i just looked up emilia clarke.........she really is pretty though

never seen her actual look outside of the HBO show

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Drugs really took their toll on Lohan. She was the prototype for me at one point.
Gaddamn Gaga is BUSTED!!!  Extra wack.   Did yall see her performance at SXSW which included terrible singing and a chick throwing up on her? Fake punk.  Shes not about that GG Alin life .. (don't google him) 

My baby Daenery 
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Rihanna looking like an extra from Predator. Don't like her with or without makeup.
miley, mila and christina look straight busted. the rest of them still are attractive to me. that pic of kim is obviously pre-surgery, when she was still cute (imo).

the thing i hate about threads like these is dudes be sounding like writers for vogue or cosmopolitan magazine with comments like "well what do you expect? most women don't look good without makeup." if you haven't seen chicks who look good w/o makeup, you need to turn off your tv and leave your hood. srsly
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