***JANUARY 2009 WDYWT Vol. Bring in the NEW YEAR w/some HEAT!!!*** No Pic Quoting!

YO! Yeah homie, you look extra geeked. Happy Birthday.

(and a belated to you, too, Debby)
man who you telling ant i want another pair and the blue ones too.
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan. I wanted those blue ones so bad. Couldn't find 'em except on Eastbay. That was back before I had my own CC. Mom'swasn't playing.
I got the green ones though. And they're just as beat as my other ones.



Yesterday to see My Bloody Valentine 3D because I have no intention of seeing Notorious - I liked the 3D but theacting made me laugh so hard ... still - I wasn't laughing when it felt like a pitchfork was coming at me
Nice fits all

Black Ice116 Happy belated birthday.

Where the hell is this global warming. I hate Gore. Can the Nobel Prizes be revoked? If so take Gore's back.
same exact temp down here in MIAMI.... hahaha.... Might wear jeans today over shorts. Sucks to be in the cold. Florida FTW
Originally Posted by billionheiress


Yesterday to see My Bloody Valentine 3D because I have no intention of seeing Notorious - I liked the 3D but the acting made me laugh so hard ... still - I wasn't laughing when it felt like a pitchfork was coming at me
I seriously cant see why anyone would not want to see Notorious. ehh I guess its because im from NYC though.
Thanks for the compliments on the 3s.
Cris-your 01s are a lot cleaner than mine lol.

I went to see notor​ious it was a pretty good flick.
Last night...
... And i just got some new furniture in my room so there is stuffeverywhere btw...
Pic without sweater...

pic with sweater/cardigan...

cardigan is from Urban Outfitters

here are the shoes for a better look...

The shoes are Ed Hardy, not really a fan of that brand, but my sister bought these for me as a birthday/christmas present so i wore them anyways... Not Too badimo...
nice currys brickSB
kevin with the terrorist sandals.

obie21 real nice fit
cris and battle nice as usual
Skav B came through last night.

I usually dont do a W.d.y.w.t but I am feelin this stussy hoodie.

12Bar NE x Stussy x Play Cloths jeans x sample III flips
Originally Posted by KVN

Yo Youngsk8 good looks on that Biggie/ Sinatra remix! Any other good remixes like this with 2pac, Jay-Z or anyone else? KVN
no problem bro. yeah jay-z got alot but not all are good but feel free to check'em out.
the ones i have that i like are....
the grey album - jay-z & beatles

the red album - jay -z & back logic (from japan)

jay day: the chronic 3000 - jay-z over dr. dre beats

And thanks for the comments everyone.
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