Incarcerated For 5 Months, Case Goes To Trial and I am Found Not Guilty... Compensation?

Originally Posted by StillIn729

5 months for $100k a year? yeah I could do that

good luck OP, you def will be getting some kid of money one way or another

word. never cop out if u know ur innocent...hell sometimes you'll be guilty and you can still get away scott free.

lawyer money gotta be there though, no rookies doing pro bono.....
Originally Posted by KingJames23

Originally Posted by GaBeGRaMz

Originally Posted by KingJames23

@ you wanting compensation

Mad funny. I guess you wouldn't mind being in jail away from your family and daughter for any time span. Then when it was proven you were there for no reason you would just accept that a mistake was made.

Now if I'm seriously injured while being held for something that never happened, I should just take that on the chin too.

You right.

I'm not saying you shouldn't be pissed but just because you want something doesn't mean you're gonna get it.

The fact was that you didn't post bail and you were held for your trial and found not guilty doesn't merit compensation. The fact that you were indicted and went to trial means that there was at least something there. And not guilty doesn't mean the defendant didn't do it, just means that the prosecution didn't meet it's burden of proof (in no way am I saying anything about your case, it's a general statement).

For you're civil case you're gonna have to show that they knowingly accused you of something you didn't do. Or prove that the DA knew there was an insufficient case but still went ahead If every single person that was locked up before trial and was found not guilty went and sued their accuser, the legal system would turn into a circus.
QUALITY ! Thanks.

These are the post I need to see, just so I don't walk into a lawyers office like I don't know nothing.

Originally Posted by loxley4life

OP- you would maybe have to file a civil rights case for wrongful prosecution. Seems like the DA knew that this was a bogus case from the beginning. As time went on, it was obvious that there was insufficient evidence to continue prosecuting, but since a guilty plea is a win for the DAs overall record, he or she proceeded with the hopes of you folding and taking a plea deal, hence the numerous offers that they kept making as it got closer and closer to the trial. Prosecutors have an ethical duty to dismiss cases that lack evidence or are just flat out frivolous. Seems like you were just someone ho they thought was not too intelligent and would fold under pressure. Definetly hire an attorney and go after the elected DA who went forward with these charges. It never looks good for a DA when he's being sued for unethical behavior and he will definetly feel the political pressure once you file your case. I would go and hire an attorney ASAP!
MOAR Quality.

I honestly feel this is exactly what happened.
Originally Posted by KingJames23

Originally Posted by GaBeGRaMz

Originally Posted by KingJames23

@ you wanting compensation

Mad funny. I guess you wouldn't mind being in jail away from your family and daughter for any time span. Then when it was proven you were there for no reason you would just accept that a mistake was made.

Now if I'm seriously injured while being held for something that never happened, I should just take that on the chin too.

You right.

I'm not saying you shouldn't be pissed but just because you want something doesn't mean you're gonna get it.

The fact was that you didn't post bail and you were held for your trial and found not guilty doesn't merit compensation. The fact that you were indicted and went to trial means that there was at least something there. And not guilty doesn't mean the defendant didn't do it, just means that the prosecution didn't meet it's burden of proof (in no way am I saying anything about your case, it's a general statement).

For you're civil case you're gonna have to show that they knowingly accused you of something you didn't do. Or prove that the DA knew there was an insufficient case but still went ahead If every single person that was locked up before trial and was found not guilty went and sued their accuser, the legal system would turn into a circus.
QUALITY ! Thanks.

These are the post I need to see, just so I don't walk into a lawyers office like I don't know nothing.

Originally Posted by loxley4life

OP- you would maybe have to file a civil rights case for wrongful prosecution. Seems like the DA knew that this was a bogus case from the beginning. As time went on, it was obvious that there was insufficient evidence to continue prosecuting, but since a guilty plea is a win for the DAs overall record, he or she proceeded with the hopes of you folding and taking a plea deal, hence the numerous offers that they kept making as it got closer and closer to the trial. Prosecutors have an ethical duty to dismiss cases that lack evidence or are just flat out frivolous. Seems like you were just someone ho they thought was not too intelligent and would fold under pressure. Definetly hire an attorney and go after the elected DA who went forward with these charges. It never looks good for a DA when he's being sued for unethical behavior and he will definetly feel the political pressure once you file your case. I would go and hire an attorney ASAP!
MOAR Quality.

