I have question as far as Android software and IOS..

Sep 16, 2010
I currently have a Droid X and I love the phone, but I am starting to notice that the android software begins to lag and be slow at times... I have played with my little sisters Iphone 4 and I love how easy it is to use. I think I am going to get the Iphone 5 whenever it comes out(If it comes out) based on how smooth it runs.. Am I the only one that is having this issue with Android software? Is IOS a better software? I have looked at both the threads on both software's, but it is to much to read to look for the answer I am looking for.. 
I'm the exact same as you. I'm just waiting on an iphone to come out that I actually want.
IOS seems to be more stable but I like how much you can do with Android. I like how I can switch ROMS with Android, it makes it like a completely different phone. But I've never came across a 100% stable ROM.
My Droid Incredible is great but it's at the end of it's life. The dev community is what makes Android what it is though.

If an iphone 5 comes out by June I'm jumping ship. There aren't any new Android phones out or any coming out that I want.
Originally Posted by omgitswes

I'm the exact same as you. I'm just waiting on an iphone to come out that I actually want.
IOS seems to be more stable but I like how much you can do with Android. I like how I can switch ROMS with Android, it makes it like a completely different phone. But I've never came across a 100% stable ROM.
My Droid Incredible is great but it's at the end of it's life. The dev community is what makes Android what it is though.

If an iphone 5 comes out by June I'm jumping ship. There aren't any new Android phones out or any coming out that I want.

I am in the same boat as you, I wanted to get another android phone under Verizon, but I realize how smooth  the I phone runs and I like the fact that it is easy to use. The good thing about waiting on the Newest Iphone is that I m getting it under Verizon Wireless, which have the best service out.. I can't wait.. 
haha maybe its because you guys have some piece of *%$% phones? play with one of the new gen dual core phones and youll feel the diffrence. i have a galaxy s2 and its as smooth as an iphone. thats like me coming in here with a iphone 3g and being like ios sucks.
Originally Posted by THIZZLE WIGLE

haha maybe its because you guys have some piece of *%$% phones? play with one of the new gen dual core phones and youll feel the diffrence. i have a galaxy s2 and its as smooth as an iphone. thats like me coming in here with a iphone 3g and being like ios sucks.


galaxy S2 is far from smooth bro. my dad had one and he would constantly get pissed off at it for that reason. bought an iPhone 4S and he's happy 

android is not as fluid as iOS, no matter what phone is running it. if it was, i'd probably use an android but i can't stand it. 
Your android will lag unless you root it and change the launcher. I too had the droid x and rooting makes a ton of difference, but I just don't have time for all that anymore. The iPhone is smooth straight out the box and im definitely not interested in going back to android again. Who needs specs if I have to mod the dang thing just to like it.
That's why I love my iPhone so much. I have had it to for close to a year and it still runs smooth. I even have a few friends who still have 3gs and 3g iPhone and their phones still runs smooth too. Before the iPhone I had a couple android phones and I hated the OS.
I'm in the same boat with my Thunderbolt. I'm jumping ship as soon as the iphone 5 comes out.
I have a Galaxy S2 and it lags alot. The screen is nice, but it fits really awkwardly in my pockets. I'm selling it and getting an iPhone 4s
If you want an easy to use phone, get the iPhone.

If you want to invest time and take advantage of the money that you pay for your phone, get an Android device.

That's really as simple as it is. iOS is built around providing people with an easy to use interface that doesn't require a lot of knowledge about how stuff works. It doesn't allow for very much customization outside of the iOS framework, and for most people that's more than enough for them.

Android is built around providing people with an open source model that allows for customization of the most minute detail. The lag/freeze issues/etc are limitations that the carriers place on the phones, and not the phones themselves. If you root your phone and overclock your processor to where it should be at, then you won't have any problems with lag.

I would compare it to deciding between an entry level Benz or an old American Muscle car in need of fixing. People will appreciate one, regardless of how basic and widely available it is, simply because of the name attached to it. The other will be appreciated because of the effort that the owner put into it. It's really like comparing apples to oranges. Completely different OSes that, from inception, had different objectives in mind.
I don't think you can definitively say which OS is better. It all depends on your preferences, IMO. At one point, I loved Android and all the rooting, custom ROMS, etc. That was when I actually had time to keep up with stuff like that. Now I just want a phone that consistently runs smooth and doesn't require a lot of maintenance to do so, as I just don't have time to customize my phone now. After jumping into the Apple ecosystem w/ a Macbook Pro and then iPad, I think that iOS is the OS that does that best.

