Leaked audio of Donald Sterling telling his girlfriend "Don't bring black people to my games"

Clear cut and obvious, yet somehow he was getting NAACP awards nominations.

it's called politics. Philanthropy can buy you lifetime achievement awards.

The NAACP suffering from amnesia or something? Already forget the Elgin Baylor incident? Already forgetting his discriminatory business practices?

Politics sir, all politics. NAACP isn't above wrong. Nor was his nomination or award by them a trump card in this subject.
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100proof 100proof

Frankly, I don't give a **** what you think. Neither of them are good people. Yes, this bed wench can be criticized because she's likely been called a ****** as well.
Clear cut and obvious, yet somehow he was getting NAACP awards nominations.
It's obvious to me he was Paying for those to smoove over hes past and  use it for his image even with his views, which is consistent with his bigoted views that blacks could be bought both physically and mentally

NAACP is nothing but an outdated structure that bring no real change to "colored people"
At the end of all this, it would be nice to see both Sterling and Stiviano blacklisted for the rest of their lives. They're both disgraces and disgust me :x
The advertisers are helping the most. Cutting off all ties to the Clippers which hurts Sterling directly.

If Silver doesn't take action, expect to see a league wide protest.
The biggest losers here are the clippers players. They worked so hard to rebuild a second rate franchise, only to have this black cloud cast over them. They deserve better, don't take the team out of LA, but bring in better owners.
The advertisers are helping the most. Cutting off all ties to the Clippers which hurts Sterling directly.

If Silver doesn't take action, expect to see a league wide protest.
I just heard on the radio that 80% of the sponsor revenue goes to the players... 

so they're taking most of the L's on this one... 
I just heard on the radio that 80% of the sponsor revenue goes to the players... 

so they're taking most of the L's on this one... 

I'm pretty sure the ad revenue is what helps generate their payable income. They're guaranteed these salaries so it will come out of Sterling's pockets. That being said if Sterling is unable to pay, he would have to either file bankruptcy or sell.
Under the provisions of the bylaws, Silver has two sets of powers that he may use. Under either, he can issue a lifetime suspension and a substantial fine. Under Paragraph 24(l) of the constitution that was adopted by the NBA owners on Oct. 26, 2005, he can issue a fine of up to $2.5 million, can suspend an owner indefinitely and can order the forfeiture of draft picks. This provision applies to situations that are not covered by specific rules within the constitution. In another provision, Paragraph 35(A)(c), Silver can issue an indefinite suspension and a fine of $1 million to any owner who "makes ... a statement having or designed to have an effect prejudicial or detrimental to the best interests of basketball." If Silver wants to hammer Sterling, he can assert that Sterling's statements are so egregious that they go beyond the misconduct contemplated in Paragraph 35 and allow Silver to assess the greater penalties found in Paragraph 24. Sterling can argue that he merely made a statement, but the statement at a minimum allows a lifetime suspension and a $1 million fine.

If he issued a lifetime ban :smokin

Also, another thing I found interesting.

Q: Is it possible for Silver and the NBA to terminate Sterling's franchise ownership?

A: Yes. Under the terms of Paragraph 13 of the constitution, the owners can terminate another owner's franchise with a vote of three-fourths of the NBA Board of Governors, which is composed of all 30 owners. The power to terminate is limited to things like gambling and fraud in the application for ownership, but it also includes a provision for termination when an owner "fails to fulfill" a "contractual obligation" in "such a way as to affect the [NBA] or its members adversely." Silver and the owners could assert that Sterling's statements violated the constitution's requirements to conduct business on a "reasonable" and "ethical" level.

Puts all the pressures on the other owners, would be great to see how other owners really feel.
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I just heard on the radio that 80% of the sponsor revenue goes to the players... 

so they're taking most of the L's on this one... 

It's more so the image of these companies cutting off any affiliation with Sterling that's going to hurt HIS pockets the most in the long run.

The dog piling going on right now is incredible and very necessary.
It's more so the image of these companies cutting off any affiliation with Sterling that's going to hurt HIS pockets the most in the long run.

