Kobe Throws towel in old womans face

new to me lol

not everyone stays watching the nba 24/7 or goes on youtube
Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Originally Posted by badboyf0life420

wow are we back in 07?

"If I haven't seen it, it's new to me"

......i love this forum for this very reason...all the little stuff that you can find when you get a bunch of people together
i cant believe dude picks up his towl at the same time launches the other sweaty one to her grill
then the camera just follows kobe
Originally Posted by Fundamental21Ticket

Originally Posted by r0yalty

This deserves a thread?

My thoughts exactly.  He was frustrated because in the first half, he was like 2-7 on the free throw line or something which is why he picked up the towel with anger causing the other towel to go elsewhere.

Yea its old and it is kinda misleading, im thinkin(its a new one of all) he did some degrading, disrespecting !$$, like wipe up under his arms, or wipe the sweat off his nu!!s, and str8 smushed the towel in the lady face ah somethin.
well actually... u guys kno how sometimes u dont want the top cup, or the top plate or something because of someone couldve touched it or some other %#*+... well kobe just picked up the the second one and the first one just went flying...
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