Hipsters Unappreciation

i hang around some hipsters here in los angeles, but all in all -- hipsters are lame. some of the music in their "scene" is pretty dope though andeven some of their functions are cool, it is just hard to get past their exterior and demeanor.
Originally Posted by MPLSdunk

ebayologist, you ever been to MCAD in minneapolis?

MCAD is bad SAIC is worse. Uptown Mpls is bad Wicker Park Chicago is worse....Williamsburg is worst....Bushwick is getting there.....
Good thread. Very true indeed.

They continue to multiply. You can't walk down Nostrand Avenue without seeing at least one.
Originally Posted by Purple Face

Originally Posted by iLLscan

Speaking for the "bridge & tunnel" folk (I'm from Jersey, GASP!) , I find them highly amusing. They try really, really hard to distance themselves from their Midwestern red state roots & become cosmopolitan types. Yet end up isolating themselves even more than just being the corn fed individuals they really are (I don't care how tight your jeans are chief, you're still from Des Moines, Iowa). And they have the nerve to talk about people from Queens, Staten, Long Island & Jersey like we're the out of place ones. *In my thickest Jersey accent* "Get the Ufff outta here".
My Ex is from BK & I've overheard these dudes talking about "pioneering" neighborhoods. Which basically means "I'm the first skinny white dude to gentrify this neighborhood". Talk about arrogance. Like there weren't native New Yorkers living there already.

Christopher Columbus mentality
That @*+$ is hilarious, like they were the first people to wear skinny jeans within a quarter mile radius of where they live.
Ugh hipsters. Thank god they haven't multiplied out here like they have in other major cities.
at this thread being 2 yrs old and still relevant. Hipsters don't seem tobe changing/evolving, only multiplying.
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