i finally got 3 rings of death on my xbox.. **** ps3 fanboys

Originally Posted by Slaptastic

Why would anyone buy a 360 when the repair rate is more than DOUBLE of the PS3's? I read an article that stated that the repair rate of 360's is about 40% of the consoles that are bought in a year. While that PS3's repair rate was LESS than 2% of the consoles that are sold in a year. I've literally been through 5 360's, while I still have the same PS3 from launch day back in 05-06.



want a cookie?
has anyone had the unfortunate luck of getting the 3 rings of death and having to send it back to microsoft more than once? if so how many ?
Yo my girl got me an Xbox360 for Christmas and I fear getting the 3RROD, I pray and hope I don't get that problem.

I think that PS3 is the overall better value and bang for your buck because I wasted more money initially with the 360 than I would if I just bought a PS3.

Wireless adapter is $100 and the $50 for Xbox Live, and $300 for the system brings the system to almost $500 with taxes and all of that.

But, I still preferred the 360 because I like FPS since Goldeneye and Perfect Dark on N64, they're gaming library, and from a lot of the users on here kindof swayed my decision.

Dudes is acting like Sony isn't mad shady when it comes to this console business... ya'll forgot the "disc read error" with PS2?

Microsoft is using the same tactic and scheme as Sony did last generation. Sony had such a big lead and knew they had it on lock that when people got that"disc read error" problem they did the same thing people are doing now with the 360 which is buy a whole new system instead of getting it repaired.That's why Sony was able to sell that many PS2's last generation, those sales numbers were unheard of for a console.

I think Sony dropped the ball with the price of the system and having good games far and few in between. I think the median price for a console should be $299,but never to exceed $399... ever.
My 360 has been going strong for a few years, modded (free games FTW) and always works on Live (which owns PS3's online gaming experience, even thoughit's paid).

My PS3 is great but for the BR player but I rarely play it since I'm too cheap to buy $50 games all the time.
i have had the same PS3 since launch i'm on my 6th repair with the 360 2 in the last month alone when will they just send me a new one?
Back to the matter in hand:

RROD warranty is extended on top of the regular 1-year warranty.

I had a 360 @ launch and it got the RROD in October/November just a few months ago, and my warranty expired in '06.

Contacted 1-800-4-MY-XBOX, and they sent me a shipping box with a fully-paid shipment free of charge.

All that had to be done was remove the HDD, drop the console in the box, and off it went.

Thinking that it'd come back fixed/replaced 3 - 4 months later, I hopped on eBay and copped a 360 Elite,

And I'd just sell my first 360 to a coworker whenever it'd come back... But that joint came back in less than 2 weeks working just fine (although itwas a replacement).

Call Customer Support (and hope you get someone located in the U.S. who fully understands english).

See what can be done... Worst case scenario: you'd probably have to drop $99 to repair. At that point, the decision of what to do is entirely yours.

And getting a PS3 won't solve much as you being a 360 owner. I have both and I'm happy to have both.

Knowing you dropped $300 - $400+ and you just let it sit around and rot after it caught the RROD just isn't right.
kidUFC wrote:
Originally Posted by Primavera Vills

Originally Posted by kidUFC

Originally Posted by parada45

Get a PS3

not until they make the controllers interact with the system in real time
when i use anyoens ps3 .. i would press something on the ps3 and its like a second late for the system to read.. i press the block button with bynum and he jumps after the ball is release.

You're talking about NBA 2K9 which a lot of people complain that the gameplay is "slow," or like you're implying, "not reacting in realtime

Try 5 other PS3 games and let's see if your awkward assumption still stands.
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