I'm trying to quit smoking. Vol Day 1

Originally Posted by NikeAirsNCrispyTees

So it's Wednesday. Quit yet?

Postponed til today

I'm ready tho
Originally Posted by MilitaryIV

ive had one in a week and a half...im proud of myself

:tongue:ats back:
ive relapsed

ive smoked my last one on in the box, NO MORE!

buggz, help a homie out...how have you been doin it?

apparently youve relapsed too
%#%@ this were quitin monday
*goes and buys another pack of ports*
Essentially, you are a mental weakling if you cannot fight your urge to smoke.

I have no sympathy for addicts.
Originally Posted by eaalto

Essentially, you are a mental weakling if you cannot fight your urge to smoke.

I have no sympathy for addicts.
if you dont smoke shut the #$%% up. i have done many drugs and by far nicotine is the hardest to quit.
Originally Posted by eaalto

Essentially, you are a mental weakling if you cannot fight your urge to smoke.

I have no sympathy for addicts.
Shut the *!*% up kapolksy
Originally Posted by joshhassolex

Originally Posted by ZeroGravity23

the e-cigarette is a healthier alternative

the ecstasy cigarette?
yeah, it helps quitting a hell of a lot easier
Nah he's talking about an electronic cigarrette. But thanx for reminding me of the herbal cig. I'll have to see if I can find some if Idon't make it this time...
Don't wait til monday. DO IT NOW!!!! Waiting only makes you weaker.

Go through your house, car, clothes etc. Throw away all your cigs, lighters, shirts, posters etc. Anything that has to do with cigs.

Also try this excercise...

Everytime you feel the urge to have a cig do yourself a favor.....

Pull a $5 bill out of your wallet and head to the nearest bathroom. Drop it in and flush. Watch your money take an early death.
(or since we're in a recession walk up to the nearest stranger and just give them the $5)

Eventually this is going to REALLY hurt your wallet. You'll mentally realize what is happening to your finances.

Best of luck to you.
and good luck my friend!

sidenote: funny, i scroll down, and there are 'quit-smoking' ads from google....
Originally Posted by abernja

Don't wait til monday. DO IT NOW!!!! Waiting only makes you weaker.

Go through your house, car, clothes etc. Throw away all your cigs, lighters, shirts, posters etc. Anything that has to do with cigs.

Also try this excercise...

Everytime you feel the urge to have a cig do yourself a favor.....

Pull a $5 bill out of your wallet and head to the nearest bathroom. Drop it in and flush. Watch your money take an early death.
(or since we're in a recession walk up to the nearest stranger and just give them the $5)

Eventually this is going to REALLY hurt your wallet. You'll mentally realize what is happening to your finances.

Best of luck to you.


Day 2...
Originally Posted by MilitaryIV

Originally Posted by eaalto

Essentially, you are a mental weakling if you cannot fight your urge to smoke.

I have no sympathy for addicts.
if you dont smoke shut the #$%% up. i have done many drugs and by far nicotine is the hardest to quit.

He said he wanted words of encouragement!
I am officially on day #23 of quitting. I smoked about pack a day for about 15 years. Quit once and started up again. This time it's official. NicoretteFTW!!
last time i smoked ciggs were $5 and now i see they're almost a little under 6 a pack
- My Father swear to Mother and I that he would stop smoking after his surgery but that ni$$a been smoking behind my back.

He thinks he's slick, but he's not.

How should I approach and tell him? I don't think he'll ever quit so now, I'm like eff it.

I really thought he would quit after his surgery.
I've been thinking about quiting too... The thing for me is that I can go days without smoking a cig. It's certain places and people that make me lightone. I don't even smoke that much. Maybe 3-5 per day.
This is the 4th day of being smoke free for me. Cravings come and go but they are manageable. I dont know if its attributed to quitting but I got a cold likethe second smoke free day. I am good though, not as hard as I thought.
Buggz, be strong!

I try to quit every year over summer. Then once school starts back up again, so does the habit.
Originally Posted by GingersAintBad

This is the 4th day of being smoke free for me. Cravings come and go but they are manageable. I dont know if its attributed to quitting but I got a cold like the second smoke free day. I am good though, not as hard as I thought.

Keep it up

I slipped up tonight too

I've had two cigs over the last couple days though so I'm gettin there...
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