How old were you when you killed your first 40oz?!

15. Drank one and a half, ended up throwing up in my cousin's car and the woke up in the middle of the night and peed on the bedroom wall :rofl:
17 off that jet fuel called "Steel Reserve"...

...I swear if you put that **** in your gas tank, your car will drive fast enough to go back in time.
21. Magnums were my drink of choice in college. $1.89 
17 years old and only because 40 oz bottles aren't sold in Florida and we can only cop 32's, first time I actually drank a 40 oz Steel Reserve was when I visited my cousin in Boston.
Some of yall are ridiculous, passing out and puking after one 40oz? I know you were young but damn.

I mean I remember puking when I was 16 after racing my friend in a chugging contest after about 7 or 8 beers, but a 40 is only 3.25 beers. 

I think I was 17 when I drank my 1st 40 though. I drank my second one that night too and I was most def wasted, but I was shocked when I woke up the next day and realized I only spent $6 and was that smashed. Since then I think I've drank like 5 or less 40's in my life.

Malt liquor is a lot smoother than regular beer, but its just as gross when it gets warm. 

Got twisted at 13 on some crooked I special brew and joint of some straight up hey. It was like drinking coolaid or fruit punch. 
:lol: :rofl: :stoneface: :smh: @ these dudes that threw up after they drank that 40.

Y'all can't be serious...
19, drank well over 40oz of joose in one sitting :stoneface:

if you dont drink 40s...I advise you to get with Mickeys first time around. I need about 2 of those to feel a decent buzz
Man i dont remember the first time but a couple months ago I was heading to a house party and didnt have a lot of money on me so i just copped a couple 40s. As im drinking the first one, some ***** i dont even know comes up to me talking about "who the **** still drinks 40s?" I aint even know what to say like this my first time drinking one of these in years why you trying to ruin my night?

Anyway 40s are definitely appreciated at times.
I was 21
Similar story, I did not have much money so that was my only option. When I got to the party some random chick said I looked like an alcoholic :lol:
13, miller high life 40oz.
smashed it in a little over an hour. about half an hour later i threw-up so violently that i busted blood vessels on my cheeks had me looking like this.
16...went with the OE's (old English) and a large pizza...used to drinkin liquor so didnt do much besides a buzz
jr high so 13 or 14  and it was old english 800 we use to drink that and private stock straight bum juice 
Some of yall are ridiculous, passing out and puking after one 40oz? I know you were young but damn.

I mean I remember puking when I was 16 after racing my friend in a chugging contest after about 7 or 8 beers, but a 40 is only 3.25 beers

I think I was 17 when I drank my 1st 40 though. I drank my second one that night too and I was most def wasted, but I was shocked when I woke up the next day and realized I only spent $6 and was that smashed. Since then I think I've drank like 5 or less 40's in my life.

Malt liquor is a lot smoother than regular beer, but its just as gross when it gets warm. 


Young grasshopper, you forget **** like 211 and anything that says high gravity is gonna be roughly equivilent to 2 highlifes or bud lights. So a 40 of steel is really like 7 beers.

As for 40's of regular cheap beer like high life and bud light; whats the point?
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