The dog piling going on right now is incredible and very necessary.


I think the fans need to support the players more than anything. They need to show up be loud, and voice their opinion against Sterling...they can't stop 20K fans from embarrassing Sterling.
The biggest losers here are the clippers players. They worked so hard to rebuild a second rate franchise, only to have this black cloud cast over them. They deserve better, don't take the team out of LA, but bring in better owners.
I agree with This.

I always thought they should look into the Honda Center in Anaheim if it holds enough people. I never looked into that part.

I still hope somehow they're able to make a deep run.
He signs the checks, the players get paid, the fans get theirs. A 'leaked' audio containing racist comments and the whole media is taking this all the way up to the aliens in space.

Where's Riley Cooper?

Anytime, you have race, religion and orientation you get a 'crap' storm.
Sterling is a BILLIONAIRE as in having a ton of money so I am sure dude is just laughing at all this attention he's getting. Advertisers pulling out isn't going to hurt him. Bad press isn't going to hurt him. He can just donate a few million to the NAACP and will probably still get his award. The man is an 82 year old stubborn bigot, and has bouts of dementia so the only people that are going to be hurt out of all this are the fans and his employees. He can sell the Clips today, and it will only fatten his pocket. I have been a Clipper fan since Nique was traded for Manning so I have been here for the worst. Empty seats during the Sports Arena days didn't hurt him. Losing year after year for decades and seeing the Lakers win chips year after year didn't hurt him. Not resigning players for max contracts didn't hurt him. Elgin Baylor lawsuit didn't do anything. Housing discrimination settlement still got him the NAACP lifetime award in 2009.

Now let's see if the owners are actually going to chastise him? Remember the 30 NBA billionaire owners are an elite club of their own and will protect their own first and foremost as they have been doing.
Sterling is a BILLIONAIRE as in having a ton of money so I am sure dude is just laughing at all this attention he's getting. Advertisers pulling out isn't going to hurt him. Bad press isn't going to hurt him. He can just donate a few million to the NAACP and will probably still get his award. The man is an 82 year old stubborn bigot, and has bouts of dementia so the only people that are going to be hurt out of all this are the fans and his employees. He can sell the Clips today, and it will only fatten his pocket. I have been a Clipper fan since Nique was traded for Manning so I have been here for the worst. Empty seats during the Sports Arena days didn't hurt him. Losing year after year for decades and seeing the Lakers win chips year after year didn't hurt him. Not resigning players for max contracts didn't hurt him. Elgin Baylor lawsuit didn't do anything. Housing discrimination settlement still got him the NAACP lifetime award in 2009.

Now let's see if the owners are actually going to chastise him? Remember the 30 NBA billionaire owners are an elite club of their own and will protect their own first and foremost as they have been doing.

Its not necessarily about hurting him, its about the league cutting ties with him.
Sterling is a BILLIONAIRE as in having a ton of money so I am sure dude is just laughing at all this attention he's getting. Advertisers pulling out isn't going to hurt him. Bad press isn't going to hurt him. He can just donate a few million to the NAACP and will probably still get his award. The man is an 82 year old stubborn bigot, and has bouts of dementia so the only people that are going to be hurt out of all this are the fans and his employees. He can sell the Clips today, and it will only fatten his pocket. I have been a Clipper fan since Nique was traded for Manning so I have been here for the worst. Empty seats during the Sports Arena days didn't hurt him. Losing year after year for decades and seeing the Lakers win chips year after year didn't hurt him. Not resigning players for max contracts didn't hurt him. Elgin Baylor lawsuit didn't do anything. Housing discrimination settlement still got him the NAACP lifetime award in 2009.

Now let's see if the owners are actually going to chastise him? Remember the 30 NBA billionaire owners are an elite club of their own and will protect their own first and foremost as they have been doing.

Perhaps you don't realize the main reason these rich guys buy teams in the first place if you think him being forced to sell the team wouldn't hurt him.

Here's a hint, it's the same reason people like Mitt Romney run for President.
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