How hard is it to REALLY to get into Ivy League?

Who knows. Every year seems to get harder.

At our 5 year reunion we joked that we definitely couldn't get into Stanford now.

Don't know how much race (black) mattered and I did go to a very strong public HS. Out of ~170 6 went to Stanford, 15 to 20 to Cal, and a few to the Ivy league including Harvard

"More than 800 colleges and universities across the country no longer mandate score submissions from SAT or ACT college admissions exams, according to the latest survey by the National Center for Fair & Open Testing, otherwise known as FairTest and a longtime critic of the SAT."

I'm not sure if it applies to Ivy Leagues though, so apologies for the misinformation. 
 Didn't know this
I applied back in 2001 with 1400 SAT, ~4.3 gpa, highly regarded HS, decent but not great ECs.

IIRC got into Princeton and Brown of the Ivies. Didn't get Harvard. Didn't apply to the others. Ended up at Stanford

Damn homie, I graduated in 2005 with similar stats (1430 SAT, 4.2 GPA) and the only school I got into was UCI (I applied to only UCI, UCR, and UCSD). Maybe I should've aimed a bit higher :smh:.

You definitely should have. Riverside?

UCI isn't that bad, isn't it behind Berkeley and SD as the hardest UCs to get into now?
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