Add me to the list of people waiting for the iPhone 5. I love my HTC G2 and it has easily been the best phone I've used to date. But the inevitable lag, random reboots, freeze ups, etc. are starting to become the norm. I'm also not a huge fan of the fragmentation in Android.
Android is great if you love to constantly customize your phone to make it faster, look different, and be open source.

iOS is great if you just want it to work right out of the box and have some limitations compared to Android.

Ease of use is what has been thriving Apple since the original iPhone.

I had a iPhone 4, had an upgrade and decided to try out the Galaxy S2 for a week right before the iPhone 4S launch, I enjoyed it but after 3 days the home button stopped working and I was forced to use the back button as a replacement home button. Needless to say, I returned it the morning of the 4S launch and got the 4S with no complaints.
i rooted and installed a custom rom on my gs2 on the first day and havent done any customizing since and its running smooth

and the 4.5 inch screen is by far the best out there.

and u cant be runningnew software on old hardware expecting a smooth experience regardless of which mobile platform you are using
**Bought to drop some KNOWLEDGE***
Listen up, Class is in session.


You can't put the blame on ONE android phone you've owned and immediately go out and get a iPhone. OP your phone you use now is a customized version of Android. A terrible Customize version of Android at that called "MOTO BLUR" and anyone who has owned a Motorola phone with MOTO BLUR knows it sucks. Even motorola told the Tech New sites not to call it blur no more cause it has a bad reputation among Android users. Which is Lagg not android fault Motorola is to blame.

Android is about CUSTOMIZATION, do what want with a open source software and tweak it to your on liking. So putting widgets, icons, picture etc... Onto the home screen is part of the Android OS, and can't be compared to iOS cause iOS uses a static field of just icons. The more widgets you put on the phone you'll see that slight lag on "Certain Android phones" and when i mean certain you won't see that lag on HIGH END Android like Galaxy S 2 devices or the Galaxy Nexus devices. Reason cause these phones have hardware acceleration built into the root of the OS/UI. Hardware acceleration is that buttery smoothness that the iPhone has. However your comparing to OS's that are built on different architecture one on Linux(Android) and DARWIN(iOS, highly modified version of unix and linux) I'm not going into depth, but both os's have their pros and cons. Right now the latest version of Android (ICS 4.0) has Hardware acceleration built entirely into the who OS. This was't as prevalent on previous version like 2.3 but its been there from the get go when Android was released in 2008.

Try out Galaxy Nexus and you'll see a major difference between the way use your droid x right now.

*waits for you know who*
The thing about Android is...I know that I CAN have the patience to do all that modding...I'm not stupid.

I just don't have the time or necessity.

Thus, iPhone.

Lets be real here, as of RIGHT NOW, iOS has the smoothest user experience. Customization? Not so much. Best? Its subjective.
Might just be the hardware.  I have a DX as well and it's been lagging and freezing a lot now.  I did drop it a lot though.  When I buy a new phone i'll look at other companies besides Motorola.  
its just a preference of what the user prefers

for example some prefer asian girls to white girls

at the end of the day you can browse the internet make calls and text on both
Android phones are better on paper without a doubt but they do slow down. I just hate the battery life

I am running a liquid rom on my TB and it is really nice to have hotspot for free.

But if the ne iphone has a 4.3 inch screen and some sort of flash support I will probably make that switch
i've owned both and i'd say iphone is FAR superior IMO.
i'm not much of a fanboy but personal preference for me resides with iOS
Originally Posted by JTPlatnum

i've owned both and i'd say iphone is FAR superior IMO.
i'm not much of a fanboy but personal preference for me resides with iOS

This. I had the og iPhone, went with android for sometime, did everything you could do with it, got fed up with rom switches, data wipes and force closes, switched back to iPhone 4 and currently have zero complaints. For me, iOS's simplicity and fluid experience with every app is all I need. Also, having the iPod baked right in is a godsend.
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