Friend zoned serious girl advice needed

You got the yambZ. What the problem is?? Go bag another broad, we don't love these O's
She's tryna put you on her team of dudes to smash OP. Start talking about other chicks around her and she'll get insecure she'll beg to be your one and only.

Real ****
Yeah.. girls are stepping their game up apparently. Back in my day, getting friendzoned was more of a subtle process. There was a quiet beauty to it..

hahaha I lol'd

Flashbacks to the mid-2000s :smh:
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^that dude is on point, but to be honest my brother I would take the road less traveled and swim on.

A lot of fish out there.
Op.. Elcuban

Listen to me and do what I say ASAP.. Asap

I been through this macks taught me the game seriously

You have to understand how a women mind works

Your somewhat not intriguing her. Girls like to chase men and try to figure them out. When she said she like you, you should have said that's cool. Your a cool person.

You get it so far. In her mind she is trying to figure out if you like her. Your being intriguing which is what girls like. If she ask you just avoid the question like say why do you day that, don't my actions show etc.

Now don't all or answer the girl phone calls for a week. If she calls just send a text saying your busy, if she ask you what your doing just say catching up on stuff.. Try to act like your doing something productive.

Do this for about a week or week and a half. See your being intriguing, tapping her emotions cause you showed her one thing which was you like her but now your actions show different. You see how this is working, women love it trust me..

Now she is going to be trying to text you or call you but ignore them until you feel she is desperate and chasing you. Now her back but keep convo short she is going to try and figure you and wonder what is going on. Keep convo short.

Really the rest is up to you because you want to get her when you get her in
emotional grip which shouldn't take but few weeks

Now when your ready invite her over, no dates except if partying but let her try to figure you out be secretive

Gauranttee if you follow this, she will drop them panies

Works everytimey for me and my friends and those who I told

Your going to have to add a slight twist to this because you know the situation best but I hope you get the point

Do this ASAP and report back here everyday!
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Yup that's what I do too. I'm kicking it with them a few times and straight up. "I don't want to be friends" or whatever from the jump so she knows your intentions. If nothing cracks I dog the hell out of them. No small talk or that crap then they bounce right back at you. Plant a seed. If nothing happens fall back and wait.
So I just put what she sent me in parenthesis
And sent it right back she's pretty heated called me 3 times and keeps sending me text. I think I struck a nerve....
reply back with, "I don't give a chit, Lisa"

do it.
no pics, no screenshots, no nothing.

point total.

misc - 1

NT - 0

thanks OP, you ph.....
You won. Now take your W and run to the locker room, no post game remarks. Don't hit her up again. You caught her off guard. She prob expected you to be like "omgzzz I thought you liked me, what's goin onzzzz?" Which you really are :lol: but your reaction bruised her ego. Now she's trying a 4 quarter come back so she can restore her ego. Just ignore her because the sec you give her a sign of weakness, you'll get swerved again.
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pics will do wonders for threads like this.

to see if legit advice are worthy, should just troll her
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