How do you guys deal with anger?

Originally Posted by 6dollaBURGER

cut myself.

O man this had me 
I got alot of rage inside me from wanting to knock sense into people that i love, to stupid little things. Thankfully I just started working out again and its helping me more than just physically,  i find it puts my mind at ease.   

man i think i need a shrink. 
- If someone is annoying me, I think of doing something incredibly violent to them, that I know I wouldn't really act out. It eventually makes me laugh.
- I write about what's bothering me.

- I listen to music I usually listen to when I'm down. Taking a walk while doing so is even better. I just walk and think about everything that's irritating me for roughly an hour.
i throw things and i break my own stuff
I got angry one time and broke my nirvana box set, my hendrix box set, and my ramones box set

each cd individually, on purpose

p.s i dont know why i had so many box sets of cds
Originally Posted by 6 rings MJ

this for some reason idk why it feels good when your mad and you start to cuss more then usual
but damn @ the same time i seriously need to stop that though its a bad habit 
im very shocked surprise nobody mentioned this

listen to music with headphones to ignore anybody
I'm one of those really mild mannered, really nice ppl that really dislike confrontation.  I don't like to fight or argue and I try to avoid it at all costs but sometimes I just snap and lose control sometimes ... usually with no build up, and it's just real sudden.  As long as someone pushes the right button I hulk out. 

Anger is a problem for me
so I'm in no position to give advice. 
Originally Posted by SUSHI AND GRITS


word, i try to break down why i'm "mad" in the first place. what triggered it, what it triggered in me that got me "mad"; it usually ends up being that i felt stupid about something or i felt played & just mislabeled those feelings so-called anger. by the time i finish figuring it out all .. i don't even feel any type of  negative way any more.
emotions .. they aren't permanent they move & sheeeiiii 

& LOL @ dudes looking for any excuse to touch themselves 
Relax, and ask yourself is it really something worth getting mad over. 99% its not worth it.
works too.
hit something hard... not someone.

or keep quiet

really depends on the circumstances.
I'm bi-polar, but the therapist said I have unbelievable control over myself. I often get angry and can sometimes snap (which even scare me), but at the same time, I'm probably the "sweetest" dude some people have ever met. I'm not always on point with handling my anger but here are some of initial approaches and solutions.

-analyze the source of anger
-concoct a positive solution

then to switch the mood, I'll:

- zone out to some music (sometimes it makes me hyper and feel invincible though)
- do a random good deed (always feels good to make someone else feel good)
- get physically active (skateboard, weights/pushups, or umm ahhaa work on my poplocking/ glides)
- talk to someone who comforts me (this is rarely my solution)
- take a breather. stroll somewhere like the beach or peaceful
- make a beat/ write lyrics
- herbals
- rinse my face with warm water
- hit the freeway with the windows down so the breeze takes me away
Contemplate if it's necessary to let it out. If unnecessary I'll disappear for a while mainly to avoid misdirecting my anger. Usually I go off on my own and do something creative.
There's a 100 percent chance I'll snap if something was done or someone did something to violate my personal code of ethics though.
Anger management didn't teach me much, I just discovered my own comfort zone in my hobbies. Nowadays I'm never mad. I do not care...
Originally Posted by fac3 tak30v312

Hit the free weights
When I was a teenager I used to have serious anger problems, most people used to tell me back then I would always look like I'm about to go kill someone. What really helped was first I've always planned out what I wanted to do with my life, so I always kept in the back of my mind that going to jail over some nonsense is not worth my future regardless of how much I've wanted in the past to end certain ppl. life. The second thing that helped was hitting the free weights or just working out in general, this worked until I got really sick when I was 19 and lost a lot of weight, I still haven't been able to put back on the muscle I had back then. The third thing that helped was reading books on human psychology, this was mostly a way to help reshape myself as I saw fit since I also became very insecure as a teenager, but it helped understand why most people including myself acted the way we do and from there I created strategies to get the outcome I wanted without getting angry.
But what helped the most was fear, that is being afraid of the well of darkness inside me. I was always one of the smallest in any class I was in as a youngster, yet every fight I would get in, I would find the strength to pummel all opponents that came my way regardless of size. As I got older and began to get stronger this scared the crap out of me, as my anger was only beginning to get more out of control
I remember one day as a youngin at the age of 10, being teased by this girl called Vashti .. but at the time I didn't know she was only doing so because she liked me. On this particular day I wasn't in a good mood and she hit me with a pellet and ran away. Now, at that age I was small and underweight maybe 70 -80 lbs at most but I took up this red brick the size of my head in my anger and threw it at her half way across the court yard only to miss her and hit an unsuspecting boy in the head .. While I did get punished severely by the school's principal, it was the first time I began to fear my anger.
It was always my companion, my savior when kids would attempt to fight me, jump me, to attack me, to believe they could bully me ... that was the day I became afraid of myself
So yeah as an adult I still am at war in a sense with my anger but I've found ways to channel it and control it, and hope that the day I become black out angry never arises

great post

definitely going to start exercising  like people have suggested.
might have to see a doctor as well because this feeling good one minute, heated and mad as hell several minutes later crap isn't working anymore.
A year or two ago, I would rage. But now I've learned to walk away. It's hard. But I've realized how much better it is for me to just let it go.
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