How I Met Your Mother Post Series Discussion. Rustled Jimmies to the Maximum

Kinda wish they didn't go the whole Robin/Barney route if they were just gonna have Swarley revert to his old self. Really felt like a waste of all the the personal and emotional growth Barney went through. Would have preferred, if Robin married an outsider, then fell outta contact with the gang while also getting divorced.

Also, thought the ending didnt necessarily need Ted to be grieving but rather have a more somber tone instead of the kids giving off the, "Aunt Robin is the greatest! Even better than mom" vibe.

Oh, there needs to be bonus footage of Lily coughing up some ends to Marshall, since Ted ends up with Robin.

Overall enjoyed the show and journey. Sure it had its flaws, but there were plenty of memorable moments along the way.
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There was nothing botched about the ending. All the pieces fit together. We were just blind to it till the end.
Like the kids said, the story was never about meeting the mother, it was about Ted asking the kids for their permission to get with Robin.

It was always planned that way, judging from how young the kids still were in the final scene.
Kinda wish they didn't go the whole Robin/Barney route if they were just gonna have Swarley revert to his old self. Really felt like a waste of all the the personal and emotional growth Barney went through. Would have preferred, if Robin married an outsider, then fell outta contact with the gang while also getting divorced.

Also, thought the ending didnt necessarily need Ted to be grieving but rather have a more somber tone instead of the kids giving off the, "Aunt Robin is the greatest! Even better than mom" vibe.

Oh, there needs to be bonus footage of Lily coughing up some ends to Marshall, since Ted ends up with Robin.

Overall enjoyed the show and journey. Sure it had its flaws, but there were plenty of memorable moments along the way.

Exactly.. it's little things like that they missed. They did it the first time.. when Ted and the Mother got married, Marshall gives her some cash. Nice little callback, I liked it. But there wasn't enough time for a glimpse of Marshall and Lily at the end.. that could have been nice. Have a brief interaction with Ted and Marshall/Lily, Ted runs off and they both know where he's going and she pays up the cash.

I think I saw something about there actually being bonus footage of "after the finale" that will probably be saved until the DVD/Blu-Ray. I'm hoping it's a scene of everyone at McLaren's.
It really bothers me that Ted and Robin got together at the end... After she broke up with Ted or Barney like every season of the show I expected her to end up alone...
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There was nothing botched about the ending. All the pieces fit together. We were just blind to it till the end.
Like the kids said, the story was never about meeting the mother, it was about Ted asking the kids for their permission to get with Robin.

It was always planned that way, judging from how young the kids still were in the final scene.

Storywise you may have a point, but as a single episode of television? Way too rushed. To me, too much happened with the mother dying, Ted talking to the kids, Ted going after Robin, that if you just extended that a bit, it would have landed better. They handled big moments really well in the episode, Robin and Barney realizing it wasn't working, the goodbyes at the wedding, the first meeting at the train station... but they didn't nail the landing on the most important part. It just needed more time to breathe.
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im disgusted

All these years of back and forth with Robin and Ted and numerous hours spent on the two of them "letting each other go" all just to end back in the same place my god :smh:

All the time spent building up Robin and Barney, even though i never cared for that pairing in the first place, including spending this entire season on their wedding just to have them split up :smh:

I thought they split up Barney and Robin just so they could have a couple of bits of Barney doing his shtick again before letting them get back together and Robin adopting Barneys kid but my god.......I never expected that. I hate this ****** show
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Some positive comments from the AV Club

The show was never really about meeting the mother. They said that many times- it's about the journey.
Just because he gets with Robin TOO doesn't mean his journey to meet Tracy, THE MOTHER OF HIS CHILDREN, isn't equally important.
It's about how it's not about the "one" or even about the perfect person. Robin and Ted would never get married before: he wanted and needed kids and she needed to travel and be independent. If Ted had met Tracy when he met Robin, he was not the man he needed to be.

The real "troll" is that he looks for the "one" for all these seasons and turns out that they're are many ones (as there was for Tracy too; she got her own 2 perfect men. Don't lose that part)

Another thing I read in the comments section is the theory that Barney is the Dad in "How I Met Your Dad".. since that could explain why they don't mention the mother or his involvement with her at all. That seems like the exact thing the creators would plan on doing.. :lol:
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Lol, big j 33, as an episode it was great. It wasn't rushed at all.
All the important parts were in the episode. It just sounds like you guys just didn'tget to see everything you wanted to see, regardless if it was important to the story or not.

Stuff like Ted being at the mother's deathbed, or the exchange in cash between Marshall and Lily would've been nice to see, but we can't see everything we want in 44 minutes of playing time. They would be nice extra footage to see in dvd cuts though.
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This series at it's peak was perfect, a sitcom with close friends having their ups and downs and learning lessons in a funny way. It was almost like the real life version of a cartoon. With real people, a show cant run forever tho. :frown: HIMYM Y'all had a great run and will still be watched on netflix on a usual basis as a background and pre sleep show.

TO HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER! :smokin :pimp:
I'm not going to nitpick on the finale.

HIMYM is right behind Seinfeld as my favorite tv sitcom series. Sad that its over because i liked each character and could relate to each one.
The most important part of the episode was condensed into 3 minutes. Forget the extra stuff I mentioned.. THE biggest twist and reveal in the show's history was the shortest part of the episode. I know we can't have it all, but we needed more of that final bit.

They did a lot of great stuff in the episode that they needed to hit, but they needed to nail that final scene.. and it was rushed, point blank. I'm not even mad at the story or the twist, just didn't have time to appreciate it.
Damn, I just realized I've been used to watching HIMYM for 9 straights years on Monday nights. Gonna feel a little weird for me now lol :frown:
Big J, what exactly would you have wanted to see after the twist? Robin and Ted marrying? Them talking and professing love to each other, a zillionth time? Sometimes less is more. We've had 9 seasons of them talking their feelings out and professing love to each other. We've seen two weddings in the last two episodes, a third would be overkill.

I thought the simplicity of the ending mirroring the pilot - robin back at that apartment with the dogs, Ted with the blue french horn - was perfect.
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I could see that and I'm expecting that to be the thing my opinion changes on when I rewatch the finale.. but that was my biggest issue upon first viewing.
The mother is... TMac
I will miss the characters more than anything, especially Ted. Barneys the best character, but I felt that I learned the most from Ted. Hes the quintessential make lemonade out of lemons guy. Unwavering hope. Makes you feel like everyone has that one person out there waiting for them. 

Teds the biggest dweeb in TV history maybe :lol: I hate that guy
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