Gang Mob brutally beats Kroger customer in Memphis

Why is gun violence so prevalent in Chicago? Do socioeconomic factors play a role? What policies have/haven't been enacted in order to alleviate or worsen the issue? How about environmental factors? Structural developments/demolition have anything to do with it?

Not about to let y'all continue to demonize my people when the issues at hand are simply side effects of a systematic agenda to immobilize an entire demographic of people. Miss me with the "but blacks are killing each other" nonsense. Just another method of attempting to absolve a certain race of people from the fact that they've crusaded for the complete annihilation of melanated people for centuries.

Yea sure the media is pushing its agenda and the real solution is that we all just come together & sing kumbaya with one another :rolleyes Must be nice to speak on issues you don't completely comprehend from behind the curtain of privilege.
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Break out whatever data you please. None of your simpleton deflection tactics will change the fact that the numbers are the way they are for good reason. Dudes were having trouble finding simple statistics a few pages back & now somehow they're qualified to draw conclusions regarding a situation that they literally have no understanding of. Hilarious & pathetic,
We need to first know if the victim had weed or alcohol in his system, then let's go pull up some unpleasant pictures he might have taken in the past. After that we need to run a full background check just to point out everything he has ever done wrong (even though it had nothing to do with this situation). Isn't that how it works with the victim..........

Even then I'm sure this was all in self defense
We need to first know if the victim had weed or alcohol in his system, then let's go pull up some unpleasant pictures he might have taken in the past. After that we need to run a full background check just to point out everything he has ever done wrong (even though it had nothing to do with this situation). Isn't that how it works with the victim..........

Even then I'm sure this was all in self defense
Painting a realistic picture of what kind of person someone is, based on their past history, records, and actions to help portray their character and what actions they may be capable of aren't relevant? 
Oh and the same cats spewing nonsense about Blacks "killing each other" conveniently omit the fact that every other group is largely killing themselves. None of the media outlets report on intraracial homicide statistics, but in the same breath clowns claim that the true agenda is to keep us separated :rofl:
Dude really posted an article written by Jason Lewis (Rush Limbaughs favorite guest) with cherry picked statistics :lol:
The idea that white people shouldn't be allowed to talk about race relations is tragically childish and short-sighted.

The same goes for speaking on a group of people as if they're a single hive-like entity with all the same feelings, thoughts, and motives.
The average black person is 6.5 times more likely to be murdered than the average white person.
Black Americans are four times more likely to be murdered than the national average.

Over 9 out of every ten black people who were murdered were murdered by other black people.

Interesting statistics.

"And they say it's the white man I should fear / But, it's my own kind doin' all the killin' here."

You're saying this like this is new information that no one has ever heard about. Murders are usually commited by someone who has a relationship to the victim so it would only make sense that blacks murder blacks more than whites and that whites kill each other at an 85% rate. These are crimes of proximity. And no **** there is more crime in communities where the poverty rate is so high. I don't know what you're getting at besides spewing statistics of black on black crime all over the place like you're proving some point. That deflection has been done to death on this site, come up with something new.
The idea that white people shouldn't be allowed to talk about race relations is tragically childish and short-sighted.

White people can talk about race relations but they need to come into the conversation knowing that they can NEVER EVER ever know how it really feels to be a minority in America. (no, being the only white kid in a hispanic/black HS doesn't count) They need to come into the conversation willing to listen and learn. They need to come in the conversation without the assumption that they know everything. They need to be willing to go out of their way and educate themselves instead of putting the burden on whoever they're arguing with. You need to understand that racism and systemic oppression is very real.

Not following these guidelines makes talking about racial matters with a white, privileged person a waste of time for everyone. Coming into a conversation and laying all the blame on the oppressed is tragically childish and short-sighted.

Not talking about you (although you may very well fit into this) but generally, these are reasons White people need to tread carefully in race discussions.
Make sure you read what JChambers is putting out fountaine. Black men are commuting the most murders in America, we are the most numerous ethnicity in prison, we have the highest number of unemployed individuals, **** is not all right and truth be told. We get hate and the system is unbalanced but, it's not an excuse to **** around. I seen plenty of friends turn towards the wrong direction that had decent families so, I don't think this BS is excusable in most cases. Restructuring the community along with changing in mentality is going to fix things. Ask yourself, when you say "I keep my eyes open and stay aware when I'm in [insert hood]", who do you look out for, the hoodest black and Hispanic men. It's a lesser extreme version of a woman clutching her purse around young ignorant teens.
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