Glasses to Contacts Converts: Pros and Cons?


Nov 13, 2009
I recently broke my glasses and a friend brought up the idea of getting contacts instead of a new pair of specs.

There has been a hesitancy to make the switch since I've worn glasses since grade school (astigmatism) but I wouldn't mind ditching the frames. It seems that there is a certain amount of upkeep and discipline that is involved in wearing contacts.

What are some pros and cons of wearing contacts? Are you happy with the switch? Have you ever considered laser corrective surgery?
I recently broke my glasses and a friend brought up the idea of getting contacts instead of a new pair of specs.
There has been a hesitancy to make the switch since I've worn glasses since grade school (astigmatism) but I wouldn't mind ditching the frames. It seems that there is a certain amount of upkeep and discipline that is involved in wearing contacts.
What are some pros and cons of wearing contacts? Are you happy with the switch? Have you ever considered laser corrective surgery?
I have both. I wear contacts on most days, and glasses on days that I know I'll be out and about for more than ~13 hours. I absolutely prefer contacts for the most part. I have monthlies and discard them appropriately.

I never thought about corrective surgery because it's not necessary permanent and the side effects I read are horrific.
Upkeep and discipline?


I wear mine daily. Own wear glasses at night/if I don't go out that day.
Wore glasses my whole life and got contacts last year.. Best move EVER!

Im wearing the monthlies and also have my frames ^^

The process is simple enough once you get the hang of it.. would recommend

Everything. No foggy glasses, no rain on em, never have to adjust, can wear sunglasses, can play sports, etc. I mean the pros are endless.


Get lazy to take em off at night? Honestly sometimes I sleep in them for a few days straight and my eyes are fine. Been doing it on and off for 2-3 years and everytime I go to my optometrist, he says my eyes are great.
Even if you get contacts most doctors will advise you to have glasses.

Having both is very convenient.
There is some discipline to owning contacts but nothing crazy. Just gotta remember not to sleep in them
I started wearing contacts this summer and it's been great. My vision wasn't horrible so I never really wore glasses like I should have. After the first few days, putting them in and taking them out gets easy. Cleaning them takes no time at all. You can try several trial pairs when you first get them to find some you like. I had a store brand but they made my eyes dry and I had to keep rewetting them. I switched to the accuvue oasys 2 weeks later and I have been good ever since. I managed to a years supply for like 70 bucks too so that's way cheaper than laser surgery.
And just like that all of the pre-conceived notions and reservations I've had about contacts are out the window. I'm definitely ready to make that move.
Cons: my eyes get dry and contacts get really uncomfortable.

I only use them for b-ball.
I've worn contact since middle school
I've had Pink Eye, Corneal Infections, Cuts on eye, and regular eye infections because of them. They are a stupid pain at time but the fact is that you dont have to wear glasses makes it worth it at time and I LOVE my glasses
Pros : more yambs
Cons : no more glasses swag

Real talk tho.. my P rate went up at least 36% after the switch.

contacts > glasses fogging up coming inside from the cold days
contacts > glasses falling off while playing ball and the game stopping while you locate your lens :x
contacts > people asking to wear glasses then subsequently seeing how bad your vision is
contacts > huge glare when taking pics

but falling asleep in contacts is the worst
Ever notice how ALL eye doctors wear glasses? Not a single one wears contacts. hmmmm
I technically need glasses, but the ******g things are so inconvenient that I just squint my way through life. Haven't worn 'em in half a decade, and I don't plan on it. I think people who wear glasses for fun are ******g stupid, to me it's like wearing Stone Cold knee braces for fashion or using a walker just for SnG.

That said, I am interested in seeing what's in that haze about 30 feet away, so I need some info on alternatives. I kinda tried contacts one time a while ago, but to be perfectly frank, I was a little ***** about touching my actual eyeball. Never actually got the thing in there. Any tips from the contact coalition? Should I give it another shot?

Also, more info on this "laser surgery is horrible" thing...I was definitely investing in that ASAP, I thought that was gonna be my escape rope from the entire situation.

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They're awesome until the contact rolls up under your eyelid
That's always a fun time.
I know this feel.

You may still need glasses as your backup vision option since something can and probably will happen to your contacts. Most likely it'll be a fallen eyelash, which are also fun times.

To prevent this, you might need to carry a backup pair which, kind of defeats the purpose of contacts being more convenient.
The only problem I had was a mild case of papillary conjunctivitis and that was because I was wearing my contacts longer than I should have (along with not changing my case as often). It wasn't a big deal; got some eyedrops to fix it right up. Other than that, it's been smooth sailing.
Again thanks for the insight. I'll try out some trial pairs and see how they work.

Won't be giving up on specs just yet.
Pros : more yambs
Cons : no more glasses swag


I own both and wear both for the past 10 yrs.

Glass for work (computer screen all day). My eyes dry out within a hour in front of the computer screen with contacts.

Contacts for gym and when I'm out. Some girls love the Clark Kent look though.

Just get both. And get Acuvue contacts. I have had bad experiences Sofmed and my doctor doesn't recommend them.
I hate wearing glasses. Contacts are much better and you can play sports and all that without having to worry. The first couple weeks are tough, but they are very little hassle once you get used to them.

A couple tips:

1) be meticulous about cleaning them. Always wash your hands before handling them, and rinse generously with saline solution.

2) coming home tired or drunk, the first thing you should focus on when you get home is to take out your contacts. Granted, you'll be o.k. if you sleep with them on, but it'll just be annoying when you wake up.

Last thing -- every once in a while, you'll have a day where your eyes are dry or irritable for whatever reason and you won't wanna wear contacts. So it's always good to have glasses lying around.
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