude comes over and lays all up in her bed for a few days per week, he should be putting out some $.

Agree? Disagree?
Is this something you do? Was on another forum, nah better yet, I heard a conversation on the Metro between two girls and this subject came up.

Basically one girl said if a dude comes over and lays all up in her bed for a few days per week, he should be putting out some $.

Agree? Disagree?

"a few days out the week..." every week...? yes. its her house and hes using up her resources (cooking for him, cleaning after him, etc)
:lol: This is absurd if you aren't married or are at least 10 years in, already engaged.

As for your scenarios. dudes shouldn't be laying up in a female's place for multiple days in a week like you live there, eating their food, using up there water and electricity, etc. If so you probably should be taxed.
"a few days out the week..." every week...? yes. its her house and hes using up her resources (cooking for him, cleaning after him, etc)
So are we going to assume this is the only "set of resources" that are being used by one person that belongs to the other?

I just think it is petty man. Tit-for tat. Am I charging you for rides to places or nah? Am I keeping track of all the free meals that you get when we go out or nah?
Is this something you do? Was on another forum, nah better yet, I heard a conversation on the Metro between two girls and this subject came up.

Basically one girl said if a dude comes over and lays all up in her bed for a few days per week, he should be putting out some $.

Agree? Disagree?
Yes, my mom told me this when I was young and I believe it.

When I used to stay at my exes, which would be for days at a time I would take her grocery shopping. Even though I didnt really eat like that when I was there, I was in her home and contributing to the usage of resources and if I didnt reciprocate in some manner, her and her roommate would have had every right to say something to me.

Her room mates boyfriend lived there, and he didnt contribute ANYTHING and my ex used to always complain, and IMO it was totally valid.

Usign resources does not only include eating food, you are using water, electricity, and keeping the air on more than they would need if they were the only ones there. If you're going over there at least three times a week, then you should be contributing in some manner, not necessarily money, but SOMETHING
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Yes, my mom told me this when I was young and I believe it. When I used to stay at my exes, which would be for days at a time I would take her grocery shopping. Even though I didnt really eat like that when I was there, I was in her home and contributing to the usage of resources and if I didnt reciprocate in some manner, her and her roommate would have had every right to say something to me.

Her room mates boyfriend lived there, and he didnt contribute ANYTHING and my ex used to always complain, and IMO it was totally valid.
You sure The only reason you did it is because you didn't want to look bad in the eye of your girl's roommate? SInce her dude wasn't offering anything and she WAS complaining about it?

If it was JUST your girl's spot, would you have done the same thing?
If both man and woman have their own places and EACH is staying multiple nights at each other's residences, nothing should be spent on the other person aside from maybe stocking the fridge w/ food. Paying bills? Nah...miss me w/ that.
Yes, my mom told me this when I was young and I believe it. When I used to stay at my exes, which would be for days at a time I would take her grocery shopping. Even though I didnt really eat like that when I was there, I was in her home and contributing to the usage of resources and if I didnt reciprocate in some manner, her and her roommate would have had every right to say something to me.

Her room mates boyfriend lived there, and he didnt contribute ANYTHING and my ex used to always complain, and IMO it was totally valid.
You sure The only reason you did it is because you didn't want to look bad in the eye of your girl's roommate? SInce her dude wasn't offering anything and she WAS complaining about it?

If it was JUST your girl's spot, would you have done the same thing?
Nah because I was raised to contribute to the house if I was going to spending time there. It was ALWAYS my intention to do something, and giving money wasnt going to be an option, I doubt she would have liked it.

If it was just my girls spot I would have definitely done the same thing. Its how I was raised to behave.
@AntiDope ,

Do you have your own spot and does your girl come over and spend the night some times? And if so, do you ask her for $ or since she is a girl you give her a pass?
If I'm at a females house for a few days I'll pick up groceries to benefit both of us. And vice versa. Girls that lay up for a few days need to contribute more then open legs and a warm mouth in the am
@AntiDope ,

Do you have your own spot and does your girl come over and spend the night some times? And if so, do you ask her for $ or since she is a girl you give her a pass?
Went through it both when I lived at home and alone and I didnt take a dime from her. Not because she was a girl, but because I was raised never to take things from people. Always give, never take. I'd rather go hungry than ask someone for food/money.

I was more than capable of self sustainment and theres a good chance that she did not subscribe to the same philosophy. Its not about "Since I'm doing it, she should to" its just the fact that if I'm staying somewhere besides my home, I have to do something to earn my keep.

It never came to a situation where she needed help with bills so I cant speak on that, it was strictly groceries. But honestly, if I'm in relationship with someone, and circumstances arise to where she cant pay her light bill, I see nothing wrong with giving her that money. Things happen, and I wouldnt pay it forever, but its not like the world is rainbows and ice cream. I've lent my boys substainial amounts of money in the past with no qualms, dont really see the issue.
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If I'm at a females house for a few days I'll pick up groceries to benefit both of us. And vice versa. Girls that lay up for a few days need to contribute more then open legs and a warm mouth in the am

she cooks.

i know mine do. I dont need her payin my bills. i sure as hell aint payin hers lol
Nope. He shouldn't outright pay her. If a girl is that cheap where they can't share food, etc then thats their problem. Especially if the girl is staying over the dudes place a lot as well. It goes both ways.

If the guy is practically living there and staying there 4+ nights a week, then yeah he should help split costs. But not flat out give her money smh.
If both man and woman have their own places and EACH is staying multiple nights at each other's residences, nothing should be spent on the other person aside from maybe stocking the fridge w/ food. Paying bills? Nah...miss me w/ that.
So are we going to assume this is the only "set of resources" that are being used by one person that belongs to the other?

I just think it is petty man. Tit-for tat. Am I charging you for rides to places or nah? Am I keeping track of all the free meals that you get when we go out or nah?

No DC stuff.
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I was more than capable of self sustainment and theres a good chance that she did not subscribe to the same philosophy. Its not about "Since I'm doing it, she should to" its just the fact that if I'm staying somewhere besides my home, I have to do something to earn my keep
And $ is the only way to make this happen?

If yall are together, YALL are doing things for eachother at different moments. A relationship is give and take. People "use" each other. Sorry to sound so harsh but you wouldn't be with someone if you weren't getting SOMETHING from them.

I mean your, "I was raised not to take but to give" story sounds noble but I don't know man. Better man than I am. 8)
Not the bills, but out of courtesy at least buy grub, whether it's groceries or take out.

I never charged girls when they would crash, so same concept applies. However, when they would bring food it was always appreciated.

If a man/woman is crashing at your place 5 out of the 7 days of the week, it's time to have the "move in" talk, :lol:
There has to be a balance but food is about as far as it goes. You cook for me one night, I take us out to eat another.

If you're paying any other bill y'all might as well shack up. What I look like paying a cable bill and when I'm not around Tyrone is using my NBA league pass?
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