I honestly feel this is exactly what happened.
Originally Posted by KingJames23

Originally Posted by GaBeGRaMz

Originally Posted by KingJames23

@ you wanting compensation

Mad funny. I guess you wouldn't mind being in jail away from your family and daughter for any time span. Then when it was proven you were there for no reason you would just accept that a mistake was made.

Now if I'm seriously injured while being held for something that never happened, I should just take that on the chin too.

You right.

I'm not saying you shouldn't be pissed but just because you want something doesn't mean you're gonna get it.

The fact was that you didn't post bail and you were held for your trial and found not guilty doesn't merit compensation. The fact that you were indicted and went to trial means that there was at least something there. And not guilty doesn't mean the defendant didn't do it, just means that the prosecution didn't meet it's burden of proof (in no way am I saying anything about your case, it's a general statement).

For you're civil case you're gonna have to show that they knowingly accused you of something you didn't do. Or prove that the DA knew there was an insufficient case but still went ahead If every single person that was locked up before trial and was found not guilty went and sued their accuser, the legal system would turn into a circus.
Nah civil cases dont need as much evidence as a criminal case. They sent him in he paid the bail and then they upped the bail and added on another case and he was found NG on everything. He has a case and the state would proll just break him off wit some paper just to make it go away. They dont want #%@$ to get anywhere near high profile so it becomes regular knowledge that you can go out and sue when the state takes unnecessary actions against you (since it is done more often than you would think)

But you def need to hit up your attorney. Cuz im pretty sure you will get some type of compensation. But like I said IDK wat they're gonna throw you since it was only 5 month. Even tho I know dat seems like forever when you in there prolly. Especially since you got a daughter. Thats money and food off her table because they had you away from making money for not only yourself but for your kid.

Basically if chicks can sue McDonalds for spilling hot coffee on herself and ppl can set the CC on their mobile home and go take a nap and run it into a ditch and win money im pretty sure you could get a wrongfully accused settlement.
Originally Posted by KingJames23

Originally Posted by GaBeGRaMz

Originally Posted by KingJames23

@ you wanting compensation

Mad funny. I guess you wouldn't mind being in jail away from your family and daughter for any time span. Then when it was proven you were there for no reason you would just accept that a mistake was made.

Now if I'm seriously injured while being held for something that never happened, I should just take that on the chin too.

You right.

I'm not saying you shouldn't be pissed but just because you want something doesn't mean you're gonna get it.

The fact was that you didn't post bail and you were held for your trial and found not guilty doesn't merit compensation. The fact that you were indicted and went to trial means that there was at least something there. And not guilty doesn't mean the defendant didn't do it, just means that the prosecution didn't meet it's burden of proof (in no way am I saying anything about your case, it's a general statement).

For you're civil case you're gonna have to show that they knowingly accused you of something you didn't do. Or prove that the DA knew there was an insufficient case but still went ahead If every single person that was locked up before trial and was found not guilty went and sued their accuser, the legal system would turn into a circus.
Nah civil cases dont need as much evidence as a criminal case. They sent him in he paid the bail and then they upped the bail and added on another case and he was found NG on everything. He has a case and the state would proll just break him off wit some paper just to make it go away. They dont want #%@$ to get anywhere near high profile so it becomes regular knowledge that you can go out and sue when the state takes unnecessary actions against you (since it is done more often than you would think)

But you def need to hit up your attorney. Cuz im pretty sure you will get some type of compensation. But like I said IDK wat they're gonna throw you since it was only 5 month. Even tho I know dat seems like forever when you in there prolly. Especially since you got a daughter. Thats money and food off her table because they had you away from making money for not only yourself but for your kid.

Basically if chicks can sue McDonalds for spilling hot coffee on herself and ppl can set the CC on their mobile home and go take a nap and run it into a ditch and win money im pretty sure you could get a wrongfully accused settlement.
Originally Posted by AllenIversonFan01

Originally Posted by KingJames23

Originally Posted by GaBeGRaMz

Originally Posted by KingJames23

@ you wanting compensation

Mad funny. I guess you wouldn't mind being in jail away from your family and daughter for any time span. Then when it was proven you were there for no reason you would just accept that a mistake was made.

