how bad is it getting your wisdom teeth pulled???

I got mine out surgically and was put under, but the pain wasn't too bad for me after.

Face was swole for days.
I have 4 that need to get pulled... 2 have been pulled so far.. the pain is tolerable.. worst part are the chipmunk cheeks :lol:
Yea wat is the healing time.
how long until i can eat Arby's again

You getting all of them pulled? 
yep. 2 atta time tho

Reps all around on re charge.

See me in street troy.
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lol worst pain i ever been in my life..i jus got 3 of em pulled

depends on the person some heal quick some dont..

i had inflammitory issues and i woke up in the middle of night with pain and head pounding dog didnt eat solid days for 2 weeks i still have holes in my gums food gets stuck back there smh annoying
Got all 4 pulled at once. The pain was bad only the first 2 days. The worst part was not being able to eat solids for over a week. 
Got all 4 pulled in 15 minutes and felt no pain at all.

Only annoying parts were flushing out your gums with salt water syringes for the first few weeks and not eating anything but ice cream and soup.
It only takes 15 minutes ?????

Im not worried about the actual procedure just like healing process and turn around time.

So its safe to say after i get it done tomorrow ill be good to go in on labor day?
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The procedure is fine but if you end up with a "dry socket" you'll be in pain for weeks. I had two dry sockets and it was terrible...
I had pretty deep roots so the surgery and recovery were more complicated. I thought I had a dry socket but the dentist explained that my roots suffered trauma and it took about a month before I was pain free.
Mine were surgically removed when i was in the air force and it was over in the blink of an eye. Once the anesthesia was administered, it was a wrap. Taking care of it isn't too bad, and it's mainly soreness instead of actual pain, but then again, the meds likely took care of that. Percocets had me in that joint floating. threw them out tho before i finished the dosage; i felt like it was affecting my sleep.
Make sure to drink from a straw OP.

pls no and make sure you use the little syringe they give you to blast out food chunks cuz they smell like death if you don't get them out.

Imagine discovering a piece of beef lodged in your gum hole 4 days after you ate that burger.
lol worst pain i ever been in my life..i jus got 3 of em pulled

depends on the person some heal quick some dont..

i had inflammitory issues and i woke up in the middle of night with pain and head pounding dog didnt eat solid days for 2 weeks i still have holes in my gums food gets stuck back there smh annoying

easily worst pain i've ever experienced in my entire life. my appendix almost burst but that pain pales in comparison to when i got my wisdom teeth pulled. i dont know if it was a dry socket or infection or what but i couldnt move for days let alone drink or eat.

i think i was the exception and not the norm. most people i know who've gotten them pulled were right back on their feet.
That ride home with saliva filled bloody gauze was something I'll never forget. No anesthesia here either OP, got 4 out at the same time. Pain wasn't bad at all, if you have impacted wisdom teeth get ready to feel pressure and slight cracking.

Worst part is not eating normal food, you'll b back to normal in 4-7 days b

Lay off that loud while you healing tho, like someone mentioned you don't want any parts of dry socket
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Have to get one pulled but I'm trying to hold off as long as I can. I had a dry socket the last time I had one pulled 10 years ago, and I'm not trying to go through that pain again.
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