Jordan Retro 12 "Alternate" (Gym Red) - July 2, 2016

I think that 'The Draw' is good. It keeps jokers honest and not buying what they don't need in excess. Gives nike to go thru and randomly select folks. Its more suspenseful than having your phone or browser tied up for 30 minutes. The sucky party is getting that L.

Agree....People don't like when they strike out....but the drawings are the way to go online.
i'm more of a foamhead so forgive me if this is common knowledge but do these have a tendency to yellow even if you don't wear them? want to keep mine on ice for awhile and was wondering if i should take anynextra steps to keeping them fresh
Wasn't expecting them today due to the holiday. look even better in person. Craftsmanship is great. Great release!
Agree. When I first saw pics of these, I was saying I wanted the Cherrys instead, but now that I've seen pics of them side by side, I kinda prefer these (over the OG Cherrys with the darker red anyway).
they better than the Cherrys I must say..Glad to have copped a 9.5 last week from a collector..They sure are fire...
Restocking on Thursday and not Monday
at the time i forgot monday was a holiday.
Regretted not copping these last week. Glad I got them on eBay restock. Took about 15 min though. Looks like they're gone
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