Jordan Brand x Fakes/Variants: At it again **pics**

from snuggles, to flip, to JM, to P0, they are all in on it

Are you guys seriously starting to realize this? These guys are paid (probably indirectly by selling the samples they get) by Nike/JB to spread the hype.

at that shirt having a pic of fakes on it. JB is the best!

Hey Billy Hoyle, add one more on your list: IV's with plastic wings for that dump DEFEATED but not for the true customers.

JB is pathetic man....and all you fools can't wait for those fake military IV's coming out. :smh:

How are you going to put fakes on a shirt with a straight face? I can't believe what these morons did to the company after splitting off from Nike :rofl:
Are you guys seriously starting to realize this? (probably indirectly by selling the samples they get) by Nike/JB to spread the hype.

I been meanin' to mention that too...

If they really had access to priveledged info, They would just spill it, But they drop hints and spread hype on some guerilla marketing type stuff...I know if I had access to that info, I would reveal ALL of it...I would go to the library just to post it if I was so scared of losing my "connect"...F outta here... :lol:

It's just somethin' about them...They always seemed like Narcs...
old my out of town friends to "Take off ya hat" They couldn't wear that, In the places that I was takin' em' to...​
Wow Conspiracy theories all over the place...

But Let Da kid... I agree with your second assessment in the first Paragraph...

As far as Snuggs, Flip and JM being in on the Hype machine because they are paid... man.. I am surprised you think that Hov. or anyone else for that matter....

I guess this post is going to end up way beyond the Jordan III Post. And for good reason.

It is sad.
You know what Rolls Down Hill Don't You?
Who Will You Call When "They" Make More than You?
WOW! and i just stuck that exact shirt and some shorts in layaway at finishline last week. I cannot believe this, i would have nevr noticed but props to the guy that did. Its clear as day that they copied straight from the fake picture. Idiots.
I don't know why we come down so hard on people wearing fake's, JB clearly doesn't care. Were the real sucker's. These guy's are enjoying there $65 Fire Red's and were paying $500 for Grail's that will never see the light of day.
I don't know why some of you are looking for logic in any of this or some type of excuse.

It really boils down to one thing. THEY DONT CARE ABOUT YOU. I've yet to believe they are preserving retros for collectors or any of that BS. They care about being a successful company on the books. Point blank. Nothing else. None of the crap about no "Nike Air" so when they retro an OG its for a new twist. No its so they always have something in the vault for a poor time. Its right in front of all your faces guys. They dont care about you, a petition won't do @#%$ Im sure they'd probably laugh at it. Sales are the only thing that matter.

And with that, Rock slide me a Tee I can't justfiy buying one.
You felt like you didn't need XBOX360 and now you regret it? Well take a look at my auction
yup glad i quit years ago after i bought fakes, i'm moving on to sandals haha and skating
As far as Snuggs, Flip and JM being in on the Hype machine because they are paid... man.. I am surprised you think that Hov

Let me be clear RockDeep: I'm not saying these guys are pulling off some sort of fraud....all I'm saying is JB/Nike is paying these guys (in one form or another) to create hype. It seemed like people on NT were just starting to realize that.

I don't mean to offend anyone. I just think the whole sneaker thing has gotten pathetic.

One other thing I'm going to say: If JB had any brains in their head they would keep Jordans I-VII on the shelf at all times in at least one OG colorway. The shoes are timeless. Say goodbye to the fakes as there is no longer any reason to buy them and say goodbye to line because you can get them whenever you want.

It really is not that hard.
Think about what babyJ said about purchasing the shirt. One, if you buy the shirt and then complain to JB I'm pretty sure they'll hook you up with something or two, you'll have a collector's item as JB might try to recall the shirts.
Pathetic that something like this has happened. I don't even really know what to think of it. When the whole ad came about over the summer with the fake III's in it I was shocked. A public ad representing the brand and youre representing it with a fake pair in your own ad. That got to me and had me thinking what had happened for awhile. Everyone knows about fakes here and pretty much against it; I wish the same could go for Jordan Brand. Out of everyone you think they would be most concerned about it because they are the company. But it doesn't seem like it because of the ad and now this, a shirt that has a fake pair of an upcoming release on it. I don't see how they could miss it in the ad that they put out over the summer and I definitely don't see how you miss putting a fake pair of IV's on a shirt, producing it, and putting it out to the public. If you are the company how do you miss something like that? Even though i was angry at the fact the first time that this happened I didn't stay mad at it or think about it for a long period of time because its an ad, some maybe just maybe it could have slipped its way through past everybody and before anyone noticed it was already out and advertised. But now it was put onto a shirt to advertise a pair of fakes. Didn't we all here that Michael has a final say in every product that gets put out? Thats what I have heard and I don't see how this was able to slip through. So now a pair of fakes has been advertised in an ad and now in a shirt. And both that were advertised, the shoes were fake in the ad and the shoes are fake on an authentic Jordan Brand shirt.
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Fake or not.I got the t-shirt today.To go with my blackcats..I might get another one of these shirts If I can scoop then up.EDIT I just called finfishline and had then do a store search.The t-shirt is a total sellout.Glad I was able to grab one when I did today.

