I gained 11 pounds in 5 days

Jul 25, 2008
for the past 3 months ive been dieting and i lost 30 pounds. going into SP i was 227 now im 238 5 days later. FML
i my goal is 200 before summer, what can i do so i can keep my results
I gained 35 in the last month and a half. My hypothalamus is all +%!!*%. Every day from 1 morning to the next, I either gain 2 lbs or lose it. I have no set point anymore. I just cancelled my health insurance because my job contract is coming up so I don't know what to do about it
thats the thing about weight loss...it's hard to shed but it's so easy to gain back...thats why consistency of some form especially for "overweight" individuals should be their primary objective when dropping weight...I read somewhere that even though you lose fat...the same fat cells are still there and their just waiting to expand or duplicate once you start eating fatty foods again.

I say do some resistance training with HIIT. Along with that try and eat all your carb foods earlier in the day and taper it off towards the night where your eating more veggies and protein.

tru life.....live by the burger die by the sauce
Originally Posted by taimaishu123

the hell were you eating? lard?

have you pooped yet?

since i dieted for so long, i was like ill let myself eat during springbreak. it was all fast food but i didnt eat that much in my opinion i was one saying i wasnt hungry. this f's up my plans i gotta be 200 in like 2 months. from 227 it woulda been alot easier...
Originally Posted by paliplaya2010

Originally Posted by taimaishu123

the hell were you eating? lard?

have you pooped yet?

since i dieted for so long, i was like ill let myself eat during springbreak. it was all fast food but i didnt eat that much in my opinion i was one saying i wasnt hungry. this f's up my plans i gotta be 200 in like 2 months. from 227 it woulda been alot easier...
I need to lose as much weight as possible as fast as possible. I got a streetball game in April; Hot Sauce, Spyda, 1/2 man, ILLBRB, Jonsey, Kenny Dobbs, Myree Remix Bowden, Springs might come, gonna be deep and in from of my hometown again so if I don't feel like I can get my weight (and resultingly athleticism) back to where I want it, I'm not even going to go out there and embarrass myself. Hell, outside of the weight I haven't even touched a basketball in 2 months

But at your weight, you should be able to do 38lbs in 2 months or close to it
Originally Posted by paliplaya2010

Originally Posted by taimaishu123

the hell were you eating? lard?

have you pooped yet?

since i dieted for so long, i was like ill let myself eat during springbreak. it was all fast food but i didnt eat that much in my opinion i was one saying i wasnt hungry. this f's up my plans i gotta be 200 in like 2 months. from 227 it woulda been alot easier...

low fat to high fat is all bad
Originally Posted by best hands in the game

30 pounds in 3 months? if your really wanted to hit 200 by summer you would work harder.
i play college football. i just got off an injury and was really weak. i assumed i put on some muscle while i was losing weight...
Originally Posted by eashawty

hell i wish i could gain 11 pounds period, i been the same weight for like 4 years

real talk i need to know how to gain 11 pounds in 5 days (that aint healthy though)
Originally Posted by Tego Calderon El Abayarde

Since you guys gain weight so easily, care to share some tips with those of us who have a hard time gaining weight?

Originally Posted by remix

run your %+* off

ive been doing this but now since we start spring football im gonna have 0 time to workout by myself. so doing the football workouts i may only do extra running and working out twice a week.
You didn't let yourself eat during spring break, you let yourself go!

Drop your calories, workout and do some cardio.
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