From my experience the best way to catch a reseller is on their way out of the store with the shoe lol no bs. That's how I got my olive 9s. I said earlier in the thread a guy was willing to sell for 240 on his way out the mall. My pride wouldn't allow me to buy a pair of AJ 1s (that use to go on sale back in the day) for anything over retail.
Take your pride and go back in the day. 

Cause this thread aint for you if thats how you are looking at it. 
you are a stupid geek arent you
well actually when I made that name I was refering to how geeked i get.. so yes I am stupid geeked 
.. u mad bro??? must have missed the pizza party 

WHOAAA pump ur brakes kid....Kobe aint wearing ANYONES "nutz on his forehead" lol
 ijs. I give it to Kobe at one point he was great just past his prime thats all.. dont see how anyone could say kobe is at this present time better
I think he means when people win they use the threat of non payment to force them to go lower or relist.

Lol at "either you pay the final price or you dont get the item you want"... most of my ebay purchases are "behind the scenes". And your negotiating skills need some work if you actually bite at a $5 discount when buy it now or best offer feature is there.

Ohhh, I've only bought two pair's of shoe's online from actual store's that won't bite. One was the Oreo 5's, paid $240 like a DA from a mom & pops shop in VA thinking they would fly off the shelves the Friday before Black Friday and got them on the Monday before release day to find out that I can still get pairs. The other pair I got a $5 discount from was a shoe store based out of Seattle Washington, they were selling Fire Red Black Tongue V's for $210 with free shipping and got it down to $205, so I don't think that was too bad since I wasn't able to cop when they came out and I really wanted them.
went 0-12 online for these on both euro and us sites. Already have dmps but the pain still resides for these. Got a tough decision coming up should i drop money on these for the bday or spread it across 2 shoes...hmmm....
Ohhh, I've only bought two pair's of shoe's online from actual store's that won't bite. One was the Oreo 5's, paid $240 like a DA from a mom & pops shop in VA thinking they would fly off the shelves the Friday before Black Friday and got them on the Monday before release day to find out that I can still get pairs. The other pair I got a $5 discount from was a shoe store based out of Seattle Washington, they were selling Fire Red Black Tongue V's for $210 with free shipping and got it down to $205, so I don't think that was too bad since I wasn't able to cop when they came out and I really wanted them.

links to those sites if you don't mind? never hurts to have more places to look.
They legit?

They offer 100% money back guarantee plus free return shipping. In addition, they have a phone number that customers can call. I've never ordered from there before. However, If I was in need of a pair, I'd probably cop from there.
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They offer 100% money back guarantee and free return shipping. In addition, they have a phone number that customers can call. I've never ordered from there before. However, If I was in need of a pair, I'd cop from there.
From my experience the best way to catch a reseller is on their way out of the store with the shoe lol no bs. That's how I got my olive 9s. I said earlier in the thread a guy was willing to sell for 240 on his way out the mall. My pride wouldn't allow me to buy a pair of AJ 1s (that use to go on sale back in the day) for anything over retail.
Exactly how I got my Royals for $200. Only shoe I've paid over retail for, these will be my second. 
Ohhh, I've only bought two pair's of shoe's online from actual store's that won't bite. One was the Oreo 5's, paid $240 like a DA from a mom & pops shop in VA thinking they would fly off the shelves the Friday before Black Friday and got them on the Monday before release day to find out that I can still get pairs. The other pair I got a $5 discount from was a shoe store based out of Seattle Washington, they were selling Fire Red Black Tongue V's for $210 with free shipping and got it down to $205, so I don't think that was too bad since I wasn't able to cop when they came out and I really wanted them.

links to those sites if you don't mind? never hurts to have more places to look.

Yeah, I'll shoot you a PM, but be sure to keep it to yourself because I told someone a place and I'm pretty sure the dude narced on me. The kid supposedly knew the owner of the store and wanted the Ebay name and a few day's later I got blocked by the store, and it kills me that the place was/is selling the Bred 1's for $279 "Buy it Now" with free shipping in my size :frown: I know this because I did a search of the recently ended listings (when trying to prove a point earlier) and the store kept popping up with the shoe's all sold for $279 but I couldn't see any of their items for sale. Sorry for making this super long.
Just bought from kickzstore. I will post pics when they come in. In my area cl sellers were being real dodgy so this saves me the stress.

Didnt want to pay 300+ for a gm or fake and have no recourse.

Ebay also dodgy since the seller can always say the shoe you are trying to return is not the same shoe they sent. Rather buy from a storefront.

Wish me luck!!
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