iSheep, do yourselves a favor...

so they're comparing the older iphone 4 and not the 4s?
Man I had iPhones until may when somebody stole my phone and switched to Android. Wish I would have bought another iPhone. My cousins were hyping Android up so much that I had to try it and I shouldn't have listened to them. EVERYTHING is so much easier on an iPhone that it doesn't even make sense. I got an Atrix to replace my 3gs and it's extremely fast and all but it just lacks the simplicity and ease of use of an iPhone. Why do I have to go through that overly complicated rooting process to do anything?! Installing themes is a hassle and it just can't be compared to how easy it is to jailbreak an iPhone and then go ham.
I love my Droid, I hate my phone bill!  I wish Verizon still offered 30 dollars 100 any time minutes because paying 65 bucks for 450 any time minutes where I only use about 30 of those minutes is annoying.
I'll stick with my 64gb 4s.

I never had second thoughts about switching to android.

It's just my preference like how I don't care that much about 4g since I'm mostly on wifi.

Everything I was hoping the 4S and iOS5 would be.

The last straw for me was how the just straight bit the Android Pull down notification and acted like iOS5 is some new revolutionary operating system...when it feels THE EXACT SAME (cept for a few minor tweaks).

Yea iOS is "intuitive" but IMO, it is now "intuitive" in the same way that the Nintendo Wii is. Great for old people, babies and non-tech savvy people. For people like myself, its just become bland, boring and limited. And that jailbreaking cat and mouse game is for the birds. Android is open from the gate no worrying about having to tether new builds, instability, your device/apps getting locked out by carriers or Apple. You can do what ever you want with your own phone out of the box and with the abundance of settings options given with "vanilla" android, pretty much everything is already customizable.
Originally Posted by goldenchild9


Everything I was hoping the 4S and iOS5 would be.

The last straw for me was how the just straight bit the Android Pull down notification and acted like iOS5 is some new revolutionary operating system...when it feels THE EXACT SAME (cept for a few minor tweaks).

Yea iOS is "intuitive" but IMO, it is now "intuitive" in the same way that the Nintendo Wii is. Great for old people, babies and non-tech savvy people. For people like myself, its just become bland, boring and limited. And that jailbreaking cat and mouse game is for the birds. Android is open from the gate no worrying about having to tether new builds, instability, your device/apps getting locked out by carriers or Apple. You can do what ever you want with your own phone out of the box and with the abundance of settings options given with "vanilla" android,�pretty much everything is already customizable.

Lol Galaxy Nexus is weaker than iPhone 4S word to its ancient GPU...
i got bored with my iphone 4 so i got the galaxy s fascinate, and let me tell you i hated the phone. HAD so many problems. Was Glitchy was hell, piece of !*+% never updated the firmware. NEVER AGAIN, about a year later, ( recently ) i sold it and got another iphone 4
Meh, those videos aren't gonna change anyone mind.
Originally Posted by useref15

Its all about the operating system though.

iOS> w/e android runs.

android phones run android.
I can't believe this dude MADE A TOPIC about this?
...using an OLD phone? Dude everyone has seen the benchmarks...the 4S edges out and in some categories SPANKS the GSII. Stop it.

Nothing beats the reliability, simplicity, and fluid experience of iOS in my opinion. All good companies steal from each other. Its how they survive.

I don't care about who had or did what a consumer I care who does it BEST. They want my money? They have to convince me. If android comes out with a phone that doesn't lag and has better browsing experience and apps and back-end support than apple then I'll give my money to google asap. 

I suggest everyone read this blog...this guy used an android device for 4 months and documented his experience

These are also interesting view points:

My point is...get what you want...but don't act like being "open" is all that matters. In terms of user experience the iOS devices set the bar...AND with less powerful hardware. Specs don't matter. You're the type to run around bragging about "well herp derp my phone has 15 megaflops etc" like that matters when the software has a very low standard of quality and is buggy as all hell. Most of what android even does anchors around spec sheets that still produce underpowered least Windows and Apple integrate the software FAR more deeply than just throwing processors and ram at the problem hoping it will go away. Android process management is terrible also. 

Most of the people I know with android ARE NOT LIKE YOU. They don't care about "rooting" and all that other stuff. They just want a phone that they can pick up and work IMMEDIATELY. They could care less about all that "customization." ...BlackBerry's are easier to customize than most android phones. You super droid fans are in the same camp as people who jailbreak iphones. The rest of the public does not even identify with you. Keep the battles to yourselves. Its corny.

I rock with companies like windows and apple because they don't mess with mass experimentation. They don't throw stuff on the wall and see what sticks. They actually refine software until its damn near infalliable.

These arguments make me laugh all the time honestly...



Its people like the OP who use their phones to validate themselves. They use them as status symbols...and not just phones.

So what if we don't use android devices. Are you going to stay up late at night showing us "the way?" Just corny all around. Its stuff like this how much people want to be apart of the "in" crowd. Showing off how much they are able to one-up someone else.

Its funny you talk about others being "sheep" yet you make an entire post encouraging people to support something you spent your money on to make you feel better about yourself. Why do you all want us to get androids? So we can feel "connected" to you? Like there is some sort of metaphysical benefit from all of us circle-jerking about how great our phones are?

This is what I don't understand about fanboys.

Yes, do I criticize android? Of course I do. I'm not pleased with the project...and i'm also not pleased with how apple handles a bunch of stuff...there are some things that irk me...Do i have the patience to learn how to mod my phone? Yeah I do...but i'm also smart enough to know that not everyone is that technically sound or gifted to even approach doing those things. Speak to your audience dude.

Lets talk about something that REALLY matters...why these phones cost so damn much.
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

Fanboys minds will never change.
Android & Apple fan boys are both equally ******ed.

Previous owner of iphone 3G and now a current owner of a Droid Incredible. I'm not a tech geek, but not tech illiterate either, which if you are, should have no problem operating either phones. I could care less what brand my phone is, really, they both do everything I need it to. Only thing I miss about the iphone was being able to use data while talking on the phone, but that's more of an issue of the carrier, not the phone.
Originally Posted by adiosburritos

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

Fanboys minds will never change.
Android & Apple fan boys are both equally ******ed.
fanboys in general are lame

riding a company as if they own stock or worked there
My professor owns stock in Google and only supports them and their products.  

Hopefully windows can get it together and make Windows 7 phones a competitor then there can be 3 sets of fanboys.
lmao i checked out the iphone thread and of the dudes in their are bashing apple and talking bout android > vagina....herbs
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