If God doesn't Exist Explain To Me How This Happened By Chance

Jun 14, 2007
How did carbon and energy laying around just decide to do all this within our cells.
If your a student of biology you know it is ridiculous.
The Big Bang had better odds of making an IPhone 5 than doing all of this by trial and error.
God is amazing.

This just covers a few things. Don't get me started on The Brain and Human Eye.

What happens in your testes.
View media item 526027
DNA in each of the cells in your body
View media item 526025
How DNA instruction is carried out
View media item 526026

Believe what you want but I believe God meant for you to be on this earth and has know you since your mothers womb.

Psalm 139:12-14
12Even the darkness is not dark to You, And the night is as bright as the day. Darkness and light are alike to You. 13For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother's womb. 14I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well.
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Here we go.

Ill play when all te cool aetheist chin in with clips from random Internet postings, ultimately pushing their religion of aetheism on everyone else, instead of seeing the hope religion provides, claiming everyone else has false beliefs but still cannot defeat the classic 'watch on a each' arguement( which most have probably never heard)
Here we go.

Ill play when all te cool aetheist chin in with clips from random Internet postings, ultimately pushing their religion of aetheism on everyone else, instead of seeing the hope religion provides, claiming everyone else has false beliefs but still cannot defeat the classic 'watch on a each' arguement( which most have probably never heard)
What is this "watch on a each" argument?
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I'm gonna start this intelligent discussion with:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Argument shifting and reversing questions to place the "intrigue & mysterious" on the side which is commonly viewed as the given, placing you're much shakier, almost impossible to prove "side" in position to be deemed "successful" only in the case of the other failing to 100% explain their point.

...on the other side of things, religious folk always epically fail when questioned in the same manipulative way, it even gets quite hilarious, because none of your points are based on any historical factuality and therefore trying to meet a threshold that has been set at "unquestionable truth" or lose is comical. For every miracle you, your mom, your mom's mom, and her cousin has ever witnessed, 500000000 other times that situation has ended exactly how it logically should've. That's called probability, not a miracle. You fools pick & choose what falls under your scope of usable information like a group of conspiracy theorists.

In reality, no one should care though, just please bury your head in the sand without trying to get me to do it too please....thank you
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I'm not saying god does or doesn't exist, but your logic is incredibly flawed. 

Not having an answer doesn't mean that an answer doesn't exist. 

Understood dude good point. I was just making an observation just like Atheists make.
There are a ton of things we humans don't understand but people think Christians live by faith alone and Non Believers live by proven facts...which is not true. Christians have a God and so do Atheists. The God of Atheists is Father Time. They believe time and chance created everything.
You just posted a whole series of graphs full of detailed information we know about the inner workings of our body and DNA, and this leads you to the conclusion that God must have made us? Talk about missing the point.
I'm not saying god does or doesn't exist, but your logic is incredibly flawed. 

Not having an answer doesn't mean that an answer doesn't exist. 
Understood dude good point. I was just making an observation just like Atheists make.
There are a ton of things we humans don't understand but people think Christians live by faith alone and Non Believers live by proven facts...which is not true. Christians have a God and so do Atheists. The God of Atheists is Father Time. They believe time and chance created everything.
You didn't just make an observation. There are several implications in your original post.

It sounds like atheism really bothers you. You're also generalizing atheists. I'm sure you wouldn't want to be generalized as a Christian.
Here we go.

Ill play when all te cool aetheist chin in with clips from random Internet postings, ultimately pushing their religion of aetheism on everyone else, instead of seeing the hope religion provides, claiming everyone else has false beliefs but still cannot defeat the classic 'watch on a each' arguement( which most have probably never heard)

The "watch on a beach" argument is full of inconsistencies.

Believe what you want though.
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