I love when companies take shots at each other.

As a Samsung user I hate when they do this.

It seems desperate.  Just show up and wow people with great product (which they're doing, but not as effectively as Apple)
That's pretty funny :lol:

I just don't like the note 4 commercial.
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It's hilarious. Its karma for what apple used to do. Remember the mac vs pc commercials?
Word,feels like it's been years since I've seen one of those. They were pretty on point and I remember Microsoft did their own response to those ads 
I used to HATE the way Pringles dissed Lays in their commercials

Who the hell cares if you can't stack your chips like Pringles or eat Lays without getting a mess on your hands.

I just personally don't like Pringles as much as others I guess
I think it's kinda corny. Samsung just needs to continue doing them and not worry about Apple. Just keep beating them their own game and in the court room.
comes off as desperate and somewhat salty, if you ask me. if you're superior, then you shouldn't have to remind people.
I honestly have never even heard of a Samsung Note until now. So I'd say the ad was somewhat effective.

I don't care about phones though. Just a sheep who buys the newest iPhone every 3-4 years. Let me cook.
The Taco Bell breakfast commercial where they interview people names Ronald McDonald lol

i'm not a fan of the dissing, but that commercial was damn near brilliant. too bad it probably did more advertising for mcd tho.

you've never heard of the note? wow.
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Several of you are under the impression that Samsung should just let the substance of their products do the talking and that there's no need for negative advertisements.

Unfortunately, most customers have a style > substance mentality and since the iPhone is the "cool" thing to have I think it's fair for rival companies to take shots in an effort to give people with this mentality a wake-up call.
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