Having An Extra Emotional Girlfriend Unappreciation. Vol Carl Thomas

Damn son, my first girl, well first real girl was like that way back when. It was mad annoying, I thought I was just bad at relationships. But, she was justrich and spoiled and always wanted to have things her way.

I swear I am like the worst dude at consoling sometimes, when girls are crying. "It's gone be ok...don't worry bout it" is the best I got.
Is it wrong of me that when a chick im with starts to cry, I try to make them feel better by rubbing on them, kissing them, etc?
after reading some of these i guess mines aint THAT bas...she def aintone to cry all the time or anything like that- just moody and certain things set her off then she chills and is back to normal
knowing that your more interested in seeing how the Hornets will comeback against the Spurs

my shorty never gets OVER emotional....we're levelheaded but she has times where she flips and i just gotta look her in the eye, hold her like it'sgonna be aight, then she calms down
This is the story of my relationship...she is upset about something that makes me say "Are you serious?" At least once a week. At least.
Originally Posted by JMar 23

Ahhh, you must be dating a filipina.

Yea! bac; when i was dating mine, i swear she *#*!%!! cried on the phone, to my face, out in public, around my friends.
That %!%@ was real annoying, we would be having a conversation and all of sudden she get all teary eyed!
After we brooke up, she said she wanted to talk. And like a fool i said okay, we talking she's in her car im standing outside of it...
she in their crying people driving past given me the evil eye, she saying %!%@ like ... "i hate u", "i wish i never touched u"

in her face.....

on a sidenote i miss that lil fillipino :smh: she was a str8 FREAK in the BED
Originally Posted by jibbycanoe

I thought all chicks were like that.. isn't that how they get what they want?

That's where they go when they can't think of nothing else... like when they walk away and you don't follow, it's always some "oh youdon't care" type !*+@ coming from them... ain't nobody tell your @*# to go anywhere... why I gotta follow you? Just come back and chill the %%$%out...
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