Heroes Reborn Returns/Coming 2015 Save the Cheerleader Save NBC

I don't understand the writers/ writing of this show. Like you know what fans want, yet they can't seem to get it right. Like The Flash writing staff knows what the fans want. And they give it to them. So it's loved.

Nobody wants a stupid Japanese story arc( I'm not saying I don't want a Japanese story. Just don't make it dumb)
Will continue to watch. Liked the boy who could make ppl disappear. His character was dope. The luchador thing was cool too. Only thing I wasn't rocking with was the video game
nbc programming has been a mess for years. All their new shows this season will probably get cancelled. I stopped watching the black list because it was getting so stupid I couldn't tolerate it anymore. With superhero and comic book hero everything nowadays they wanted to get back into that genre even though they already failed with heroes before the marvel wave hit and their show the cape was pretty bad too.

In the Mr Robot thread everyone was wondering why they would put the show on usa instead of nbc when the channel desperately needs a hit. Maybe they thought it would be like Hannibal where it was a great show and loved by the people who watched it but wouldn't meet the ratings that a major network show needed.
Never did give it thought but this is spot on :lol:

They tried doing a superhero show created solely for tv instead of adapting a comic and it sucked. I gave The Cape a chance :lol: and since they been taking so many Ls for so long they probably did just dust off Heroes and tried to cash in again.

Same thought I had for USA. For some reason the shows are doing pretty well and raking in a good audience when you look at other stuff like Suits.

As far as scripted shows I can't remember NBC's last success. They canceled Law & Order and other spinoffs to focus on pimping out SVU. They have no sitcom successes or dramas right now. There last hit might actually be Heroes the first time around. I'm blanking on anything else. I know the failures stick out like Allegiance, that bible miniseries, the other Homeland knockoff, the Slap, Believe, the joint with Heigel, etc. Seems they're living off those game shows, competitions, and reality stuff.

I wonder what those NBC execs are thinking or planning. CBS has their audience with NCIS and CSI on top of good shows like Elementary and Person Of Interest. ABC is doing fine. FOX has a hit on their hands. They can't be satisfied with last place like this.

If they wanted to get in on the superhero stuff. Just option some indie comics so you can adapt it.
I forgot they also had Constantine last year. Such a boring show. I stopped after 2-3 episodes.

I hope my bae Summer Glau doesn't get on this show in the future. She's been on enough cancelled shows. The show Alphas on syfy was pretty good that she was on. Wish they would revive that show instead, the women on it were fire.
I was gonna edit my post cuz I forgot about how Constantine failed. That was better than my suggestion to adapt an indie comic since they partnered with WB/DC. Show just wasn't that good though.

They should be combing through Universal's film library looking for a successful movie they can adapt to a show like the Bourne movies.

NBC unluckily doesn't have the rights to any comic publisher so I see why when it comes to superhero stuff they'd rely on making stuff up from scratch. I think their problems now probably go further back. Comcast should step in and shake up the entire hierarchy there.

I mean damn even the CW can boast better success than them.
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I watched the series premiere on demand last night... I guess I'm the only person that liked it. I got into the original Heroes show through Netflix a few years back. The first 2 seasons were good but I didnt even finish the show cause thats how all over the place it had gotten. I'm interested to see where they go with this one. I was really just hoping they would have my baby Hayden in an episode :frown:
Better start watching Nashville if you want some Hayden :lol:

As far Heroes, most of the big recognizable faces you remember have refused to come back :lol: At least for this season. You'll have to be satisfied with a weirdly older looking fatter Hiro. No Sylar, Claire, Peter, etc.
I watched last week. It was ok. I'll see how it develops. Most of the original characters are back save for Peter, Nathan, Sylar (who died in the original series iirc), and Claire. It can be fine without them. I think I'll rewatch the last episode or two from the original heroes show to fill in gaps. The only season from the last series worth a damn was season 1 really. I wish they never had that writer's strike. I think that tanked the show and they came up with that stupid circus storyline. I will want answers as to how we got badass future Hiro from current Hiro. That needs to be explained! 
. I can't remember if Ando died, gotta revisit that. Either way, I'll watch tonight, expectations are lowered....
I'm wondering if Ando will be back. The actor hasn't been doing anything. Last thing I saw him in was a random syfy channel movie.
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I'm wondering if Ando will be back. The actor hasn't been doing anything. Last thing I saw him in was a random syfy channel movie.
I kinda hope so. Future Ando had some powers and he disappeared, not sure if he died or not. If I remember correctly it was building towards him and Hiro becoming enemies or something like that. I think they left it ambiguous though. 
Yeah, I'm real curious how this goes. This season better conclude with Peter or Sylar coming back to off Chuck I just can't take that guy seriously in this :lol:
just seen the new episode, bro some of the acting on here is terrible.

I'm still rocking with the show though. Still interesting af, I wanna know how it all ends. The boy with the disappearance powers is legit :smokin he was tryna get them yambs till moms came in wilding :lol:
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I think i'm the only one still watching. These characters and storylines suck. The guy hero who dressed up like a wrestler is so stupid. chuck and that British rajon rondo are garbage as well.
This is a bad show with terribly slow pacing. There really is nothing to discuss, as nothing has unfolded. What? like for eps now? you have the same information from episode 4 as you do episode 1, and it's supposed to be a mini series.
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