habitual liers

My homeboy is one..but has toned down over the years...in HS this !+@ would tell me some story I told him like two days ago
i have a friend like this. lies about everything all the time, so when it's actually true, it's actually surprising.
I really can't stand it when dudes lie about getting girls...one of my friends stays doing this... Talkin bout he smashin dis and dat...I promise dude isstill a virgin
This guy at my old job us to lie about EVERYTHING. The worst thing about him was that no one could out do him and he had a way out story for it.

Normal convo at work....

ME.. I'm thinkin' about gettin' the new 645 joint...
Homie... My boy just got 1, he said its dope....
Liar.... Thats old news I had one 3 years ago(mind u this is in 2004) I'm about to get the new Lambo for Europe....

Or you could say... I heard people might be able to take trips to the moon. The Liar dood would swear the moon was old newz and he's about to take a tripto Saturn....
Could neva stand the dood...
I usually do this to people when I was working at Finishline. Lying to people you'll never meet again is funny to me. I remember a recruiter came in askingwhat I was doing with my life and I told him I was a med student at the age of 16 at Duke and at home for the summer.
I'm not a spelling or grammar police officer at all but........



oh man..
It sucks when it is someone who u are close to, and they still lie to you about pointless things. I feel insulted by the things people think I will believesometimes. I just nod my head and think to myself how dumb they sound.
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