FX's ATLANTA (Starring Donald Glover) S4 Final episode

I was wondering at what point is Al going to drop Ern. That and the CD's and meeting at fake Spotify.

Depends on which way Al wants to go and ultimately how successful he wants to be. Ern already got his reality check from uncle Willie talking about having that chip on his shoulder. Maybe that might be the word that will make Ern get his act together and hustle harder.
Episode 3 did have everything. Love how he show hints of spots here in the A without giving it away unless he has to.
Depends on which way Al wants to go and ultimately how successful he wants to be. Ern already got his reality check from uncle Willie talking about having that chip on his shoulder. Maybe that might be the word that will make Ern get his act together and hustle harder.

Ern trying. He don't have the connects and when he tries to build something, anything Al turns it down.
Am I crazy for thinking the studio scene was just County trying to come off as hard? I swear the whole engineer debacle was manufactured so he could flex on someone in front of Paper Boi. The interactions between County and the engineer just seemed mad forced and, well, engineered. :lol:
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Earn getting robbed (willingly) left and right.

Next they gonna rob Paperboi off him and I wouldn't be surprised if Van gets picked off too :lol:
Man this show one ups itself after every episode :rofl: :rofl: the vicious “**** you” at this beginning, the white chick reading Paper Bois lyrics, the studio scene, the whole $100 disaster, and then Ern getting smoked by Vick :rofl:
I was wondering at what point is Al going to drop Ern. That and the CD's and meeting at fake Spotify.

I think this was hinted at with Lucas' comment towards Paperboi (if he ever isnt treating you right, give me a call) and him being from the first season if I remember.
Vick is fast but he ain't touching Uncle Willy.
The DJ at Onyx talking directly to Earn when he walked past that dancer on the way back to their table was golden :lol:

Son ignored the entire club to guide my man into tipping her, and confirmed that he was talking to him by even naming the account he withdrew the cash from. That ___ didn't even withdraw that money at Onyx :lol:
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Big difference in the crews between Al and CC. Ern trying to be something he’s not by “stunting,” off of Al’s advice, and it backfired with each L he took. He got talked to like a child by the waiter who wanted to be put “on” and just took it. He was BLATANTLY treated unfairly at the movie theater, in front of his BM, and just took it. I’m not even talking about getting out of there when the other customer showed him he was packin’. He should have pressed the employee much harder for the way he was treated. Ern has a lot of good qualities, but if he wasnt blood w/ Al, he would have been dropped a long time ago b/c he’s not built for a lot of the stuff that comes w/ the territory of being a trap rapper’s manager.

Compare that to how Clark County’s boy was ready to put the paws on the engineer in the studio, and you just know Al took notice. Set up
By CC or not, it’s just a huge contrast in styles.
When was he supposed to press the employee? When he saw what she was doing, he attempted to but the old colonizer flashed him his gun?

Did you want Ern to get gunned down about this? Is Georgia an open carry state?
Big difference in the crews between Al and CC. Ern trying to be something he’s not by “stunting,” off of Al’s advice, and it backfired with each L he took. He got talked to like a child by the waiter who wanted to be put “on” and just took it. He was BLATANTLY treated unfairly at the movie theater, in front of his BM, and just took it. I’m not even talking about getting out of there when the other customer showed him he was packin’. He should have pressed the employee much harder for the way he was treated. Ern has a lot of good qualities, but if he wasnt blood w/ Al, he would have been dropped a long time ago b/c he’s not built for a lot of the stuff that comes w/ the territory of being a trap rapper’s manager.

Compare that to how Clark County’s boy was ready to put the paws on the engineer in the studio, and you just know Al took notice. Set up
By CC or not, it’s just a huge contrast in styles.

Dude was a staffed goon tho. His job is to put paws on people.

Al just rolls with Darius and now Tracy.

I don't see the parallel.
Maybe Ern wasn’t as dumb as we thought and didn’t put all 4K on the gift cards. He definitely didn’t have $8K worth of merchandise last episode.
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