Now if I'm seriously injured while being held for something that never happened, I should just take that on the chin too.

You right.

I'm not saying you shouldn't be pissed but just because you want something doesn't mean you're gonna get it.

The fact was that you didn't post bail and you were held for your trial and found not guilty doesn't merit compensation. The fact that you were indicted and went to trial means that there was at least something there. And not guilty doesn't mean the defendant didn't do it, just means that the prosecution didn't meet it's burden of proof (in no way am I saying anything about your case, it's a general statement).

For you're civil case you're gonna have to show that they knowingly accused you of something you didn't do. Or prove that the DA knew there was an insufficient case but still went ahead If every single person that was locked up before trial and was found not guilty went and sued their accuser, the legal system would turn into a circus.
Nah civil cases dont need as much evidence as a criminal case. They sent him in he paid the bail and then they upped the bail and added on another case and he was found NG on everything. He has a case and the state would proll just break him off wit some paper just to make it go away. They dont want #%@$ to get anywhere near high profile so it becomes regular knowledge that you can go out and sue when the state takes unnecessary actions against you (since it is done more often than you would think)

But you def need to hit up your attorney. Cuz im pretty sure you will get some type of compensation. But like I said IDK wat they're gonna throw you since it was only 5 month. Even tho I know dat seems like forever when you in there prolly. Especially since you got a daughter. Thats money and food off her table because they had you away from making money for not only yourself but for your kid.

Basically if chicks can sue McDonalds for spilling hot coffee on herself and ppl can set the CC on their mobile home and go take a nap and run it into a ditch and win money im pretty sure you could get a wrongfully accused settlement.
They didn't add another case. Just upped my bail as if I gave them a reason to like I had caught a new charge or what not.

Everything else sounds decent. 
Originally Posted by AllenIversonFan01

Originally Posted by KingJames23

Originally Posted by GaBeGRaMz

Originally Posted by KingJames23

@ you wanting compensation

Mad funny. I guess you wouldn't mind being in jail away from your family and daughter for any time span. Then when it was proven you were there for no reason you would just accept that a mistake was made.

Now if I'm seriously injured while being held for something that never happened, I should just take that on the chin too.

You right.

I'm not saying you shouldn't be pissed but just because you want something doesn't mean you're gonna get it.

The fact was that you didn't post bail and you were held for your trial and found not guilty doesn't merit compensation. The fact that you were indicted and went to trial means that there was at least something there. And not guilty doesn't mean the defendant didn't do it, just means that the prosecution didn't meet it's burden of proof (in no way am I saying anything about your case, it's a general statement).

For you're civil case you're gonna have to show that they knowingly accused you of something you didn't do. Or prove that the DA knew there was an insufficient case but still went ahead If every single person that was locked up before trial and was found not guilty went and sued their accuser, the legal system would turn into a circus.
Nah civil cases dont need as much evidence as a criminal case. They sent him in he paid the bail and then they upped the bail and added on another case and he was found NG on everything. He has a case and the state would proll just break him off wit some paper just to make it go away. They dont want #%@$ to get anywhere near high profile so it becomes regular knowledge that you can go out and sue when the state takes unnecessary actions against you (since it is done more often than you would think)

But you def need to hit up your attorney. Cuz im pretty sure you will get some type of compensation. But like I said IDK wat they're gonna throw you since it was only 5 month. Even tho I know dat seems like forever when you in there prolly. Especially since you got a daughter. Thats money and food off her table because they had you away from making money for not only yourself but for your kid.

Basically if chicks can sue McDonalds for spilling hot coffee on herself and ppl can set the CC on their mobile home and go take a nap and run it into a ditch and win money im pretty sure you could get a wrongfully accused settlement.
They didn't add another case. Just upped my bail as if I gave them a reason to like I had caught a new charge or what not.

