Jordan XI Bred Legit Check. Thank you

Sep 11, 2013
Can someone please tell me if these are legit?? I bought them on eBay and they look pretty good, but I just want an expert opinion :smile: Thank you in advance!
Thank you so much for your help, I really appreciate it!
hard to tell from just those pix but im leaning GM..23s look squashed and stretched, red outsole looks darker(could be the lighting) and the collars look really puffy..  Post more pix, paper in the box, shot looking down in the collars and the jumpman on the side.. to be 100%.. 
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I'll post some more pics later; yes the lighting is a bit off and I did use flash. What does GM mean??
Here are some more pictures!

That's the box's paper. It also came with the red XI cover over the box!
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