Conspiracy Theory: JB is in cahoots with bootleggers!! More Money for JB, first the alleged fakes in the melo magazine ad and now this... it's not looking good for JB!

btw I'm still rocking my shirt got on as a gift over the weekend:smile:
This trully makes me sick. It's time for Mike to put the bike and golf clubs back in the garage, stop smoking those cigaweed cigars and get back in the office to review his own S#!+ before this ever happens again. There are too many unhappy NTers to just ignore this issue and "handle it internally". Fire the fool that disigned this shirt, the quality control supervisor and Gentry for this mistake.

It's sad but I bet there are hundreds if not thousands of Jr High/High School kids rocking this shirt not knowing that they are advertising fakes.
It really boils down to one thing. THEY DONT CARE ABOUT YOU. I've yet to believe they are preserving retros for collectors or any of that BS. They care about being a successful company on the books. Point blank. Nothing else. None of the crap about no "Nike Air" so when they retro an OG its for a new twist. No its so they always have something in the vault for a poor time. Its right in front of all your faces guys. They dont care about you, a petition won't do Im sure they'd probably laugh at it. Sales are the only thing that matter.

Yessir. 100%, the minute JB starts taking hits in the sales department, is the minute they will start taking affirmative steps to make the consumer happy. They could give an F less what you think right now, because your "homies" are still buying their trash. I for one am looking forward to the day it starts going downhill, JB will step up the quality, bring back the classics and it will be gravy, or they will buckle, either way the consumer wins.
And on that note, V's, IV's....let the buckling begin.

Let me be clear RockDeep: I'm not saying these guys are pulling off some sort of fraud....all I'm saying is JB/Nike is paying these guys (in one form or another) to create hype. It seemed like people on NT were just starting to realize that.

Yessir. Anyone that can't see Nike's Guerilla Marketing technique through this message board is blind.

One other thing I'm going to say: If JB had any brains in their head they would keep Jordans I-VII on the shelf at all times in at least one OG colorway. The shoes are timeless. Say goodbye to the fakes as there is no longer any reason to buy them and say goodbye to line because you can get them whenever you want.

Yessir. I'm just not sure JB is smart enough for this yet. Jordan's aren't limited nor special anymore, that part of the allure is gone.
I can believe you clowns are copping those shirts, you might as well bend over and let JB give it 2 u in the @#%$...Who cares if its "collectable," whats it really worth anyway...nothing, its just makes a mockery of your hard earned collection. Thats why i quit today. No more JB 4 me. I set trends I dont need JB, I make Jordans look hot and make poeple want to get what i have, Honestly JB should be paying me to rock thier kicks, the @#%$ am I camping out for some stupid as jordans for anyway, Who wants to be part of this mess you just making a fool of yourself, Im swtiching to independant small time sneaker labels, the designs are fresher and they are exclusive, I live in NY I cant be rocking some dime a dozen @#%$, that every 15 year old wannabe thug has, I might as well burn my lasers when summer hits, whats the point in wearing them now, just like the VIIs, everyone and thier mom is wearing them right now, today, in some mall in the middle of no where as if they are some sneakerhead, yea right. I hope mad people cop this shirt acutally and the black cats and walk around thinking they are so @#%$ fly, I'll get a huge kick out of that...cuz I had hotter IVs last summer b4 release day, cuz im a real sneakerhead i get them for the luv not to conform to some trend, its like cool to be into sneakers now, well f-that, ill always be a sneakerhead but I dont have to be a JB head. Im not sayin ill never cop another jordan but I wont be caring copping wack releases just to do it "just for the collection's sake". Nah thats dead. Ill get the 1 kick that comes out thats like less than 3,000 made, I know where & how to get em, I dont need this trash, im pissed I wasted so much time and effort on it. Last straw, you can have the retros back JB i dont want em. A+++ bootlegs are just as good & u can get them for next 2 nothing.
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