jammed fingers

Feb 5, 2008
hate this especially jammed thumbs. jammed my thumb yesterday last time I jammed my thumb it took months to heal
the worst part is when it heals

that itll be limp
I haven't jammed my fingers in ages. Or at least I don't remember it happening for quite some time.
Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

Jam as in in jammed fingers from basketball, or like closing in a door type of thing??
Did this at work the other day with one of those heavy wood doors. Joint made me forget I had to pee. 
I think door jams hurt a hell of a lot more than basketball jams. All of my fingers have been victims of basketball jams, it usually takes me about a month to "rehabilitate" my finger.

The worst thing that you could do is stop moving it. Take some time to ice & move it slowly.
Jammed 3 fingers on each hand
not a pleasurable experience, definitely doesn't make your hand pretty either.
so maybe you guys can help me. My thumb has been hurting for at least 2 months now
I think I may have hurt it in my sleep, but it was never swollen or bruised or anything
just when I try and grip things or any little tap against something hurts like hell
and it hurts more when I wrap it, does that sound like it could be a jam?
And what do you do to treat a jam, just wait it out?
^Doesn't sound like a jam, should get that checked out. For a jam just ice it and the pain should go away after awhile
And it gets swollen??

What happens if you stick a needle or a syringe in it when its swollen to drain out the fluid?? it that bad?
The worst. Hard pass coming to you and it catches the tip of your finger. JAM!, OHH JAMM!
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