Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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LA peeps, how are you holding up :nerd:?

im probably one of the very few that have actually abided by that "stay at home order" and haven't really gone out at all.
only time i've been out the house are for my runs (live in the suburbs where there's barely any people but still have my buff with me) and during my quick essential grocery runs.

its really sad to see how bad it's gotten and how many people have just given up on this pandemic
my friends who work in the healthcare industry said there's going to be a lot of vaccine available to the public soon in LA. they need to get rid of them before they expire or something.. people who works at kaiser (not just doctors/nurses, IT, etc..) can take their vaccine now, they had a fcfs today.
Lots of people are not taking the vaccine now even though it's been offered to them. I think there will be lots of opportunities in the next month for people further down the list to leapfrog and get the vaccine. And I am 100% for that. I'm tired of people crying about somebody getting vaccinated ahead of schedule. This isn't some hypebeast shoe release. It's just a matter of vaccinating as many people as quickly as possible. Especially in cases where all health care workers have already had the chance to get the vaccine.

I wonder if things will change in a month when people see those who got vaccinated living their best life while we still have thousands of unvaccinated Americans dying every day.
In the charts I've seen of documented cases, it goes up and down in waves, why is this?
if you mean over 7 days, that's because there's fewer tests/reporting on weekends, so it predictably goes up and down each week.

if you mean over months, it's a complicated mix of factors that include the weather, adherence to social distancing guidelines and masking, the reopening of businesses and schools, the amount and quality of testing, the particular strain that's circulating at the time, etc.
I got my first dose last week. Arm ached like hell the first 12-24 hours. The morning after the shot, I woke up very sleepy and no matter how much coffee I drank I was out of it. Day after that I was 100% back to normal. So only two symptoms for me were sore arm (expected with type of shot) and fatigue.
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