Happy 21st bday NikeTalk

Nelson C

Staff member
Dec 7, 1999
I want to thank everyone for what they've done for this community.

The way members help each other out with something that, in the context of 2020, may seem as trivial as a sneaker assist (thanks again Hank Scorpio Hank Scorpio ) is great to see. But of course, 2020 brought us more than just a Top 5 sneaker list, and NT is more than just a sneaker community. It's family. And Methodical Management Methodical Management has played the biggest role in fostering that atmosphere. No he isn't a bot, he's family too, and he's been there for NT, and for me personally, since Day 1, 21 years ago.

The way members have helped and supported each other through this pandemic is amazing. Members checking up on each other, reassuring them, or sharing their fears, it shows that we're all in this together. The way sobering discussions of systemic racism and social inequality take place and educate us, also show us that we share this planet together and our black members' voices need to be heard and their lives matter, they deserve equality.

NT is truly unique, there's no other place like this on the internet, there really isn't, and it's thanks to you.

Happy Birthday NT!
look at us.gif

I can think of no better year for NikeTalk to turn 21 than 2020.

In taking so much from us, 2020 has prompted us to recognize everything and everyone who's been there for us when we needed them most. Our truest allies and our dearest friends aren’t necessarily those to whom we are physically closest. Gone is the division between our "online friends" and our "real friends," our "online communities" and our "local community."

With so many businesses closing amidst the pandemic, some people have asked if NikeTalk can survive. Why anyone care about sneakers when it's unsafe to go out or play team sports? What relevance does NikeTalk have in a world where our lives now center around our homes? And that’s just it: for many of us, NikeTalk is a home.

In a year where mainstream social media sites have so consistently failed us by profiting from hatred and misinformation, it’s tempting to credit Nelson C Nelson C and his vision for making NikeTalk special - but I know we, and the entire team here, agree that what really keeps us all coming back, and what’s kept NikeTalk relevant for over twenty-one years, is all of you.

Thank you for coming back day after day, sharing in the types of conversations that so many people around the world wish they could be enjoying while gathered across a large table, for keeping each other informed, entertained, and encouraged.

Thank you for making NikeTalk feel like home.
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