How much fast food do you eat now?

Jan 11, 2004
damn my whole life up until 2 years ago I ate fast food non-stop.  that was until i went up to 190 and a huge gut
. now i prolly go once or twice every 2 weeks or so

that stuff is straight poison, but the best tasting poison ever.
like 2 times a month, maybe a little bit more when im at school and need somethin quick, but even then i try to go for the "healthy" items
I've finally learned to balance myself and keep everything moderate.  I eat Five Guys (NH) once a week and home cooked meals the other days.  Fast food won't kill you if you eat it in moderation.
None. I don't eat out at all now. When I was in college, it was appalling how much $$$$ I spent on fast food only for it to just make me sick.
Once or twice every couple of months...for about 3 years I didn't eat any at all but I do now in moderation.
maybe like twice a week now?
I was super strict on my diet before but I took
a break when school started again. It was too much to focus on
school then worry about food and counting calories.
I think I just might give up fast food now.
Maybe two times a two slices of pizza for lunch from the local Italian spot and then Subway on another day. The only other fast-food chains I'd eat at would be Taco Bell or Wendy's. Haven't eaten at Mcdonalds in years - Wendy's $2.99 > anything Mcdonalds has
i would say a lot when school is in session just because I dont make lunch ahead of time.
havent had fast food in 3 weeks. trying to give it up.

havent had soda(unless im mixing rum, then its coke zero) in about 4 weeks.
$1 menu weekly. I don't push it or over do it. I also try to only eat what tastes good and cut out the extra crap I could have at home.
Not enough. I have fast food about 4, maybe 5 times a month.

Just had some Chinese food today. 
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