Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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Blake P Blake P you've been consistent in your vigilance. Its respectable and commendable. And I was too this time last year and at the start of this year. But I'm done letting this virus have the kind of power it used to have over me. I'm moving on with life. I'm done with masks. I'm not going out all willy nilly but I didnt do that before the pandemic cuz I've always hated crowds.

Only thing I'm adjusting at this point is when I see my mother. She doesnt want to take the vaccine and I dont want to be the person who gave her covid so limited visits and masked up when I go. Other than that, I gotta get back to a comfortable life.
I'm simply just used to wearing a mask these days and don't have a problem with it. I still get looks from the unmasked when they see me. But they won't say nothing.

But if they do try to step up, I'll be ready.
I think the opposite. I’m like why are you wearing one if you got the vaccine? :lol:
Me personally I just want to lessen chance of infection. I don't even want to deal with possible mild symptoms f that :lol:

Given that I can still pass this on. I'm thinking of ppl I'm around vaxxed/unvaxxed because I don't know how covid will treat them

I also still like hiding my face and hit the

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If she thicc
Cuz the pandemic ain't over. And if you care enough to get vaccinated, you also probably care enough to be mindful of not spreading the virus as well as new recommendations from the CDC.

it’s not over because people are refusing to get vaccinated.

small pox is back too for the same reason.

There’s a potential silver lining to breakthroughs as well. By definition, these infections occur in immune systems that already recognize the virus and can learn from it again. Each subsequent encounter with SARS-CoV-2 might effectively remind the body that the pathogen’s threat still looms, coaxing cells into reinvigorating their defenses and sharpening their coronavirus-detecting skills, and prolonging the duration of protection. Some of that familiarity might ebb with certain variants. But in broad strokes, a post-inoculation infection can be “like a booster for the vaccine”

Weren't we at acceptable rates earlier this month and June? Isn't that why mask mandates were lifted in the first place?
yeah it was pretty clear and it's all going according to plan.

once enough are vaxxed, lift the restrictions but unvaxxed are supposed to maintain social distancing and wearing masks in public.

we did our part but the unvaxxed didn't and now they're going to the hospital. oh well.

granted, this is not great because some fraction of vaxxed will set be hospitalized, but the answer is to put pressure on the vaxxed. start fining them. open up criminal prosecution of unvaxxed people who are found to have spread covid.
Weren't we at acceptable rates earlier this month and June? Isn't that why mask mandates were lifted in the first place?

Infection rates were low, but vaccination rates were (and still are) too low. CDC should have made their initial recommendations based on vaccination rates AND infection rates in a given area in order to ease restrictions. For example, California just tossed out the rulebook with some counties still around ~30% fully vaxxed. IMO, Newsom should have said once your county has reached 70% vaccinated you can open up fully as long as infection rates and test positivity rates are under specific thresholds.
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Blake P Blake P you've been consistent in your vigilance. Its respectable and commendable. And I was too this time last year and at the start of this year. But I'm done letting this virus have the kind of power it used to have over me. I'm moving on with life. I'm done with masks. I'm not going out all willy nilly but I didnt do that before the pandemic cuz I've always hated crowds.

Only thing I'm adjusting at this point is when I see my mother. She doesnt want to take the vaccine and I dont want to be the person who gave her covid so limited visits and masked up when I go. Other than that, I gotta get back to a comfortable life.

When I said something along the same lines, I got shamed for saying it was nice seeing people smile again 😭

location checks out. I hope they don't get shut down or martyred or anything, there was a bar that tried the same ish and it blew up with these idiots. let their ownership catch the 'rona and the employees quit give them the bad juju so the customers stay away

Get those usajobs resumes ready, folks. There will inevitably be some clowns that quit their cushy, fed job. :lol: :pimp:

Get those usajobs resumes ready, folks. There will inevitably be some clowns that quit their cushy, fed job. :lol: :pimp:

About to update my resume now :lol:

Get those usajobs resumes ready, folks. There will inevitably be some clowns that quit their cushy, fed job. :lol: :pimp:
Labor shortage bout to really turn up
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