Honestly..... Can You Listen To All 23 Tracks On Life After Death Without Skipping.

he should have traded i love the dough for brooklyns finest

cuz i love the dough is trash
I skip too ... album is far from a classic .. just a classic artist with another great album which happened to be his last ..

AyO Ben Franklin .. I rarely hear people say that album is a classic though ... Most people I know actually prefer to skip through the CD ..
The same people who hate on Jay for makin commercial records hate on BIG, its the SAME people, a small minority of the bitter 90s fans . . . Who prollydon't get out much anyway

But anyway, I mean if commercial songs bother someone Disc 1 should be a frisby, it goes street, comercial, street, comercial for the whole disc, and itcontinues on disc 2 . . . That's all P Diddy fruity %## doin that #*%#, but it doesn't take away from the album much . . . Unless of course you'rea bitter 90s fan . . .
- short answer.....NO.

- long answer.....that was the problem around that time, the new fad of double disc releases. dont quote me, but i think Pac was the first one to test thewaters, then Big, then everyone had to do it. all they were doing was taking the scraps that would normally be taken off the final copy and leaving them on thefinal release. and what you ended up with was a bunch of releases that could have been way better than the final product, and some releases being calledclassics when if they trimmed the fat really would have been.

- take a look back to all those double disc releases from Pac on, everyone of them that were considered classics (track for track) really were'nt. hell,they even had Eightball do a triple disc (advertised triple disc).

Double Disc releases at that time that i can think of....

Master P
Krazie Bone
and R.Kelly (ill add him because he's always straddled the hip-hop r&b line)

- thats all i can think of but i know there's more, but you can see once Pac jumped it off everybody and they mama was doing it just to try and sell moreunits....sad.

*pay attention kids*

- this is another thing that led to the downfall of hip-hop people dont talk about.....

- taking a bunch of filler to add to a disc just to slap a 'Double Disc' label on a cd was another gimmick set by the studios to try and get more moneyon a per cd basis and off of hype. what ended up happening was people were already tight about spending $18+ on a release, not your forcing them to pay $25-$30for the same amount of good songs. making downloading that much more enticing i.e. Napster circa 1999.....
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