I may need brain surgery

Some of you may recall me from posting about a severe lung defect resulting in having half of my right lung removed. This was around last october. Since then I had to drop out of school because I also developped terrible chronic pains in my legs about a month after the surgery.
I also have decreased functioning of my right hand and leg.

Fast forward a few months and in April I got a psychotic break which landed me in a mental ward for 2 weeks. Since then I've had 4 other episodes of hallucinations and confusion. I've never been able to remember exactly what happened besides a few flashbacks of seeing monsters and being terribly scared.
I was cleared of all mental illnesses at the mental ward and the attacks I experienced were only a few hours each, psychotic episodes are much longer.

What they did find however is that I have a very large braincyst (7,5cm x 3,5 x 1,9) which essentially acts as a tumor and pressures certain areas in my brain. My brainstem has already herniated 2mm. The doctors believe the cyst may be causing these episodes among other problems.

I'm going to the hospital tomorrow for a week long 24 hours a day brain monitoring to determine what damage to my functioning is caused by the cyst and decide on how to progress.

Naturally I'm a bit nervous. Having a deadly lung defect wasn't enough apparently, now I have to worry about this cyst.
Do any of you have experience or knowledge about malicious brain cysts?
Damn the only dude who gives my Gucci collection comp. Praying for u my Belgian Patna.
Best of luck fam. I'm sure the doctors will take care of everything with ease. Nothing to worry about. Just stay positive and look forward to the future
Keep us posted dude and stay up. Don't want to read about another NTer passing. I'll sent a prayer up for you when I get back to the crib.
You'll be ok fam. We NTers are stubborn guys
You survived losing a lung, you'll survive this.

Just stay positive. Trust me when I say I know how hard that can be sometimes.
I am truly sorry to hear about the misfortunes you've been experiencing.

damn man

for real this was sad to me an i remember your other post.....................my worse problems dont compare to what you have to deal with

health is everything to me

i send my blessings
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Fam, I know you'll pull through this. I don't have any experience with what your going through but believe that I'm gonna be praying for the doctors to use their skill to the utmost and for you to come out of this in better condition than what your going through right now.

Keep us updated.

Sending all the positive energy I have for you and yours.

Hopefully some NT'ers that have dealt with something similar or an NT doctor can help shed some light on all this.

No worries OP.

My blessings are with you OP. Stay positive and you'll make it through. Hope for the best!
OP...best of luck. stay positive. hope it all goes well and they have you feeling better asap
word you got a lung removed so you already exhibit characteristics of being tough as nails. you'll be good champ good luck and god bless
Stay up fam!! You're a stronger person then I am.

Hope that cyst is operable and you have an affordable and speedy recovery.

We'll be praying for you bruh, hold your head.
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Damn fam, I hope everything goes well.

Sorry to hear about all this.

Your situation literally has me at a loss for words. I hope you the best
best of luck brother, my god watch over you and bless you.

prayers are with you
Damn that's heavy my man, a bad lung and now this? Life dealt you an unfair hand, but you seem to be in good spirits. I'll keep you in my prayers
Stay Strong OP. Wish You Nothing But The Best. [emoji]128591[/emoji][emoji]128591[/emoji][emoji]128591[/emoji]
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