Everything else sounds decent. 
Originally Posted by doosta45

Originally Posted by 10littlefigures

you are not getting paid. this is the system. eat it up

you were awaiting trial and didnt post bail.
The Sixth Amendment provides in part that “In all criminal cases the accused shall enjoy the right … to a speedy trial.
Originally Posted by doosta45

Originally Posted by 10littlefigures

you are not getting paid. this is the system. eat it up

you were awaiting trial and didnt post bail.
The Sixth Amendment provides in part that “In all criminal cases the accused shall enjoy the right … to a speedy trial.
Alright. If I didn't serve enough time, that's up for debate I guess. But there is no doubt that the Cops, D.A. and Judge handled my case and I'm sure handle a lot of cases similar to mine as just a number, they do not follow the "Innocent until proven guilty." amendment. I was treated like a criminal before I was proven to be one.
Alright. If I didn't serve enough time, that's up for debate I guess. But there is no doubt that the Cops, D.A. and Judge handled my case and I'm sure handle a lot of cases similar to mine as just a number, they do not follow the "Innocent until proven guilty." amendment. I was treated like a criminal before I was proven to be one.
OP- your case has merits. Don't be deterred by some of the responses you may read on NT. The wifey works in the DAs office and her old boss who was the elected DA got ran out of town for behaving unethically, much like the DA who was over your case. I think many of the guys posting here are thinking that the only time you can be compensated is If you've done years of hard time. That's simply not true. Just because some individuals believe that they are stuck with the present system and its inequalities doesn't mean you have to feel the same way. While I don't have a law degree, I do have a political science PhD and the wifey has been practicing for three years in the criminal realm. Don't give up. Your rights were definetly violated here.
OP- your case has merits. Don't be deterred by some of the responses you may read on NT. The wifey works in the DAs office and her old boss who was the elected DA got ran out of town for behaving unethically, much like the DA who was over your case. I think many of the guys posting here are thinking that the only time you can be compensated is If you've done years of hard time. That's simply not true. Just because some individuals believe that they are stuck with the present system and its inequalities doesn't mean you have to feel the same way. While I don't have a law degree, I do have a political science PhD and the wifey has been practicing for three years in the criminal realm. Don't give up. Your rights were definetly violated here.
Originally Posted by loxley4life

OP- your case has merits. Don't be deterred by some of the responses you may read on NT. The wifey works in the DAs office and her old boss who was the elected DA got ran out of town for behaving unethically, much like the DA who was over your case. I think many of the guys posting here are thinking that the only time you can be compensated is If you've done years of hard time. That's simply not true. Just because some individuals believe that they are stuck with the present system and its inequalities doesn't mean you have to feel the same way. While I don't have a law degree, I do have a political science PhD and the wifey has been practicing for three years in the criminal realm. Don't give up. Your rights were definetly violated here.

Appreciated. Good Looks. And if it's alright I may contact you through P.M. in the future. Thanks.
Originally Posted by loxley4life

OP- your case has merits. Don't be deterred by some of the responses you may read on NT. The wifey works in the DAs office and her old boss who was the elected DA got ran out of town for behaving unethically, much like the DA who was over your case. I think many of the guys posting here are thinking that the only time you can be compensated is If you've done years of hard time. That's simply not true. Just because some individuals believe that they are stuck with the present system and its inequalities doesn't mean you have to feel the same way. While I don't have a law degree, I do have a political science PhD and the wifey has been practicing for three years in the criminal realm. Don't give up. Your rights were definetly violated here.

Appreciated. Good Looks. And if it's alright I may contact you through P.M. in the future. Thanks.
Originally Posted by GaBeGRaMz

Originally Posted by loxley4life

OP- your case has merits. Don't be deterred by some of the responses you may read on NT. The wifey works in the DAs office and her old boss who was the elected DA got ran out of town for behaving unethically, much like the DA who was over your case. I think many of the guys posting here are thinking that the only time you can be compensated is If you've done years of hard time. That's simply not true. Just because some individuals believe that they are stuck with the present system and its inequalities doesn't mean you have to feel the same way. While I don't have a law degree, I do have a political science PhD and the wifey has been practicing for three years in the criminal realm. Don't give up. Your rights were definetly violated here.

Appreciated. Good Looks. And if it's alright I may contact you through P.M. in the future. Thanks.

That's cool Op.
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